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spikenoun[C](SHAPE)anarrow,thinshapewith asharppointat one end, or something,especiallyapieceofmetal, with thisshape: 尖头,尖刺;(尤指金属的)尖状物There werelargespikes ontopof therailingstostoppeopleclimbingover them.栏杆顶端装着粗大的尖钉,防止有人攀越。 Sometypesofdinosaurhadsharpspikes ontheirtails.有些种类的恐龙尾部有锋利的尖突。  kievith/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages spikes a set ofshort,pointedpiecesofmetalorplastic,attachedto thebottomofshoeswornforparticularsports, thatstopthepersonwearingtheshoesfromslidingon theground, orshoeswith thesepointedpieces (某些运动鞋上的)防滑鞋钉;钉鞋 Tobias Titz/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSharp and blunt - angularity
- blunt
- hone
- jag
- jaggy
- keen
- point
- pointed
- prickly
- razor-sharp
- sharp
- sharpen
- sharply
- sharpness
- spiked
- spiky
- spiny
- super-sharp
- ultra-sharp
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: spikenoun[C](LEVEL)a very highamount,price, orlevel, usually before afall: (通常在指下跌前)非常高的数量,价格或程度Ifpricespikescontinue,peoplewill not beabletoaffordthe newhousestheywant.如果价格上涨的趋势继续,人们将无力购买想要的新屋。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesan increase - increaseThere has been an sharp increase in municipal taxes this year.
- riseLast month saw a rise in the rate of inflation.
- gainWe are not seeing the gains in productivity that we expected.
- boostWe are hoping for a boost in sales this year.
See more results » SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesIncreasing and intensifying - -ify
- accretion
- accumulate
- accumulative
- add fuel to the fireidiom
- additive
- blaze
- crank
- explosive
- heighten
- hot up
- increase
- increment
- mushroom
- re-escalation
- redouble
- resurge
- rocket
- saturation
- stake
See more results » spikeverb[T](STOP)informaltodecidenot topublishanarticlein anewspaper: 拒绝刊登;弃置(文章)不用 Thestorywasdeemedtoocontroversialand so they spiked it.他们认为这篇报道争议太大而拒绝刊登。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPreventing and impeding - anti-jamming
- avoid
- avoidable
- bar
- be a drag onsomeone/somethingidiom
- bottleneck
- derail
- fireproof
- hamper
- hang
- havesomeone/somethinghanging roundyourneckidiom
- head off
- hinder
- prejudice
- prevent
- preventable
- prevention
- prevention is better than cureidiom
- scuttle
- smother
See more results » spikeverb[T](MAKE STRONGER)to make adrinkstrongerbyaddingalcohol, or toaddflavourorinterestto something: 将烈酒掺入(饮料);使增添风味(或趣味)Sheclaimedthat someone had spiked herdrinkwithwhisky.她声称有人在她的饮料里加了威士忌。 Thepastawasservedin acreamsaucespikedwithblackpepper.意大利面配的是黑胡椒奶油汁。 His writing is spikedwithhumour.他的文章中带有幽默诙谐的味道。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDrinking alcohol - abstinence
- abstinence-only
- after hoursidiom
- bar-hop
- barhopping
- drinksomeoneunder the tableidiom
- drinker
- drinking
- drinking game
- drinking-up time
- drown
- hangover
- imbibe
- name your poisonidiom
- on the boozeidiom
- out of hoursidiom
- outdrink
- overdrink
- ply
- wetyourwhistleidiom
See more results » spikeverb[T](DRUG)to put adrugin someone'sdrinkto make themunconscious,extremelytired, orunabletofunctionnormally: Thesedativehas been used to spikedrinksanddrugwomen. IrealizedI'd been spiked. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDrinking alcohol - abstinence
- abstinence-only
- after hoursidiom
- bar-hop
- barhopping
- drinksomeoneunder the tableidiom
- drinker
- drinking
- drinking game
- drinking-up time
- drown
- hangover
- imbibe
- name your poisonidiom
- on the boozeidiom
- out of hoursidiom
- outdrink
- overdrink
- ply
- wetyourwhistleidiom
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: spikeverb[T](HIT)in thesportofvolleyball, tohittheballso that it goesalmoststraightdown on the othersideof thenet (排球运动中)扣(球)SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBasketball, netball & volleyball - airball
- baller
- basketball
- beach volleyball
- catch and faceidiom
- charge
- clear out
- coast
- double-team
- dunk
- free throw
- korfball
- netball
- outrebound
- overhead
- point guard
- rebound
- rebounder
- steal
- volleyball
See more results » spikeverb[T](POINT)topushasharppointinto something or someone: 用尖物刺入;刺穿She gotbadlyspiked when one of therunnerstrodon herheel.一名跑步选手踩在她脚后跟上,她被严重扎伤了。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCutting and stabbing - abrasion
- bayonet
- butcher
- carve
- carving
- chisel
- chop
- impaler
- incise
- julienne
- lacerate
- lacerated
- shave
- shear
- shearing
- sheep shearing
- slash
- sliced
- slit
- snip
See more results » spikeverb[T](LEVEL)[I]toriseto ahigheramount,price, orlevel, usually before going down again: (通常指在下跌前)上升至非常高的数量(价格或程度) ThejoblessrateinOctoberspikedtoa five-year high.十月份的失业率上升至五年来的最高点。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesIncreasing and intensifying - -ify
- accretion
- accumulate
- accumulative
- add fuel to the fireidiom
- additive
- blaze
- crank
- explosive
- heighten
- hot up
- increase
- increment
- mushroom
- re-escalation
- redouble
- resurge
- rocket
- saturation
- stake
