(alsocohead)uk/ˌkəʊˈhed/us/ˌkoʊˈhed/someone who is inchargeof agroupororganizationtogether with one or more otherpeople:
a co-headofthe council'ssafetycommittee
He has alsoservedas co-head of Corporate Strategy.
See also
- Kohl and Steiner havebecomeco-heads ofglobalcapitalmarketsat thebank.
- ShejoinedWallis asmanagingdirectorand cohead of the Londonoffice.
- There werepreviouslytwo co-heads for theMiddleEastandNorthAfrica.
People in charge of or controlling other people
- acephalous
- administrator
- anti-management
- authority
- bureaucrat
- controller
- council
- counter-power
- dean
- deputy
- management
- manipulator
- mistress
- movers and shakers
- too many chiefs and not enough Indiansidiom
- top dog
- troika
- tsar
- vice president
- yourlord and masteridiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Bosses & managers
(alsocohead)uk/ˌkəʊˈhed/us/ˌkoʊˈhed/to be inchargeof agroupororganizationtogether with one or more otherpeople:
He co-headed theEuropeanfinancialsponsorgroup.
See also
- Helaterbroadenedhis horizons, co-heading themanagementaccountingsideof thebusiness.
- She co-heads thegroupwith Kathryn Park.
- Helatercoheaded thetheoreticalphysicsgroupat theuniversity.