释义 |
standverb(VERTICAL)A2[IorT]to be in averticalstateor to put into averticalstate,especially(of apersonoranimal) by making thelegsstraight: (使)直立;(使)站立;竖放;(尤指)站起来 Granny says if she stands for alongtimeherankleshurt.奶奶说她站久了脚踝会疼。 As asignofpolitenessyou should stand(up)when she comes in.她进来时你应该站起来以示礼貌。 Standstilland bequiet!站好了,不要出声! After theearthquakenot asinglebuildingwasleftstanding in thevillage.地震之后,村子里所有的房子都倒了。 Stand thebottlesonthetableover there.把瓶子放在那边的桌子上。 - Don't stand out there in thecold- come in here and getwarm.
- Theaudienceclappedandcheeredwhen she stood up tospeak.
- They stood on thestreetcornerhandingoutleaflets.
- We stoodhuddledtogether forwarmth.
- She stood up toaddressahushedcourtroom.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSitting and standing - akimbo
- astride
- bestride
- cross-legged
- crouch
- foot
- on all foursidiom
- pew
- plump(someone/something)down
- rampant
- reseat
- seat
- sit
- stance
- stand around
- stand aside
- stand round
- stand up
- strike
- surface
See more results » standverb(STATE)C1[I,L only+ adj]to be in,causeto be in, or get into aparticularstateorsituation: (使)处于,进入(特定状态或境况) How do youthinkyourchancesstand(= are)of beingofferedthejob?你认为你得到那份工作的机会有多大? Thenationaldebtstandsat55billiondollars.国家债务达550亿美元。 Thehousestoodemptyforyears.这座房子空置多年了。 Martina iscurrentlystanding second in theworldlistings.玛丁纳目前世界排名第二。 [+ to infinitive]Ourfirmstandstolose(= willlose)a lot ofmoneyif thedealisunsuccessful.如果这笔交易不成的话,我们公司会损失一大笔钱。 We really can'tallowthecurrentsituationto stand(= toexistinitscurrentform).我们确实不能允许目前的状况再继续下去了。 Newton'slawsofmechanicsstood(= werethoughtto becompletelytrue)for over two hundredyears.牛顿力学定律曾在200多年间无人撼动。 Leave themixtureto stand(= do nottouchit)for 15minutesbefore use.将混合物静置15分钟再用。 It would bedifficultfor her to stand muchlower/higherinmyopinion(= for me to have aworse/betteropinionof her)after the way shebehavedat theparty.她在聚会上的表现让我对她的印象不能再差/再好了。 She's veryblunt, but at least youknowwhere you stand with her(= youknowwhat shethinksand how she islikelytobehave).她很直接,但是你至少知道她是怎么想的、会怎么做。 formalYou standaccusedofmurder, how do youplead?你被控谋杀,你如何申辩? stand trial C2to be put ontrialin alawcourt: 受审 Two other men are to standtrialnextmonthfortheirpartin thebombing.另外两名男子因涉嫌参与这起爆炸案将于下个月接受审判。 - Inflationcurrentlystands at threepercent.
- Thecurrenttotalstands at £30,000.
- He stands tobenefitfrom thesituation.
- Eightyearslaterthebuildingstandsempty.
- Thetheatrehas beenleftto standderelict.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesExisting and being - account forsomething
- alive
- be
- be a thingidiom
- been
- come
- existential
- extant
- found
- have legsidiom
- hood
- lie in
- living
- run
- spring up
- they're
- thing
- viability
- we're
- who're
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Court cases, orders & decisions standverb(PLACE)B2[IorT,usually+ adv/prep]to be in,causeto be in, or put into aparticularplace: 在;位于;放 Theroomwasemptyexcept for awardrobestanding in onecorner.房间里除了墙角有个衣柜外,别无他物。 Stand thepaintingsagainst thewallwhile wedecidewhere tohangthem.先把画靠墙放好,我们来看看挂在哪里好。 Thephotographshowsthehappycouplestanding beside abananatree.照片上那对幸福的夫妇站在香蕉树旁。 [Iusually+ adv/prep]Vehicles that are standing arewaiting: (车辆)停,停靠 Thetrainnow standingatplatform8 is the 15.17 for Cardiff.现在停靠在8站台的是15点17分开往卡迪夫的列车。 no standingUS(UKno waiting) used onsignstomeanvehiclesare notallowedtopark,evenforshortperiodsoftime: 禁止停车Thesignby thesideof theroadsaid "no standing".路边的标志牌上写着“禁止停车”。 - Hiswalkingstickstood by thedoor.
