snow blower
(alsosnowblower)uk/ˈsnəʊ ˌbləʊ.ər/us/ˈsnoʊ ˌbloʊ.ɚ/amachinethatblowssnowaway,especiallyone that ispushedalong or that isfastenedto thefrontof avehicle:
(尤指能推动前行或者能固定在汽车前部的)吹雪机,除雪机In Boston,snowblowersclearedthepavementsinfrontof thestatecapital.在波士顿,吹雪机清理了州政府前的人行道。
Fromlawnmowerstosnowblowers,yourneighboursareboundto have something they needfixed.从割草机到吹雪机,你的邻居一定有他们需要修理的东西。
Thecostof a snowblowertypicallycanrangefrom $300 to $800 or more,dependingonmanufacturer,type, andsize.买一台吹雪机通常要300美元到800美元或更多,这取决于制造商,类型和大小。

- Aspecialeffectscompanyis to usesnowblowers to re-create theblizzard.
- Safety should be thenumberoneconcernwhenoperatingasnowblower.
- Manystoreshaverunout ofequipmentsuch assnowshovelsandsnowblowers.
Machines - general words
- 3-D printer
- animatronic
- automated
- automation
- backhoe
- chuck
- coffee machine
- concrete mixer
- crankshaft
- flywheel
- generator
- hoist
- mill
- shredder
- tabulator
- teleprompter
- telerobotics
- touchless
- ultra-sensitive
- water cooler