See more results » (Definition ofspikefrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)spikenoun[C](SHAPE)anarrow,thinshapewith asharppointat one end, or something,especiallyapieceofmetal, with thisshape 尖头,尖刺;(尤指金属的)尖状物There werelargespikes ontopof therailingstostoppeopleclimbingover them.栏杆顶端装着粗大的尖钉,防止有人攀越。 Sometypesofdinosaurhadsharpspikes ontheirtails.有些种类的恐龙尾部有锋利的尖突。 spikes a set ofshort,pointedpiecesofmetalorplastic,attachedto thebottomofshoeswornforparticularsports, thatstopthepersonwearingtheshoesfromslidingon theground, orshoeswith thesepointedpieces (某些运动鞋上的)防滑鞋钉;钉鞋 spikenoun[C](LEVEL)a very highamount,price, orlevel, usually before afall (通常在指下跌前)非常高的数量,价格或程度Ifpricespikescontinue,peoplewill not beabletoaffordthe newhousestheywant.如果价格上涨的趋势继续,人们将无力购买想要的新屋。 spikeverb[T](STOP)informaltodecidenot topublishanarticlein anewspaper 拒绝刊登;弃置(文章)不用Thestorywasdeemedtoocontroversialand so they spiked it.他们认为这篇报道争议太大而拒绝刊登。 spikeverb[T](MAKE STRONGER)to make adrinkstrongerbyaddingalcohol, or toaddflavourorinterestto something 将烈酒掺入(饮料);使增添风味(或趣味)Sheclaimedthat someone had spiked herdrinkwithwhisky.她声称有人在她的饮料里加了威士忌。 Thepastawasservedin acreamsaucespikedwithblackpepper.意大利面配的是黑胡椒奶油汁。 His writing is spikedwithhumour.他的文章中带有幽默诙谐的味道。 spikeverb[T](HIT)in thesportofvolleyball, tohittheballso that it goesalmoststraightdown on the othersideof thenet (排球运动中)扣(球) spikeverb[T](POINT)topushasharppointinto something or someone 用尖物刺入;刺穿She gotbadlyspiked when one of therunnerstrodon herheel.一名跑步选手踩在她脚后跟上,她被严重扎伤了。 spikeverb[T](LEVEL)[I]toriseto ahigheramount,price, orlevel, usually before going down again (通常指在下跌前)上升至非常高的数量(价格或程度)ThejoblessrateinOctoberspikedtoa five-year high.十月份的失业率上升至五年来的最高点。 spike| American Dictionaryspikenoun[C](POINT)alongmetalnailused toholdsomething inplace, or ashapethat islongandnarrowand comes to apointat one end: Spikes are alsopointedpiecesofmetalfixedon thebottomofspecialshoes, used in somesportstocatchin thegroundandpreventfallingorsliding, or theshoesthemselves. A spike is also asuddenincrease, oftenshownon agraph(=typeofdrawing)by along,narrowshapethat comes to apointat thetop: Theupwardspike inpriceswas attributed tobadweatherinfarmareas. spikeverb[T](MAKE STRONGER)toaddastrongordangeroussubstance, usually to adrinkor tofood: In Hungary you wouldfindyourselfeatingalocaldishofgoulashcopiouslyspiked withpaprika. fig.Their writing is spiked with adry,cuttingwit. (Definition ofspikefrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)ahigherprice,amount, etc., usually before afall: a spike in sthLocalfloristssawa spike inbusinessfor Mother'sDay. Ifpricespikescontinue,peoplewill not beabletoaffordthe newhousestheywant. toreachahigherprice,amount, etc., usually before afall: Cementpricesarespiking. spike to sthThejoblessrateinOctoberspiked to a five-year high. spiking
There areworriesabout the spikinginterestrates. (Definition ofspikefrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofspikespike It is thus possible to draw the range ofspikelength for which oscillation occurred against shoulder radius (figure 3).From theCambridge English Corpus Thespiketrains of neurons in sensory systems are certainly correlated with the structure of sensory input.From theCambridge English Corpus Transmission at the retino-geniculate synapse in cats is influenced by the structure of pre- and postsynapticspiketrains.From theCambridge English Corpus The response variability of the simulatedspiketrains generated according to this model was then calculated in the same way as for the real data.From theCambridge English Corpus Seven of the effigies were placed to the south with at least four spiked lidded censers.From theCambridge English Corpus Amplitudes are shown negative because the electrode tip was within the core where this is the predominant polarity of spikes.From theCambridge English Corpus Lengthening thespikehas the effect of moving the point of re-attachment of the separated layer up the nose of the body towards the shoulder.From theCambridge English Corpus These spikes of the surface g-factor are responsible for the high harmonic generation.From theCambridge English Corpus Our computations show that the asymptotic drop shape consists of a compact, nearly spherical drop that encloses aspikeof entrained ambient fluid.From theCambridge English Corpus A second index given below was used in some cases where spikes counts were low, such as for low contrasts or short-motion displacements.From theCambridge English Corpus Some of these tall cylindrical vessels are characterized by appliqued spikes but may also have a long-nosed or beaked (avian?) image on the front.From theCambridge English Corpus At maturity, plants were cut at soil level, and spikes and foliage were separated, dried and weighed.From theCambridge English Corpus Normally, the laserspikeoccurs around the first pinching time and near stagnation.From theCambridge English Corpus For each of four varieties, histograms depict the percentages of sprouted grains in intact, partially after-ripened spikes after seven days' misting with water (see text).From theCambridge English Corpus For logistic convenience, dormancy in these trials was assessed by tests of sprouting in intact spikes rather than by germination of threshed grains.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/spike## |