- You'll have to stand thesofaonitsend to get it through thedoor.
- Could you stand thebookcaseagainst thatwall,please?
- There was abigchestofdrawersstanding in onecorner.
- In thecentreof thehallstood acolossalwoodenstatue,decoratedinivoryandgold.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPlacing and positioning an object - -based
- appose
- around
- changesomethingaround
- circle
- consign
- install
- lie
- pile(something)up
- plant
- redeposit
- reinstall
- reinstallation
- relocate
- reorientate
- spread
- stick
- superimpose
- transpose
- transposition
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Staying and remaining Waiting Roads: lights, signs & markings on roads standverb(ACCEPT)B1[Tusually in negatives]tosuccessfullyacceptorbearsomething that isunpleasantordifficult: 承受住,经受住 I can't stand hervoice.我受不了她的声音。 Ourtentwon't stand anotherstormlike the last one.我们的帐篷经受不起像上次那样的风暴了。 [+ -ing verb]I can't standhearinghercry.我听不得她哭。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto hate someone or something - hateI hate camping.
- detestI detest any kind of cruelty.
- loathe"Do you like cabbage?" "No, I loathe it."
- despiseShe despised him for the way he treated her.
See more results » - Personally, I can't stand her.
- I can'tevenstand thesmell.
- I can't stand beingcold.
- He can't stand thesightof her.
- I can't stand thethoughtofwaitingsolong.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTolerating and enduring - bear withsomeone
- bearable
- bide
- come to terms withsomethingidiom
- endurable
- philosophically
- resignyourselftosomething
- resignedly
- ridesomethingout
- rough
- sit
- sitsomethingout
- stand forsomething
- stick
- struggle
- sweat it outidiom
- wait
- waitsomethingout
- weather the stormidiom
- withstand
See more results » standverb(POLITICS)C2[I]UK(USalsoUKrun)tocompete,especiallyin anelection, for anofficialposition: 参加竞选 Thepresidenthasannouncedshe does notintendto standforre-election.总统宣布她无意参加竞选谋求连任。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesElections - absentee
- absentee ballot
- absentee vote
- absentee voter
- absentee voting
- entrance poll
- exit poll
- first-past-the-post
- flip
- franchise
- primary
- proportional representation
- proxy
- proxy vote
- proxy voter
- votesomethingthrough
- voting
- voting booth
- voting machine
- voting slip
See more results » stand a chance C2to have achanceofsuccess: 有成功的希望 She stands a goodchanceofpassingherexamif sheworkshard.她努力学习的话,通过考试的希望很大。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPossible and probable - always
- anything's possibleidiom
- arguably
- as never beforeidiom
- auspiciously
- bet
- fair
- it isn't over until the fat lady singsidiom
- lean
- lean towards sth
- liable
- likelihood
- manage
- probable
- probably
- prospective
- prospectively
- realm
- tend
- tip
See more results » standverb(HEIGHT)[L only+ noun]to be astatedheight: 高度为,高达 Even without hisshoeshe stood over twometrestall.即便不穿鞋,他身高也超过了两米。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesHigh, tall and deep - abysmal
- altitude
- bottomless
- deep
- dwarf
- ectomorph
- elevated
- eye level
- height
- higher
- lofty
- overshadow
- rangy
- rear
- rear above/oversomething/someone
- tall
- tallish
- tallness
- tower
- tower above/oversomeone/something
See more results » standverb(BUY)[T+ two objects]tobuysomething,especiallyamealor adrink, for someone: 请(某人)客;请(某人)吃饭 I couldn't get to thebank, so could you stand melunch?我没法去银行,你能请我吃午饭吗? SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPaying money - advance
- ante up (something)
- balance
- burn a hole insomeone'spocketidiom
- chargeable
- co-finance
- compensate
