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ashapemade up ofcurves, each one above orwiderthan the one before: 螺旋形Acorkscrewis spiral-shaped.瓶塞钻是螺旋形的。  Mike_Kiev/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages downward spiral C2asituationin which aprice, etc.becomeslower, or asituationgetsworseand isdifficulttocontrolbecause onebadeventcausesanother: (价格等的)不断下降;(局面的)迅速恶化;螺旋式恶性下滑 This year'sdownwardspiral ofhousepriceshasdepressedthemarket.今年房价的持续下跌造成了市场的疲软。 We have toavoidthedownwardspiral in whichunemploymentleadstohomelessnessand then tocrime.我们必须避免失业导致无家可归,进而导致犯罪的恶性循环。 - The country'seconomyis on adownwardspiral.
- Thepastawas insmallspiralshapes.
- Thestaircasewas agrandspiral ofmarble.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGeometry: bends, loops & curves - anfractuous
- arc
- conic
- curl
- curve
- dogleg
- fishhook
- helix
- hyperbola
- hyperbolic
- kink
- loop
- parabola
- peaked
- spline
- tight
- twist
- whirl
- whorl
- wraparound
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: tomovein a spiral: 呈螺旋式上升(或下降);盘旋上升(或下降)With onewingdamaged, themodelairplanespiralleddownwards.模型飞机的一个机翼坏了,盘旋着下坠。 Ifcosts,prices, etc. spiral, theyincreasefasterandfaster: (费用、价格等)急剧增长,急速上升Spirallingcostshavesqueezedprofits.急剧上升的成本压缩了利润空间。 spiral downwards (ofprices, etc.) tobecomeless, at afasterandfasterrate (价格等)急剧下降If asituationspirals, itquicklygetsworsein a way thatbecomesmore and moredifficulttocontrol: (形势)急剧恶化Violence in thecountryisthreateningto spiralout ofcontrol.国内暴力活动正要进入急剧恶化的状态。 He spiralledintoadrugaddictionthatcosthim hislife.他的毒瘾急剧恶化,直到付出生命的代价。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMoving downwards - base jumping
- cascade
- descend
- dive
- drop/fall/sink like a stoneidiom
- fall
- fall down
- flop
- freefall
- go down
- parachute
- pronate
- pronation
- put
- putsomething/someonedown
- rain(something)down
- set
- setsomethingdown
- sink
- touch
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Price increases Price decreases shapedin aseriesofcurves, each one above orwiderthan the one before: 螺旋形的a spiralstaircase螺旋式楼梯 a spiralgalaxy漩涡星系 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGeometry: properties of circles & curves - amplitude
- arched
- bore
- circularity
- circumference
- circumferential
- concave
- concavity
- concentric
- conic
- curved
- curvy
- eccentric
- elliptical
- gauge
- incisura
- osculate
- parabolic
- sinuous
- sinuously
See more results » (Definition ofspiralfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)spiral| American Dictionaryashapeof acontinuous,curvinglinethatformscirclesaround acenterpoint: Acorkscrewis made in a spiral. fig.Roy wasbitterabout thedownwardspiral of hislife(= it wasbecomingcontinuouslyworse). spiral
Newplaygroundequipmentincludesalargespiralslide. Theenginequit, and mybeautifulmodelairplanespiraleddownward. Highwindsspiraled around thestormcenter. (Definition ofspiralfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)asituationin whichprices,levels,rates, etc. go down, or in which asituationgetsworseand isdifficulttocontrolbecause onebadeventcausesanother: a spiral of sthThe world's twobiggesteconomiesarecaughtin a spiral ofborrowing. This year'sdownwardspiralofhousepriceshasdepressedthemarket. Myformercolleagueshave beenstuckin a spiral thatcontinuesto say, the only way we cancontinueourprofitmarginsis tocutgoodjournalism, and that is to me adeathspiral. (alsospiral up/upward(s))ifcosts,prices, etc. spiral, theyincreasequickly: Costs spiral, and thepatientissubjectedtoteststhey don't need. Inflationbeganto spiralupward. spiral (from sth) to sthThe country'sforeigndebtspiralled from $840 million to $2.6billion. spiral downwards ifcosts,prices, etc. spiraldownwards, they go downquickly: Stockpriceshave spiralleddownwardsfor the past twoweeks. spiral out of control if asituationspirals out ofcontrol, itbecomesimpossibletocontrolbecause onebadeventcausesanother: Theprojectspiraled out ofcontrol,running$300 million overbudget. There is agreatdealofevidencethatinternetgamblingis spirallingrapidlyout ofcontrol. (Definition ofspiralfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofspiralspiral So, you have aspiraluntil people realize that those returns are really not maintainable.From theCambridge English Corpus Forward flow lines above the vortex were directed upward to attach on the superior vessel wall and then spiraled down over the vortex.From theCambridge English Corpus These differences contributed to the formation of a great ideological divide that admitted no compromise, and that soon generated aspiralof political violence.From theCambridge English Corpus Stationary and driftingspiralwaves of excitation in isolated cardiac muscle.From theCambridge English Corpus They believe that the set of cubic spirals has several advantages when used in smoothpath planning, one of which is curvature continuity.From theCambridge English Corpus This rest increases the physiological changes occurring in the body and the fatigue experienced in a selfperpetuatingspiralof increasing fatigue.From theCambridge English Corpus Thespiralstair-tower is enfolded by these forms, like an infant in the protective embrace of its parents.From theCambridge English Corpus By 1988 the monetary indicators were spiralling out of control.From theCambridge English Corpus The interests of management, faced with spiraling cost of labour, and unions, operating in a labour surplus economy, converged towards a masculinisation of organized labour.From theCambridge English Corpus In its shell guise, thespiralusually has small protuberances around the perimeter.From theCambridge English Corpus Failed physiological change of thespiralarteries will result in persistence of the muscular layer.From theCambridge English Corpus In preeclampsia, an inadequate placental trophoblast invasion of the maternal uterinespiralarteries results in poor placental perfusion, leading to placental ischaemia.From theCambridge English Corpus Reduced invasion will leave thespiralarteries vasoreactive, and thus more likely to undergo spontaneous transient vasoconstriction.From theCambridge English Corpus However, spiralling wage demands, growing unrest and strikes continued.From theCambridge English Corpus A violent strategy would have led inevitably to spiralling escalation, with the state having the strategic edge at every turn in the foreseeable future.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/spiral## |