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snapverb(BREAK)C2[IorT]tocausesomething that isthintobreaksuddenlyandquicklywith acrackingsound: 突然折断,咔嚓一声折断 You'll snap thatrulerif youbendit toofar.如果你把那把尺子弯得太厉害,它就会咔嚓一下折断。 Some vandal's snappedoffmycaraerialagain.某个蓄意作恶的家伙又把我的汽车天线折断了。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto break - breakI didn't mean to break your phone.
- fractureLast year he fractured his skull.
- bustOne of the children has bust the computer.
- shatterThe ball hit the window and shattered it.
- smashI dropped the vase and it smashed.
- snapShe bent the ruler and it snapped.
See more results » C2[I]tosuddenlybecomeunabletocontrolastrongfeeling,especiallyanger: 突然无法控制情感,突然发作(尤指动怒) When sheaskedme topostponemytriptohelphermoveto her newhouse, I just snapped(= gotangry).她让我推迟旅行帮她搬家时,我一下子就火了。 - He put too muchpressureon thedoorhandleand it snapped.
- Everything wasfineuntil thewiresnapped.
- Theshoulderstrapsuddenlysnapped.
- She snapped thecarrotin two.
- Thebranchsnapped under hisweight.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTearing and breaking into pieces - apart
- asunder
- bobble
- bobbly
- break(something)off
- catch
- crack
- fall apart
- fall to piecesidiom
- fragment
- fragmentation
- fragmented
- frayed
- rip
- splinter
- split
- sunder
- tearsomethingapart
- tearsomethingup
- teardown
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Becoming angry and expressing anger snapverb(MOVE QUICKLY)[IorT,usually+ adv/prep]tomoveinto apositionquickly,producingashortnoiseas ifbreaking: (使)啪地突然移动(到某位置) Tendonsstoreelasticenergybystretchingand then snappingbackintoshapelikerubberbands.腱通过橡皮筋似的拉伸和迅速缩回贮存了弹力。 Simply snap thepiecesintoplace.把这些小片啪地一声推到位就行。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto close - closeCan you close the door behind you?
- shutI shut the door so the cat couldn't get out.
- snap shutHe snapped his briefcase shut and walked out of the office.
- click shutThe door clicked shut.
- slamPlease don't slam the door.
See more results » [I+ adv/prep]toquicklyreturnto apreviousplaceorcondition: 迅速恢复 Aftersubstantiallosseslastyear, thecompanyhas snappedbacktoprofitability(=startedmakingprofitsagain).去年出现巨额亏损之后,这家公司的经济状况又迅速好转,开始盈利了。 snap shut C2If something snapsshutor is snappedshut, itclosesquicklywith asuddensharpsound: 啪地关上;啪地合上 She snapped herbookshutand got up toleave.她啪地合上书,起身离开了。 Hermouthsnappedshutwhen sherealizedhe'dheardeverything she'd said about him.意识到自己所说的一切关于他的话都被他听到了之后,她立刻闭上了嘴。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMoving quickly - agility
- beetle
- bowl down/alongsomething
- buzz
- careen
- career
- gallop
- gun
- outsail
- pelt
- rush
- scamper
- scoot
- scrabble
- scramble
- scud
- shoot
- stampede
- ton
- trot
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Sounds made by objects, movement or impact Returning to a place Restoring and reviving Closing and blocking snapverb(ANIMAL)[I]If ananimalsnaps, ittriestobitesomeone: 咬,咬人 Theguarddogwassnarlingand snapping behind thefence.那条看门狗正在篱笆后面吠咬。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSqueezing and grinding - compression
- concertina
- constrict
- constriction
- crush
- gnashyourteethidiom
- mash
- mill
- nip
- noncompressible
- pinch
- pound
- presser
- pulp
- squash
- squeeze
- squinch
- squish
- tamp
- unmilled