- congestion charge
- cost-cutting
- cough
- lash
- pay top dollaridiom
- ransom
- settle up
- shortchange
- sink intosomething
- spender
- splash out(something)
- spring forsomething
- stump
See more results » standverb(OPINION)C2[Iusually+ adv/prep]to have as anopinion: 想,认为;有…观点(或看法) How/Where does he standonforeignpolicyissues?他在外交政策问题上是什么立场? SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOpinions, beliefs and points of view - Afrocentric
- agnosticism
- anti-ideological
- article of faith
- ascription
- bubble
- creed
- have/take a notion todo somethingidiom
- helicopter view
- heretical
- hot take
- idea
- outlook
- point of view
- pole
- politics
- posture
- pretension
- prism
- tick
See more results » standverb(NOT CONTINUE)[I]in thegameofblackjack(=typeofcardgameplayedformoney), if you stand, you say that you do notwantto be given any morecards: Theguideprovidedaprobabilityoutlinefor whenplayersshould stand or take ahit. Goodplayerssometimeshit, sometimes stand,dependingon thecount. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCard games - all in
- bidding
- blackjack
- bridge
- busted flush
- canasta
- card sharp
- deal
- diamond
- flush
- jack
- pool
- queen
- re-raise
- rebid
- recut
- rookie card
- solitaire
- spade
- straight
See more results » Idiomscan't stand the sight ofsomeone/something from wheresomeonestands I stand corrected it stands to reason know whereyoustand stand (up) and be counted standyourground standsomeonein good stead standsomethingonitshead stand and deliver! stand bail stand fast/firm stand in the way ofsomething/someone stand onyourdignity stand onyourhands/head stand on your head stand onyourown (two) feet stand on ceremony stand or fall bysomething stand the test of time standing onyourhead Phrasal verbsstand around stand aside stand back stand bysomeone stand by stand bysomething stand clear stand down stand forsomething stand in stand out stand out againstsomething/someone stand oversomeone stand round stand together stand up standsomeoneup stand up forsomething/someone stand up tosomeone/something stand up tosomething standnoun(SPORT)[C]UKalargestructureat asportsground, usually with aslopingfloorand sometimes aroof, wherepeopleeither stand orsittowatchasportsevent 看台  dmitry_7/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages stands[plural] Fightingbrokeout in the stands fiveminutesbefore the end of thematch.比赛结束前5分钟看台上发生了打斗。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSports venues - all-seater
- amphitheatre
- arena
- ballpark
- bowl
- bullring
- commentary box
- crush barrier
- curva
- cycle track
- directors' box
- dojo
- fitness centre
- grandstand
- ice rink
- mezzanine
- rink
- stadium
- velodrome
- vert
See more results » standnoun(OPINION)[C]anopinion,especiallyone that ispublic: (尤指公开的)观点,立场,态度 What's her standonsexualequality?她对男女平等持什么态度? SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOpinions, beliefs and points of view - Afrocentric
- agnosticism
- anti-ideological
- article of faith
- ascription
- bubble
- creed
- have/take a notion todo somethingidiom
- helicopter view
- heretical
- hot take
- idea
- outlook
- point of view
- pole
- politics
- posture
- pretension
- prism
- tick
See more results » standnoun(COURT)[C]US(UKwitness box)theplacein which apersonsitsor stands in alawcourtwhen they are beingaskedquestions: Thewitnesstookthe stand(= went to theplacein acourtwhere you stand andanswerquestions).目击者出庭作证。  dcdebs/E+/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLaw courts - appellate
- before
- bench
- chamber
- chancery
- circuit court
- courthouse
- courtroom
- criminal court
- Crown Court
- High Court
- industrial tribunal
