uk/ˈsɔː.ɡəm/us/ˈsɔːr.ɡəm/aplantgrowninhotanddryareasforitsgrain, which is used asfoodforhumansandanimals, and also as afuel:
Sorghum isplantedearlierthancottonandmatureswhen thecottonis stillgrowing.
Sorghum is aversatilecropthat can be used forfood,fodder, and as abiofuel.
grainfrom the sorghumplant, orflourmade from thegrain:
Iaddedmoreflour(halfacupof sorghum) because themixturewas toowet.
Their threeyoungchildrenat least get ahelpingof sorghumporridgemostdays.
- Genomemapsareavailableformaizeand sorghum, twoimportantcerealcropsin the samefamilyasrice.
- Thestatehasextensivefieldsofwheat,corn, sorghum,sunflowers, and othercrops.
- Adding 15%brownsorghumbrantowheatflourproducesbrownishloaveswithsignificantlevelsof phenols anddietaryfibre.
- amaranth
- arborio
- arborio rice
- barley
- basmati
- cottonseed
- dent corn
- durum wheat
- einkorn
- emmer
- Indian corn
- kasha
- long-grain rice
- maize
- malt
- quinoa
- rice
- rolled oats
- rye
- semolina