See more results » snapverb(SPEAK)C2[IorT]to say somethingsuddenlyin anangryway: 厉声说,恶声恶气地说 There's no need to snapatme - it's not myfaultthat youlostyourwallet.何必对我这样恶声恶气——你丢了钱包又不是我的错。 [+ speech]"Well, Ihateyou too!" she snapped.“哼,我也恨你!”她厉声说。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTalking angrily - bite
- bitesomeone'shead offidiom
- bite/snapsomeone'shead offidiom
- bluster
- dress
- dress down
- edge
- fling
- givesomeonea piece of your mindidiom
- harangue
- hit
- hue
- huff
- invective
- jump
- piece
- rant
- spit
- spit blood/venomidiom
- tongue-lashing
See more results » snapverb(PHOTOGRAPH)[IorT]to take a lot ofphotographsquickly: 拍快照 He wasarrestedfor snappingphotosof amilitaryparade.他因拍摄了阅兵式的快照而被逮捕。 She's verypleasedwith her newcameraand was snappingawaythewholetimewe wereabroad.她对自己的新相机十分满意,我们在国外时,她一直不停地拍照。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPhotography - airbrush
- analogue
- aperture
- bokeh
- camera
- camera obscura
- expose
- glossy
- high-resolution
- hologram
- holographic
- holography
- kinetoscope
- pap
- pic
- picture
- PillCam
- pin-up
- pinhole camera
- projection
See more results » snapverb(FASTEN)[IorT]UStofastenusing twosmallpiecesofmetalorplastic, one of which ispushedinto the other: 把(两片金属或塑料片)扣上 He snappeduphisjacket.他把外套扣上了。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesFastening and tying - anchor
- bale
- be locked togetheridiom
- belay
- bind
- boardsomethingup
- bound
- bowline
- granny knot
- half hitch
- harness
- hobble
- hogtie
- stake
- strap
- strapsomeonein
- strapsomethingup
- tack
- tapesomethingup
- tether
See more results » Idiomssnapyourfingers snapsomeone'shead off snap atsomeone'sheels snap to it Phrasal verbssnap out ofsomething snapsomethingup snapsomeoneup snapnoun(BREAKING NOISE)[Cusually singular]asuddenloudsoundlike somethingbreakingorclosing: 咔嚓声;突然折断(或合上)的声音 Shebrokethestickover herkneewith aloudsnap.她咔嚓一声用膝盖折断了棍子。 [C]US(UKpress stud,snap fastener)asmallpieceofmetalorplasticused tofastenclothes, with two usually roundparts, one of which ispushedinto the other 摁扣,子母扣  PhotoAlto/Michele Constantini/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSounds made by objects, movement or impact - babble
- blaze
- bong
- chuff
- clatter
- click away
- clicker
- clinking
- clunk
- crump
- growl
- gunshot
- hiss
- jangling
- plunk
- scrunch
- sonic boom
- tick
- white noise
- whoosh
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: snapnoun(PHOTOGRAPH)[C]UKinformalaninformalphotographthat is not veryskilfulorartistic: 快照,快相 holidaysnaps假期拍的快照 Did youtakemany snaps while you were away?你出游的时候拍了很多照片吗? SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPhotography - airbrush
- analogue
- aperture
- bokeh
- camera
- camera obscura
- expose
- glossy
- high-resolution
- hologram
- holographic
- holography
- kinetoscope
- pap
- pic
- picture
- PillCam
- pin-up
- pinhole camera
- projection
See more results » snapnoun(GAME)[U]acardgamein which theplayerscompetetocallout the word "snap" when theyseetwocardsthat have the samevalue: 呼“同”牌游戏(一种纸牌游戏,玩家抢先看到有两张相同的牌时呼“同”) SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCard games - all in
- bidding
- blackjack
- busted flush
- canasta
- card sharp
- deal
- diamond
- flush
- jack
- pass
- pool
- queen
- re-raise
- rebid
- recut
- rookie card
- solitaire
- spade
- straight
See more results » snapnoun(SOMETHING EASY)[S]USinformalsomething that can be done without anydifficulty: 容易的事,好办的事 "Will youfinishontime?" "Sure thing. It'sasnap."“你能按时完成吗?”“当然,太容易了。” Talking togirlsis a snapforhim.和女孩子交谈对他来说十分容易。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesEasiness and simplicity - (as) easy as pie/ABC/anything/falling off a logidiom