- jury box
- justice
- kangaroo court
- the Inns of Court
- the Supreme Court
- tribunal
- venue
- witness box
See more results » standnoun(SHOP)C1[C]asmallshoporstallor anareawhereproductscan beshown, usuallyoutsideor in alargepublicbuilding, at whichpeoplecanbuythings or getinformation: 售货亭;摊位;展台 ahotdogstand热狗摊 Over three thousandcompanieswill have stands at this year'smicroelectronicsexhibition.今年的微电子产品展览会上将会有3000多家公司参展。  /GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesShops & auctions - army disposals store
- army surplus store
- army-navy store
- art gallery
- auction
- craft fair
- craft shop
- creamery
- deli
- delicatessen
- liquor store
- mall
- mart
- meat market
- medical hall
- store
- strip mall
- super-sale
- supermarket
- superstore
See more results » standnoun(FRAME)C2[C]aframeorpieceoffurnitureforsupportingor putting things on: (支撑或摆放物品的)架,座,台 amusicstand乐谱架 ahatstand衣帽架  fStop Images/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesFrames & structures - armature
- assembly
- bezel
- clothes hanger
- clothes horse
- coat hanger
- frame
- framework
- gantry
- hanger
- homeschool
- honeycomb
- matrix
- picture frame
- rack
- reframe
- shell
- structural
- structurally
- structure
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: standnoun(OPPOSITION)C2[Cusually singular]anactofopposition,especiallyinordertodefendsomeone or something: 反对;抵抗,抵制;(尤指)捍卫 Environmentalgroupsaremaking astandagainstthe newroadthrough thevalley.环保团体正在采取行动,反对修建穿过山谷的新公路。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOpposing & against - ad hominem
- alienate
- alienated
- antagonism
- antagonistic
- anti-boycott
- antithetical
- converse
- insurgent
- nimby
- nimbyism
- non-confidence
- oppositional
- outcry
- protest
- raise
- resistant
- sail against the windidiom
- versus
- virulent
See more results » standnoun(PERFORMANCES)[Cusually singular]USaparticularnumberorperiodofperformances: (在某地的)停留演出;停留比赛 The Orioles will be intownfor a three-game stand.黄鹂队将来城里进行3场比赛。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSpectacles & performances - aerobatic
- amateur theater
- balancing act
- bullfight
- bullfighting
- double-header
- minstrel show
- music hall
- non-musical
- one-night stand
- one-person
- rendering
- routine
- spectacle
- spectacular
- street theatre
- stripping
- striptease
- super-spectacle
- supershow
See more results » standnoun(GROUP OF TREES)agroupoftrees,especiallyonesof asimilarsize,age, ortype: Apelicandriftstoward a stand oftrees. If abeetleinfestationhitsyourforeststand and all thetreesarekilled, all of thecarbongets re-emitted. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGroups and collections of things - agglomeration
- Aladdin's cave
- anthology
- assemblage
- bank
- basket
- bob
- empty set
- ensemble
- family
- feast
- generation
- glory box
- package
- permutation
- pool
- selection
- sheaf
- sheaves
- starter pack
See more results » (Definition ofstandfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)standverb(VERTICAL)A2[IorT]to be in averticalstateor to put into averticalstate,especially(of apersonoranimal) by making thelegsstraight (使)直立;(使)站立;竖放;(尤指)站起来Granny says if she stands for alongtimeherankleshurt.奶奶说她站久了脚踝会疼。 As asignofpolitenessyou should stand(up)when she comes in.她进来时你应该站起来以示礼貌。 Standstilland bequiet!站好了,不要出声! After theearthquakenot asinglebuildingwasleftstanding in thevillage.地震之后,村子里所有的房子都倒了。 Stand thebottlesonthetableover there.把瓶子放在那边的桌子上。 - Don't stand out there in thecold- come in here and getwarm.
- Theaudienceclappedandcheeredwhen she stood up tospeak.
- They stood on thestreetcornerhandingoutleaflets.
- We stoodhuddledtogether forwarmth.
