uk/ˈsuː.ðər/us/ˈsuː.ðɚ/apersonor thing that makes someone morecalmand lessworried:
安慰者(物);抚慰者(物)Sarah was a toucher, alistener, a soother.莎拉会伸出手来抚摸你,她擅于倾听,抚慰心灵。
Thepowerof the will canproveaneffectivesoother of thenerves.意志力可以有效抚慰紧张的情绪。
something that makes apartof thebodylesspainful:
疼痛(或其他病症)缓释物Gingeraleis aneffectivestomachsoother.姜汁啤酒可以有效缓解胃部不适。
Trycamomileas a soother foreczema.试试用洋甘菊作为湿疹的缓释物。
asmoothrubberorplasticobjectthat is given to ababytosuckinordertocomfortit and make itstopcrying:
(哄婴儿的)橡皮奶头,安抚奶嘴If thebabycontinuestocry, give it a soother.如果宝宝继续哭,就把安抚奶嘴给他。
Mybabyrefusedto take a soother.我的宝宝拒绝用安抚奶嘴。

Terry Why/Photolibrary/GettyImages
- Spasoffermassagesandcountlessothermindandbodysoothers.
- Lennybecamea soother - thekidwhoworkstosmoothoveremotionalproblemsof hisbrothersandsisters.
- Calaminelotionis thebestsoother forheatrashesandredskin.
- Sales ofbottles,teatsand soothersrose8% lastyear.
Calming and relaxing
- assuage
- balls-to-the-wall
- bask
- bread
- bread and circusesidiom
- calm
- chill
- humour
- let/blow off steamidiom
- lie down
- lightensomethingup
- lull
- lullsomeoneintosomething
- relaxation
- settle
- settle down
- shirt
- simmer
- simmer down
- slow down
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