- a piece of cakeidiom
- accessibility
- at the push of a buttonidiom
- at the stroke of a penidiom
- be (all) downhillidiom
- doss
- friendly
- gift
- gimme
- give/handsomethingtosomeoneon a (silver) platteridiom
- handily
- painting by numbersidiom
- platter
- presto
- rarefied
- the path of least resistanceidiom
- walkaway
- walkover
- withyoureyes closed/shutidiom
See more results » snapnoun(AMERICAN FOOTBALL)[C]in Americanfootball, theactofpassingtheballbackwardtostartplay (美式橄榄球)开球 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAmerican football - attempt
- blitz
- blocker
- blocking
- carry
- carry the ballidiom
- drop
- football
- fullback
- huddle
- linebacker
- nonconference
- offence
- outgain
- outkick
- place-kick
- scrimmage
- split end
- Super Bowl
- touchdown
See more results » in a snap quickly, and withoutwarningor muchthoughtoreffort: They canlosetheirlicencein a snap. Thishealthysaladcomes together in a snap from only fouringredients. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesFast and rapid - (at) full speed/tilt/peltidiom
- apace
- as fast asyourlegs would carryyouidiom
- as ifit isgoing out of styleidiom
- at a rate of knotsidiom
- fleet
- hypersonic
- in the twinkling of an eyeidiom
- Jack Robinson
- lickety-split
- like a shotidiom
- prompt
- smartly
- souped-up
- spanking
- spread like wildfireidiom
- streak
- super-express
- superfast
- wildfire
See more results » donesuddenlywithoutallowingtimeforcarefulthoughtorpreparation: 匆忙的;不加思索的;不做准备的He always makes snapdecisionsand neverthinksabouttheirconsequences.他总是匆忙作决定,从不考虑后果。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesHurrying and doing things quickly - accelerate
- acceleration
- against the clockidiom
- against time/the clockidiom
- alacrity
- bash
- dash
- get a wiggle onidiom
- grab-and-go
- grease
- hacky
- haste
- precipitately
- prompt
- promptly
- promptness
- quickie
- rattlesomethingoff
- stroke
- tear
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Doing things without fear or proper thought "Snap!" is what you say in thegameof snap when twocardsof the samevaluehave beenplayed. (呼“同”牌游戏中的)“同!”UKinformalsomething that you say when younoticethat two things are the same: (发现两件事物相同时所说)太巧了! Snap! We'rewearingthe sameshirts!太巧了!我们穿了同样的衬衫! SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCard games - all in
- bidding
- blackjack
- busted flush
- canasta
- card sharp
- deal
- diamond
- flush
- jack
- pass
- pool
- queen
- re-raise
- rebid
- recut
- rookie card
- solitaire
- spade
- straight
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: (Definition ofsnapfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)snapverb(BREAK)C2[IorT]tocausesomething that isthintobreaksuddenlyandquicklywith acrackingsound 突然折断,咔嚓一声折断You'll snap thatrulerif youbendit toofar.如果你把那把尺子弯得太厉害,它就会咔嚓一下折断。 Some vandal's snappedoffmycaraerialagain.某个蓄意作恶的家伙又把我的汽车天线折断了。 C2[I]tosuddenlybecomeunabletocontrolastrongfeeling,especiallyanger 突然无法控制情感,突然发作(尤指动怒)When sheaskedme topostponemytriptohelphermoveto her newhouse, I just snapped(= gotangry).她让我推迟旅行帮她搬家时,我一下子就火了。 - He put too muchpressureon thedoorhandleand it snapped.
- Everything wasfineuntil thewiresnapped.
- Theshoulderstrapsuddenlysnapped.
- She snapped thecarrotin two.
