uk/ˈspɪr.ɪt/us/ˈspɪr.ət/spiritnoun(WAY OF FEELING)
aparticularway ofthinking,feeling, orbehaving,especiallya way that istypicalof aparticulargroupofpeople, anactivity, atime, or aplace:
精神;(尤指特定人群、活动、时代或地方的)主导精神Theplayershave a verystrongteamspirit(=loyaltyto each other).队员们有很强的团队精神。
Asrockmusiciansin the 1960s, they were very muchpartof the spiritof theage/times.作为20世纪60年代的摇滚音乐家,他们在很大程度上代表了当时的时代精神。
Weactedina spiritofcooperation.我们遵循合作精神行事。
the way apersonisfeeling:
情绪;心境I've beenin high/lowspirits(=feelinghappy/sad)lately.最近我情绪很好/不好。
Her spiritslifted/rose(= shefelthappier)as shereadtheletter.她看信之后心情好了起来。
Thenegativereplydashedhis spirits(= made himunhappy).否定的回复使得他情绪低落。
the spirit of a law, rule, etc.
theprinciplethat alaw,rule, etc. wascreatedto makestronger,ratherthan theparticularthings it says you must or must not do:
法律/规则等的实质(或精神)Theyfollowedneither the spiritnortheletterof thelaw.他们既不遵从法律的实质精神,也不理睬其字面意义。
enter/get into the spirit
to showenthusiasmandenjoyment:
全身心投入;积极热情地参与They went to thetenniscluba fewtimesbut never really got into the spirit of it.他们去了几次网球俱乐部,但从未真正投身其中。
that's the spirit
used toapproveorencouragesomeone'spositiveattitude(= way ofthinking)oraction:
(用于表示赞同或鼓励)这就对了,就应该这样"Come on, we canwinthisgame." "That's the spirit."“加把劲,我们能赢这场比赛。”“这就对了。”
- Thepresenceof so manyoutsidershasruinedthecommunityspirit.
- I could neverplayteamsports- Ilackthecompetitivespirit .
- There is a spirit ofdefeatismamong somemembersof theparty.
- She'll makemoney- she's got thatentrepreneurialspirit.
- Ourfootballcoachhasworkedhard toinculcateateamspirit into theplayers.
Feelings - general words
- aura
- charged
- emotional
- emotionalism
- emotionally
- emotively
- feeling
- gut
- himself
- myself
- non-material
- sensibility
- sentience
- sentient
- sentiment
- team spirit
- thirsty
- tingle
- twinge
- vibe
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Morality and rules of behaviour
Celebrating & entertaining
Encouraging and urging on
spiritnoun(NOT BODY)
thecharacteristicsof apersonthat areconsideredas beingseparatefrom thebody, and that manyreligionsbelievecontinuetoexistafter thebodydies:
(独立于肉体的)精神,灵魂;心灵Although he's nowlivinginAmerica, Ifeelhe's with meinspirit(= Ifeelhe ispresentand isinfluencingme, in a way that is notphysical).虽然他现在生活在美国,但我感觉他和我心灵相通。
theformof adeadperson,similarto aghost, or thefeelingthat adeadpersonispresentalthoughyou cannotseethem:
The spirits of long-deadwarriorsseemedtohauntthearea.死去很久的武士的幽灵似乎经常在这个地区出没。
- After thepriestexorcizedthe spirit/house/child,apparently, thestrangenoisesstopped.
- Sheclaimsto haveoccultpowers, given to her by somemysteriousspirit.
- Thisplaceisvisitedby the spirits of thedead.
- Her spirithauntsthehouse.
Mind and personality
- allism
- allistic
- alter ego
- ambivert
- Asperger's syndrome
- cognition
- human nature
- id
- identify
- identity
- in the person ofsomeoneidiom
- jib
- noetic
- noggin
- non-identity
- noodle
- on the spectrumidiom
- subconscious
- vantage point
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Souls, spirits & ghosts
enthusiasm,energy, orcourage:
热情;活力;勇气TheorchestraperformedThe Rite of Springwithgreatspirit.管弦乐团以饱满的激情演奏了《春之祭》。
Thetorturefailedtobreakthe prisoner's spirit.严刑拷打未能摧垮囚犯的意志。
Excitement, interest, energy and enthusiasm
- alacrity
- animation
- ardour
- avidity
- boosterism
- commotion
- fever pitch
- flirtation
- frenzy
- friskiness
- frisson
- frolic
- hubbub
- pep
- perkiness
- physicality
- piquancy
- pizzazz
- whirl
- zealousness
烈性酒Vodka is atypeof spirit.伏特加是一种烈性酒。
Spirits are moreexpensivethanbeer, but they get youdrunkfaster.烈酒比啤酒要贵,但能很快把人灌醉。
Sometypesof spirit arealcoholicliquidsusedespeciallyforcleaning,mixingwithpaint, etc.:
(尤用于清洁、混合油漆等的)工业酒精,酒精溶液Thin thepaintwithwhitespirit.用石油溶剂油稀释油漆。
Spirits & distilling
- absinthe
- amaretto
- applejack
- benedictine
- bitter
- cognac
- cordial
- creme
- crème de menthe
- curaçao
- hard seltzer
- hooch
- kirsch
- liqueur
- malt
- rye
- schnapps
- sloe gin
- small-batch
- toddy
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cleaning agents
as, if, when, etc. the spirit movessomeone
the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak
uk/ˈspɪr.ɪt/us/ˈspɪr.ət/spiritsomeone/somethingaway, off, out, etc.
tomovesomeone or something out of or away from aplacesecretly:
偷偷带走;神不知鬼不觉地弄走Somehow theprisonersmanagedto spiritnewsout to theworldoutside.囚犯们不知用什么办法把消息送出了监狱。
Transferring and transporting objects
- bear
- bearer
- bike
- bike rack
- bore
- borne
- bring
- budge
- bus
- call forsomeone
- convey
- haul
- portage
- post-delivery
- putsomething/someonedown
- redeliver
- redelivery
- transplant
- transport
- transportation
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Moving to avoid being seen