a verysmallpieceoffirethatfliesout from something that isburning, or one that is made byrubbingtwo hard things together, or aflashoflightmade byelectricity:
火花,火星;电火花Sparks wereflyingout of thebonfireandblowingeverywhere.篝火中飞溅出很多火星,迸得到处都是。
You canstartafirebyrubbingtwodrypiecesofwoodtogether until youproducea spark.你可以通过摩擦两块干木头直到产生火花来点火。

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Fire & flame
- beacon
- blaze
- bonfire
- brand
- bushfire
- campfire
- conflagration
- dumpster fire
- fire
- fireball
- firepit
- firestorm
- flame
- flare
- inferno
- open fire
- open fireplace
- pilot
- post-fire
- wildfire
a firstsmalleventorproblemthatcausesa muchworsesituationtodevelop:
导火线,诱因Thatsmallincidentwas the spark that set off thestreetriots.那件小事是街头暴乱的导火线。
愤怒/灵感/生命的火花(等等)Theykeptrunninginto each other andeventuallyrealizedthere was a spark between them.他们不断遇到对方,终于意识到他们之间有火花。
Themusicismediocrebecause there's no spark, nothrill, nounpredictability.音乐是平庸的,因为没有火花,没有刺激,没有出人意料的地方。
- Hisspeechwas the spark formajorriots.
- Herletterwas the spark thatdrovehim tocommitmurder.
Causing things to happen
- -induced
- activate
- activation
- actuation
- agent
- attribute
- attributesomethingtosomeone
- implementation
- in
- inaugurate
- inauguration
- pioneer
- reactivate
- realization
- realize
- reattribute
- reawaken
- render
- seed
- spell
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Words meaning small pieces and amounts
anelectrician(= apersonwhosejobis to put in andrepairelectricalwiresandequipment):
电工You need abrickieand a sparks.你需要一名泥瓦匠和一个电工。
sparks fly
tocausethestartof something,especiallyanargumentorfighting:
引起,导致,触发(尤指争论或打斗)Thisproposalwillalmostcertainlyspark anothercountrywidedebateaboutimmigration.这项提议很可能会再一次在全国范围内引起关于移民的争论。
Therecentinterest-rateriseshave sparked newproblemsforsmallbusinesses.近期利率的上调给小型企业带来了新问题。
Thevisitof the G20leaderssparkedoff(=causedthestartof)massdemonstrations.G20国家领导人的到访引发了大规模示威游行。
to make something happen
- causeFirefighters determined that a campfire spark caused the wildfire.
- bring aboutMany illnesses are brought about by poor diet and lack of exercise.
- result inThe fire resulted in damage to their house.
- lead toReducing speed limits has led to fewer deaths on the motorways.
- makeThe heat is making me tired.
- arouseIt's a subject that has aroused a lot of interest.
Starting and beginning
- be in the first flush ofidiom
- be/get in on the ground flooridiom
- become
- begin
- branch out
- develop
- export
- get down to businessidiom
- grow
- half-cock
- here
- here goes!idiom
- hit the ground runningidiom
- stirring
- strike
- strike out(somewhere)
- stuck
- stumble intosomething
- swing into actionidiom
- the ground floor