- Thebranchsnapped under hisweight.
snapverb(MOVE QUICKLY)[IorT,usually+ adv/prep]tomoveinto apositionquickly,producingashortnoiseas ifbreaking (使)啪地突然移动(到某位置)Tendonsstoreelasticenergybystretchingand then snappingbackintoshapelikerubberbands.腱通过橡皮筋似的拉伸和迅速缩回贮存了弹力。 Simply snap thepiecesintoplace.把这些小片啪地一声推到位就行。 [I+ adv/prep]toquicklyreturnto apreviousplaceorcondition 迅速恢复Aftersubstantiallosseslastyear, thecompanyhas snappedbacktoprofitability(=startedmakingprofitsagain).去年出现巨额亏损之后,这家公司的经济状况又迅速好转,开始盈利了。 snap shut C2If something snapsshutor is snappedshut, itclosesquicklywith asuddensharpsound. 啪地关上;啪地合上She snapped herbookshutand got up toleave.她啪地合上书,起身离开了。 Hermouthsnappedshutwhen sherealizedhe'dheardeverything she'd said about him.意识到自己所说的一切关于他的话都被他听到了之后,她立刻闭上了嘴。 snapverb(ANIMAL)[I]If ananimalsnaps, ittriestobitesomeone. 咬,咬人Theguarddogwassnarlingand snapping behind thefence.那条看门狗正在篱笆后面吠咬。 snapverb(SPEAK)C2[IorT]to say somethingsuddenlyin anangryway 厉声说,恶声恶气地说There's no need to snapatme - it's not myfaultthat youlostyourwallet.何必对我这样恶声恶气——你丢了钱包又不是我的错。 [+ speech]"Well, Ihateyou too!" she snapped.“哼,我也恨你!”她厉声说。 snapverb(PHOTOGRAPH)[IorT]to take a lot ofphotographsquickly 拍快照He wasarrestedfor snappingphotosof amilitaryparade.他因拍摄了阅兵式的快照而被逮捕。 She's verypleasedwith her newcameraand was snappingawaythewholetimewe wereabroad.她对自己的新相机十分满意,我们在国外时,她一直不停地拍照。 snapverb(FASTEN)[IorT]UStofastenusing twosmallpiecesofmetalorplastic, one of which ispushedinto the other 把(两片金属或塑料片)扣上He snappeduphisjacket.他把外套扣上了。 Idiomssnapyourfingers snapsb'shead off snap atsb'sheels snap to it Phrasal verbssnap out ofsth snapsthup snapsbup snapnoun(BREAKING NOISE)[Cusually singular]asuddenloudsoundlike somethingbreakingorclosing 咔嚓声;突然折断(或合上)的声音Shebrokethestickover herkneewith aloudsnap.她咔嚓一声用膝盖折断了棍子。 [C]US(UKpress stud,snap fastener)asmallpieceofmetalorplasticused tofastenclothes, with two usually roundparts, one of which ispushedinto the other 摁扣,子母扣 snapnoun(PHOTOGRAPH)[C]UKinformalaninformalphotographthat is not veryskilfulorartistic 快照,快相holidaysnaps假期拍的快照 Did youtakemany snaps while you were away?你出游的时候拍了很多照片吗? snapnoun(GAME)[U]acardgamein which theplayerscompetetocallout the word "snap" when theyseetwocardsthat have the samevalue 呼“同”牌游戏(一种纸牌游戏,玩家抢先看到有两张相同的牌时呼“同”)agameof snap呼“同”牌游戏 snapnoun(SOMETHING EASY)[S]USinformalsomething that can be done without anydifficulty 容易的事,好办的事"Will youfinishontime?" "Sure thing. It'sasnap."“你能按时完成吗?”“当然,太容易了。” Talking togirlsis a snapforhim.和女孩子交谈对他来说十分容易。 snapnoun(AMERICAN FOOTBALL)[C]in Americanfootball, theactofpassingtheballbackwardtostartplay (美式橄榄球)开球 donesuddenlywithoutallowingtimeforcarefulthoughtorpreparation 匆忙的;不加思索的;不做准备的He always makes snapdecisionsand neverthinksabouttheirconsequences.他总是匆忙作决定,从不考虑后果。 "Snap!" is what you say in thegameof snap when twocardsof the samevaluehave beenplayed. (呼“同”牌游戏中的)“同!” UKinformalsomething that you say when younoticethat two things are the same (发现两件事物相同时所说)太巧了!Snap! We'rewearingthe sameshirts!太巧了!我们穿了同样的衬衫! snap| American Dictionarysnapverb(BREAK)[I/T]tobreaksomethingquicklywith acrackingsound: [I]Highwindscausedsomepowerlinesto snap, and welostourelectricity. [I/T]fig.People who snapsuddenlylosecontroloftheirbehaviorwhen theyexperienceverystrongemotions: [I]Hislawyersaid he just snapped. snapverb(MOVE QUICKLY)tomove(something) orchangeinto a newpositionquickly: [M]Thesuddenstopof thecarsnapped hisheadback. If you snapyourfingers, you make asudden,crackingnoisebypushingafingeragainst thebaseofyourthumb, usually inorderto get