soap dodger
informalUKuk/ˈsəʊp ˌdɒdʒ.ər/us/ˈsoʊp ˌdɑː.dʒɚ/humorous
someone who does notwashenough:
Ilooklike asoapdodger!
Teenageboys, orsoapdodgersas wecallthem in thishouse.
anoffensiveword for apersonwho does not havetraditionalopinionsand whotakespartinpublicprotests, or who has anuntidy,roughappearance:
不洗澡的脏人(侮辱性用语,指思想反传统、参加公共抗议活动的人,或不整洁、外表粗糙的人)It's just anotherbandwagonfor theleft-wingsoapdodgers.这不过是那些不洗澡的脏人掀起的又一波浪潮。
Are you going toletthesesoapdodgerscontinueto get away with it?你打算让这些不洗澡的脏人继续逍遥法外吗?
- She's aself-confessedsoapdodgerwhosehusbandhas toremindher toshower.
- I neverthoughtI'd have asoapdodgerfor adaughter.
- He referred to "unwashedleftiesoapdodgers".
- I don’tagreewith a lot of thesesoapdodgercausesbut therighttoprotestshould besacrosanct.
Personal care - general words
- ablution
- amenity kit
- baby wipe
- beach body
- beardy
- bed bath
- douche
- epilator
- facecloth
- fat-shame
- fat-shaming
- flossing
- grooming
- hand gel
- handwash
- powder
- retrosexual
- scrub up
- scrub up wellidiom
- toilet