informaluk/splɜːdʒ/us/splɝːdʒ/tospenda lot ofmoneyonbuyinggoods,especiallyexpensivegoods:
乱花(钱);挥霍(尤指购买奢侈品)Ifeellike splurging(out)ona newdress.我想花大价钱买件新裙子。
I canhappilysplurge 3,000poundsin oneday.
to spend money
- spendHow much do you intend to spend on a house?
- payWhen you bought the tickets, how much did you pay?
- investShe's invested all her savings in the business.
- pay outI've just paid out £700 to get the car fixed.
- splurgeWe've just splurged on new kitchen appliances.
- blowWe won a £15 million settlement in court and we blew it all in six years.
- Splurge ondinnerat the Earl Grey Lodge.
- When mywifeand I splurge, we havecaviar.
- Rather than splurge, he put hismoneyin thebank.
- He splurged £7,130 onclothesinItalianboutiques.
Paying money
- advance
- ante up (something)
- balance
- burn a hole insomeone'spocketidiom
- chargeable
- co-finance
- compensate
- congestion charge
- cough
- foot
- lash
- pay top dollaridiom
- payer
- ransom
- settle up
- shortchange
- sink intosomething
- spender
- splash out(something)
- spring forsomething
uk/splɜːdʒ/us/splɝːdʒ/anoccasionwhen someonespendsa lot ofmoneybuyingsomethingexpensive:
Charlotte made araresplurge on anexpensivebottleofperfume.
We can'taffordaspendingsplurge.
- It was araresplurge for a man as tightfisted as herfather.
- If you canaffordthe splurge, go for it.
- Hisbig-ticketsplurge thisyearwas Pascal Dusapin'smodernistopera"Faustus, The Last Night."
- acquire
- acquisition
- acquisitiveness
- bidding
- bidding war
- bite
- extravagance
- invest
- load up onsomething
- misorder
- money-off
- order form
- ordersomethingin
- purchasing power
- reimportation
- repurchase
- retail therapy
- slate