phrasal verbwithsoakverbuk/səʊk/us/soʊk/
If adrymaterialorsubstancesoaksup aliquid, itabsorbstheliquidthroughitssurface:
Itriedtosoakup most of thespilledmilkwith adishcloth.
to absorb something
- absorbCotton absorbs liquids at a faster rate than polyester.
- soak upPaper towels are great for soaking up kitchen spills.
- mop upI mopped up the spilt milk with a rag.
- wick awayThe jacket uses a special fabric to wick away moisture.
Physical & chemical processes
- absorbable
- absorptive
- absorptive capacity
- acidification
- addition reaction
- condense
- electrolysis
- evaporate
- evaporation
- excitability
- excitation
- excite
- exergonic
- oxidize
- recondense
- redox
- refraction
- rehydrate
- reliquefy
- solidify
toenjoytheeffectsorexperienceof something as much aspossible:
Ilovetolieon thebeachandsoakupthesun.
Juststrollaround thebazaarandsoakuptheatmosphere.
Taking pleasure in something
- bask
- bask insomething
- bask/bathe in reflected gloryidiom
- be a glutton for punishmentidiom
- be a great one forsomethingidiom
- drool
- ecstasy
- flatter
- get off onsomething
- get oversomething/someone
- get your jolliesidiom
- glory insomething
- glutton
- masochism
- masochistic
- meat
- perk
- perk(someone)up
- savour
- whoop
Given therightenvironment,childrenare likespongesand willsoakupinformation.
Understanding and comprehending
- apprehend
- apprehensible
- apprehension
- astutely
- atyourfingertipsidiom
- connection
- figure
- hold
- keenness
- keepsomeoneup
- know a hawk from a handsawidiom
- know the scoreidiom
- know/see wheresomeoneis coming fromidiom
- scale
- uncomprehendingly
- understand
- voice recognition
- wake up tosomething
- wisdom
- wise
to use up all or most of asupplyof something,especiallyasupplyofmoney:
Therepairsonourhousesoakedup alloursavings.
Using and misusing
- adopt
- adoption
- avail
- availyourselfofsomething
- be/go heavy onsomethingidiom
- exhaust
- go through
- gobblesomethingup
- make capital out ofsomethingidiom
- max
- max out
- spare
- spent
- swallow
- tap
- turn over
- turn tosomeone/something
- turn/usesomethingto good accountidiom
- unblock
- underuse