informaldisapprovinguk/ˈspiː.tʃɪ.faɪ.ər/us/ˈspiː.tʃə.faɪ.ɚ/apersonwho gives aspeechorspeeches,especiallyin aboringway or in a way thatshowstheythinkthey areimportant:
发言令人厌烦或煞有介事的人At theawardsceremony, he was among thebestof the many speechifiers.颁奖典礼上有众多乏味的发言者,他属于说得最好的几个之一。
- Andrew is the speechifier in thefamily, and he maytalktoo much for the play's good.
- Thegrandspeechifier wasreducedtoutterpanicandspeechlessness.
- It is amistaketobelievethat Robespierre was a speechifier inlovewithgeneralideasandadeptonly at phrase-mongering andtheories.
- He was both a speechifier and aprolificwriter.
Speakers & talkers
- caller
- commentator
- conversationalist
- debater
- demagogic
- demagogically
- demagoguery
- demagogy
- informant
- loudmouth
- motormouth
- public speaker
- quidnunc
- raconteur
- speaker
- speechmaker
- spokesman
- spokeswoman
- superflack
- whisperer