uk/sneər/us/sner/adeviceforcatchingsmallanimalsandbirds, usually with aropeorwirethattightensaround theanimal
bauhaus1000/DigitalVision Vectors/GettyImages
atrickorsituationthatdeceivesyou orinvolvesyou in someproblemthat you do notknowabout:
圈套,陷阱Thelegalsystemisfullof snares for those who are notwary.法律制度对那些不谨慎的人而言充满了陷阱。
Hunting & fishing
- angler
- angling
- anti-hunt
- anti-hunter
- anti-hunting
- barb
- fisherman
- fishhook
- fishing line
- fishing rod
- fly fishing
- fox hunt
- outfish
- overfishing
- poach
- poaching
- pointer
- predation
- quarry
- spear
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Plotting & trapping
uk/sneər/us/sner/tocatchananimalusing a snare:
(用罗网、陷阱)捕捉,诱捕We used to snaresmallbirdssuch assparrowsandrobins.我们过去常常用罗网捕捉麻雀、知更鸟等小鸟。
figurativeShegrewup in thedayswhen a woman'smainaimwas to snare arichhusband.在她所处的那个时代,妇女的主要目标就是要俘获一个富有的丈夫。
to take a wild or loose animal
- catchThe dog got out, but we caught her.
- netWe netted a ton of fish downstream.
- trawlCommercial fisheries trawl these waters for cod.
- trollThey troll for tuna far offshore.
- lassoThe cowboys learned at a young age how to lasso horses and steers.
- trapThe turtles are trapped for their flesh.
Hunting & fishing
- angler
- angling
- anti-hunt
- anti-hunter
- anti-hunting
- barb
- fisherman
- fishhook
- fishing line
- fishing rod
- fly fishing
- fox hunt
- outfish
- overfishing
- poach
- poaching
- pointer
- predation
- quarry
- spear