someone’sattention. snapverb(FASTEN/CLOSE)[I/T]to make aquick,crackingsoundbysuddenlybringingtogether the twopartsof something: [T]She snapped herbriefcaseshutandmarchedout of theroom. [I/T]If adogsnaps at you, itsuddenlytriestobiteyou. snapverb(SPEAK)[I/T]tospeakor say somethingsuddenlyinanger: [I]Don’t snap atyourbrotherlike that. snapverb(TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS)[T]to use acamerato take aphotographwithoutspendinga lot oftimedoing it: Washington isfulloftouristssnappingpicturesof each other. snapnoun(SOMETHING EASY)[Cusually sing]infmlsomething that can be done without anydifficulty: Thinking that theexamwould be a snap, she didn’tbothertostudyfor it. snapnoun(THING THAT FASTENS)[Cusually pl]asmallclothesfastenerwith two roundparts, one of which ispushedinto the other: Theshirtfastenswith snaps. snapnoun(BREAK)[Cusually sing]theactofbreakingsomethingstiff, or thecrackingsoundmade when itbreaks: Theplastichandlebrokewith aloudsnap. snapadjective(SUDDEN)donesuddenlywithoutallowingtimeforcarefulthoughtorpreparation: Don’t make a snapdecision– take sometimetothinkit over. (Definition ofsnapfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)to end aparticularpatternofactivity: Julysnapped astringofmonthlygains. The Dow Jones Industrial Averagerose40.47 to 4383.87, snapping a two-sessionlosingstreak. Phrasal verbssnap back snap sb up snap sth up (Definition ofsnapfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofsnapsnap Structural damage to each tree was recorded: trunksnap, branch damage, bark damage, or a leaning bole.From theCambridge English Corpus Almost all of the individuals that sprouted were snapped off trees, although sprouts were recorded eventually for partially uprooted trees.From theCambridge English Corpus And these are not just 300-wordsnapjudgments but 2000-word essays with space to extend and develop their themes.From theCambridge English Corpus The brains were rapidly removed andsnapfrozen.From theCambridge English Corpus The effect was tosnapthe tape tight just at the point where there was a splice, leaving me with a mass of loose tape.From theCambridge English Corpus We can think of backlash metaphorically as a bungee cord that snaps when stretched too far.From theCambridge English Corpus The number of trees that had uprooted, snapped or died standing was then calculated for each subplot.From theCambridge English Corpus Firewood was broken and snapped rather than cut.From theCambridge English Corpus The fate of each plant (harvested, snapped, toppled, broken or dead) was recorded.From theCambridge English Corpus This makes the likelihood of responding with the integratedsnap-fit assembly even more likely in subsequent memory constructions.From theCambridge English Corpus Tubes were scored and snapped just below the buffy\\erythrocyte interface and parasites were expelled from the tube into analytical grade ethanol for molecular analyses.From theCambridge English Corpus Their tent was flooded, buried under snow drifts, and, one night, its pole snapped.From theCambridge English Corpus Brains were prepared by slicing one hemisphere into 1 cm coronal slabs, which weresnapfrozen.From theCambridge English Corpus Indeed, a contrast between musical performance and spoken-word theatre is that performers in the latter tend to 'gather' themselves into performance mode rather than 'snap'.From theCambridge English Corpus An integrated approach of breeding and maintaining an elite cultivar ofsnapbean.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/snap## |