- She stood up toaddressahushedcourtroom.
standverb(STATE)C1[I,L only+ adj]to be in,causeto be in, or get into aparticularstateorsituation (使)处于,进入(特定状态或境况)How do youthinkyourchancesstand(= are)of beingofferedthejob?你认为你得到那份工作的机会有多大? Thenationaldebtstandsat55billiondollars.国家债务达550亿美元。 Thehousestoodemptyforyears.这座房子空置多年了。 Martina iscurrentlystanding second in theworldlistings.玛丁纳目前世界排名第二。 [+ to infinitive]Ourfirmstandstolose(= willlose)a lot ofmoneyif thedealisunsuccessful.如果这笔交易不成的话,我们公司会损失一大笔钱。 We really can'tallowthecurrentsituationto stand(= toexistinitscurrentform).我们确实不能允许目前的状况再继续下去了。 Newton'slawsofmechanicsstood(= werethoughtto becompletelytrue)for over two hundredyears.牛顿力学定律曾在200多年间无人撼动。 Leave themixtureto stand(= do nottouchit)for 15minutesbefore use.将混合物静置15分钟再用。 It would bedifficultfor her to stand muchlower/higherinmyopinion(= for me to have aworse/betteropinionof her)after the way shebehavedat theparty.她在聚会上的表现让我对她的印象不能再差/再好了。 She's veryblunt, but at least youknowwhere you stand with her(= youknowwhat shethinksand how she islikelytobehave).她很直接,但是你至少知道她是怎么想的、会怎么做。 formalYou standaccusedofmurder, how do youplead?你被控谋杀,你如何申辩? stand trial C2to be put ontrialin alawcourt 受审Two other men are to standtrialnextmonthfortheirpartin thebombing.另外两名男子因涉嫌参与这起爆炸案将于下个月接受审判。 - Inflationcurrentlystands at threepercent.
- Thecurrenttotalstands at £30,000.
- He stands tobenefitfrom thesituation.
- Eightyearslaterthebuildingstandsempty.
- Thetheatrehas beenleftto standderelict.
standverb(PLACE)B2[IorT,usually+ adv/prep]to be in,causeto be in, or put into aparticularplace 在;位于;放Theroomwasemptyexcept for awardrobestanding in onecorner.房间里除了墙角有个衣柜外,别无他物。 Stand thepaintingsagainst thewallwhile wedecidewhere tohangthem.先把画靠墙放好,我们来看看挂在哪里好。 Thephotographshowsthehappycouplestanding beside abananatree.照片上那对幸福的夫妇站在香蕉树旁。 [Iusually+ adv/prep]Vehicles that are standing arewaiting. (车辆)停,停靠Thetrainnow standingatplatform8 is the 15.17 for Cardiff.现在停靠在8站台的是15点17分开往卡迪夫的列车。 no standingUS(UKno waiting) used onsignstomeanvehiclesare notallowedtopark,evenforshortperiodsoftime 禁止停车Thesignby thesideof theroadsaid "no standing".路边的标志牌上写着“禁止停车”。 - Hiswalkingstickstood by thedoor.
- You'll have to stand thesofaonitsend to get it through thedoor.
- Could you stand thebookcaseagainst thatwall,please?
- There was abigchestofdrawersstanding in onecorner.
- In thecentreof thehallstood acolossalwoodenstatue,decoratedinivoryandgold.
standverb(ACCEPT)B1[Tusually in negatives]to successfullyacceptorbearsomething that isunpleasantordifficult 承受住,经受住I can't stand hervoice.我受不了她的声音。 Ourtentwon't stand anotherstormlike the last one.我们的帐篷经受不起像上次那样的风暴了。 [+ -ing verb]I can't standhearinghercry.我听不得她哭。 - Personally, I can't stand her.
- I can'tevenstand thesmell.
- I can't stand beingcold.
- He can't stand thesightof her.
- I can't stand thethoughtofwaitingsolong.
