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单词 smoothness


(of asurfaceormaterial) thequalityof beingperfectlyregularwith noholes,lumps, orareasthatriseorfallsuddenly
I justlovethe smoothness ofsilk.我特别喜欢丝绸的光滑。
More examples
  • Herskinwas thecolourand smoothness ofporcelain.
  • Ifoundmyselfadmiringthe smoothness of theTarmacduringvisitsto London.
  • Thesheersmoothness of herbody, the way thelightreflectedoff herskin, theripplesin herrobe, were justcaptivating.
  • Groundalmondsare used incooking,especiallyinsauces, giving thembodyandcreamysmoothness.

smoothnessnoun[U](NO PROBLEMS)

thequalityofhappeningwithout anysuddenchanges,interruption, ordifficulty
More examples
  • Still, the smoothness with which Sunday'selectionwasconductedoffersarayofhopethatdemocracyhere willthrive.
  • Once they had made uptheirminds, the smoothness of thearrangementswasremarkable.
  • the smoothness of Arsenal'spassagethrough theseason


thequalityof having apleasantflavourthat is notsourorbitter
Thewinepossessesa smoothness andbalanceddepththat israre.这款葡萄酒细腻丝滑、深度均衡,实属罕见。
Hervoicehaspower,tone, and smoothness.她的嗓音有力度,音色醇美圆润。
More examples
  • You getsweetnessandtartnessfrommangoesand smoothness from thepears.
  • Honey andvanillagiverootbeeranoverallsmoothness.
  • Aging is what givesourrumsa smoothness that has made thempreferredover allothers.
  • Shedeliveredeachariawithsupplesmoothness.
  • Hisvoicehaslostthe smoothness itoncehad.


politeness,confidence, and anabilitytopersuadepeople, but in a way that is notsincere
She wasirritatedby his smoothness.她对他的圆滑感到恼火。
More examples
  • He's notknownforsubtletyor smoothness.
  • Heseemeddisarmedandcharmedby the smoothness of Osborne'sargument.
  • It was nothing more than theoilysmoothness of aconcierge.
  • He's got apersuasivesmoothness which isquiteimpressivefor somebody soyoung.




Recovering the underlying function f inside its different regions ofsmoothness.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Furthermore, the path calculated has good safety andsmoothnesscharacteristics.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The importance of this map is that it defines the natural parametric domain for analysing thesmoothnessof the surface at the extraordinary vertex.
From theCambridge English Corpus
While assessing the various types we incorporate the notions of local support and support size,smoothnessand approximation order.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Thus, a piecewise smooth f is in fact a collection of several intervals ofsmoothnesswhich do not communicate among themselves.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The difficulty with the canonical projection is that, owing to its dependence on traces on subsimplices, it is not bounded on spaces with insufficientsmoothness.
From theCambridge English Corpus
This guarantees continuous dependence on parameters, global extensibility of solutions and sufficientsmoothnessof the flow.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Like the bandwidth, the parameter > 0 controls thesmoothnessof the fit.
From theCambridge English Corpus
However, lack of boundarysmoothness, length of chromosome, and inclusion of small holes in the final shape have been stated as problems with this representation.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Cells with asmoothnessratio below 0.9 were discarded from analysis since their peak and plateau values were disturbed by too much high-frequency noise.
From theCambridge English Corpus
At this stage, these and other concepts are still being developed to increase the level of specklesmoothnessfor direct drive.
From theCambridge English Corpus
It is natural to ask about systems with a finite amount ofsmoothness.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The subcollections nest down assmoothnessincreases, and by rigidity thesesmoothnessclasses are also conjugacy classes.
From theCambridge English Corpus
It is this property which gives rise to the 'spikyness' in the compressive phase and relativesmoothnessin the expansion phase.
From theCambridge English Corpus
A distributed lag estimator derived fromsmoothnesspriors.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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