soda fountain
uk/ˈsəʊ.də ˌfaʊn.tɪn/us/ˈsoʊ.də ˌfaʊn.tɪn/adeviceforservingsweet,fizzy(= withbubbles),non-alcoholicdrinks, and sometimes alsoicecreamand othersweetthings to put in them:
(装有龙头的)汽水桶,苏打水机,饮料机Inside thequaintPharmacy,stepinto America's past withredplasticswivelstoolsround theold-fashionedsodafountain.在古色古香的药房内,红色塑料旋转凳围着老式苏打水机的画面让你仿佛回到了美国的过去。
thecounterandequipmentwheresundaes,milkshakes,ice-creamsodas, etc. wereserved:
(卖圣代冰淇淋、奶昔、冰淇淋苏打水等的)冷饮柜台,冷饮小卖部Shespentmost of herteenshangingout at thelocalsodafountain.她十几岁的时候,大部分时间都是在当地的冷饮柜台消磨时光。

Owaki/Kulla/The Image Bank/GettyImages
- Themuseumhas anornate1880ssodafountain.
- Theillustrationdepictsyoungstersat asodafountain.
- Thepharmacystill hasitsitsoldprescriptioningredientsanditsmarble-toppedsodafountain.
- Theboypicksup hisdateand they go to asodafountain.
- One of thosephotographshungat thefarend of thesodafountain.
Soft drinks
- apple juice
- Arnold Palmer
- barley water
- bitter lemon
- boba
- boba tea
- cream soda
- dalgona coffee
- egg cream
- energy drink
- fizz
- frappé
- malt
- milkshake
- near beer
- non-alcoholic
- noncola
- slimline
- soda
- soft drink
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Restaurants & cafes