uk/ˈspiː.ʃiːz.ɪ.zəm/us/ˈspiː.ʃiːz.ɪ.zəm/theideathat onespecies(= set ofanimalswith the samecharacteristicsthat canbreedfrom each other),especiallyhumanbeings, is moreimportantand should have morerightsthan another:
Theycalltheassertionofhumansuperiorityover otheranimals"speciesism".
It issheerspeciesism that very fewhumanscampaignto Save Our Slugs.
- I don't say that speciesism andracismareexactlythe same.
- Dr Richard Rydercreatedtheconceptof speciesism and is acampaignerforanimalprotection.
- Traditionalformsof speciesism such ashunting,whaling,sealing,furtrapping,zoosandcircuses, hadcontinuedunremarked upon.
- Thegazelledoes notarguespeciesism when thelionistearingitsthroatout.
Species & genders
- breed
- clade
- class
- cliff edge
- describe
- femaleness
- genera
- genus
- he
- holotype
- intergeneric
- order
- paramecium
- related
- same-gender
- she
- species
- strain
- suborder
- xenotransplantation