uk/ˈspætʃ.kɒk/us/ˈspætʃ.kɑːk/pluralspatchcocksororspatchcockachickenor othertypeofbirdthat has beencutopendown themiddle,pressedflat, andcooked; thismethodofcookingachicken, etc.:
(把鸡或其他家禽从中间剖开,压平后烹饪的)展平烤全鸡,蝶形烤全鸡Massage themixtureinto theskinof the spatchcocks andallowthem tomarinatefor 1hourminimum.将混合好的佐料揉到展平压好的全鸡上,腌制至少一个小时。
We wentstraightto themaincourseandorderedspatchcock andbeeftenderloin.我们直接点了主菜,要了一份蝶形烤全鸡和一份牛腰肉。

JannHuizenga/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- When wegrillchicken, Ipreferthethighsanddrumsticksoreventhewholechickenas in my Spicy Spatchcock Chicken.
- Spatchcocks areavailablefromgamebutchersandspecialtypoultrysuppliers.
- Herrecipeforbutteredspatchcock haschickenscoveredwith athicklayerofbutter.
Preparing animals & fish for cooking
- bone
- boneless
- butchery
- ceviche
- chine
- clean
- debeard
- devein
- fillet
- fleishig
- Frenching
- gut
- hang
- joint
- pluck
- render
- skewer
- skinless
- tenderize
- truss
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cuts of meat
uk/ˈspætʃ.kɒk/us/ˈspætʃ.kɑːk/toprepareachickenor othertypeofbirdforcookingbycuttingitopendown themiddle, and thenpressingitflat:
(烹饪前将鸡或其他家禽)从中间剖开压平First, spatchcock thechicken(seeourstep-by-stepvideohere).首先,将整只鸡从中间剖开压平(见我们的分步小视频)。
- Thecontestantshad toattemptto spatchcock a poussin and then make alemoncurd.
- Spatchcockedquailwas a littlefiddlytoeat,particularlyas adishtoshare.
- Thereciperequires4 poussin (askyourbutcherto spatchcock them for you).
- Once all thebirdsare spatchcocked,smearwithmarinadeandleaveovernightin thefridge.
Preparing animals & fish for cooking
- bone
- boneless
- butchery
- ceviche
- chine
- clean
- debeard
- devein
- fillet
- fleishig
- Frenching
- gut
- hang
- joint
- pluck
- render
- skewer
- skinless
- tenderize
- truss
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cuts of meat