扫雪机,除雪机Hundreds ofgrittinglorriesand snowploughs are onstandby.
Thetrackiskeptclearby alorrywith a snowploughboltedtoitsbumper.

Stephen Oliver/Dorling KINDERSLEY/GettyImages
Trucks, vans & caravans
- a fifth/third wheelidiom
- armoured car
- bakkie
- bin lorry
- bowser
- breakdown truck
- caravan
- dumper
- float
- horse trailer
- lorry
- milk truck
- tender
- tractor-trailer
- trucking
- utility truck
- utility vehicle
- Winnebago
[Cusually singular]
inskiing, asimpleway ofturningorstoppingin which thepointsof theskisareturnedtowards each other:
(滑雪中的)犁式制动I just couldn't get thehangof the snowplough andendedupfacedown in thesnow.
Taking to theslopes, shelearnedhow to do a snowploughturn.

Brian Summers/First Light/GettyImages
Winter sports
- airboard
- airboarder
- airboarding
- Alpine skiing
- après-ski
- biathlon
- grooming machine
- ice rink
- ice skater
- ice skating
- luge
- mush
- skating rink
- skier
- skiing
- slalom
- sledge
- sleigh
- snow groomer
- snowblade
inskiing, toturnorstopwith thepointsof theskisturnedtowards each other:
We hadpractised,endlessly, snowploughing tocontrolourspeed.
I wasamazedtoseemydaughtersnowploughing her way through asortofobstaclecourse.
Winter sports
- airboard
- airboarder
- airboarding
- Alpine skiing
- après-ski
- biathlon
- grooming machine
- ice rink
- ice skater
- ice skating
- luge
- mush
- skating rink
- skier
- skiing
- slalom
- sledge
- sleigh
- snow groomer
- snowblade
snowploughverb(REMOVE PROBLEMS)
toremoveordealwithproblemsfor achild, so they never have to do anythingdifficultor neverfail, and do notlearnhow to do things for themselves:
Are you snowploughingyourkid?
By snowploughing alloppositionand doing everything for them, they may berobbingtheirchildrenofconfidenceandself-reliance.
Parenting & caring for children
- adopt
- adoptable
- adopted
- adoptee
- adoption
- caretaking
- child-rearing
- childless
- childlessness
- childmind
- lawnmower parent
- looked-after
- mothering
- nanny
- non-custodial
- stay-at-home
- swaddle
- unadoptable
- unadopted
- upbringing
adjective[before noun]
uk/ˈsnəʊ.plaʊ/us/ˈsnoʊ.plaʊ/used to refer to aparentwhoremovesordealswithproblemsfor achild, so they never have to do anythingdifficultor neverfail, and do notlearnhow to do things for themselves:
Having a snowploughparentis not good for achildin thelongrun.
Parenting & caring for children
- adopt
- adoptable
- adopted
- adoptee
- adoption
- caretaking
- child-rearing
- childless
- childlessness
- childmind
- lawnmower parent
- looked-after
- mothering
- nanny
- non-custodial
- stay-at-home
- swaddle
- unadoptable
- unadopted
- upbringing