standverb(POLITICS)C2[I]UK(USalsoUKrun)tocompete,especiallyin anelection, for anofficialposition 参加竞选Thepresidenthasannouncedshe does notintendto standforre-election.总统宣布她无意参加竞选谋求连任。 stand a chance C2to have achanceofsuccess 有成功的希望She stands a goodchanceofpassingherexamif sheworkshard.她努力学习的话,通过考试的希望很大。 standverb(HEIGHT)[L only+ noun]to be astatedheight 高度为,高达Even without hisshoeshe stood over twometrestall.即便不穿鞋,他身高也超过了两米。 standverb(BUY)[T+ two objects]tobuysomething,especiallyamealor adrink, for someone 请(某人)客;请(某人)吃饭I couldn't get to thebank, so could you stand melunch?我没法去银行,你能请我吃午饭吗? standverb(OPINION)C2[Iusually+ adv/prep]to have as anopinion 想,认为;有…观点(或看法)How/Where does he standonforeignpolicyissues?他在外交政策问题上是什么立场? Idiomscan't stand the sight ofsb/sth from wheresbstands I stand corrected it stands to reason know whereyoustand stand (up) and be counted standyourground standsbin good stead standsthonitshead stand and deliver! stand bail stand fast/firm stand in the way ofsth/sb stand onyourdignity stand onyourhands/head stand onyourown (two) feet stand on ceremony stand or fall bysth stand the test of time standing onyourhead Phrasal verbsstand around stand aside stand back stand bysb stand by stand bysth stand clear stand down stand forsth stand in stand out stand out againststh/sb stand oversb stand round stand together stand up standsbup stand up forsth/sb stand up tosb/sth stand up tosth standnoun(SPORT)[C]UKalargestructureat asportsground, usually with aslopingfloorand sometimes aroof, wherepeopleeither stand orsittowatchasportsevent stands[plural] 看台Fightingbrokeout in the stands fiveminutesbefore the end of thematch.比赛结束前5分钟看台上发生了打斗。 standnoun(OPINION)[C]anopinion,especiallyone that ispublic (尤指公开的)观点,立场,态度What's her standonsexualequality?她对男女平等持什么态度? standnoun(COURT)[C]US(UKwitness box)theplacein which apersonstands in alawcourtwhen they are beingaskedquestions 证人席Thewitnesstookthe stand(= went to theplacein acourtwhere you stand andanswerquestions).目击者出庭作证。 standnoun(SHOP)C1[C]asmallshoporstallor anareawhereproductscan beshown, usuallyoutsideor in alargepublicbuilding, at whichpeoplecanbuythings or getinformation 售货亭;摊位;展台ahotdogstand热狗摊 Over three thousandcompanieswill have stands at this year'smicroelectronicsexhibition.今年的微电子产品展览会上将会有3000多家公司参展。 standnoun(FRAME)C2[C]aframeorpieceoffurnitureforsupportingor putting things on (支撑或摆放物品的)架,座,台amusicstand乐谱架 ahatstand衣帽架 standnoun(OPPOSITION)C2[Cusually singular]anactofopposition,especiallyinordertodefendsomeone or something 反对;抵抗,抵制;(尤指)捍卫Environmentalgroupsaremaking astandagainstthe newroadthrough thevalley.环保团体正在采取行动,反对修建穿过山谷的新公路。 standnoun(PERFORMANCES)[Cusually singular]USaparticularnumberorperiodofperformances (在某地的)停留演出;停留比赛The Orioles will be intownfor a three-game stand.黄鹂队将来城里进行3场比赛。 stand| American Dictionarystandverb(BE VERTICAL)[I/T]to be onyourfeetor get into averticalposition, or to put someone or something into averticalposition: [I]I stoodmotionlessas thesnakeslitheredby. [I]Please stand back so theparamedicscan get through. [Talways+ adv/prep]I stood theironingboardagainst thewall. stand onyourhands(alsohead) If you stand onyourhandsor head, youholdyourself withyourhead near or on thegroundandyourfeetin theair. standverb(BE IN SITUATION)to be or get into aparticularstateorsituation: [I]As things standrightnow, there’s notellingwho willwin. [I]Let themixturestand for fifteenminutes. [L]Some of theseolderhouseshave stoodemptyforyears. [L]He standsaccusedoftaxevasion. [L]Even without hershoes, she stands over sixfeettall. stands trial If someone standstrial,accusationsagainst thatpersonareexaminedin acourtoflaw: Berenson will standtrialnextmonthin thecountycourt. standverb(BE IN PLACE)[I]to be in aparticularplace: Adeskstood in themiddleof theroom. Ataxistood at thecurb,waitingfor afare. fig.If youwanttoapplyforpromotion, I won’t stand inyourway. standverb(ACCEPT)[T]to beabletoacceptorbearsomethingunpleasantordifficult: Ourtentwon’t stand anotherstormlike the last one. How can you stand all thatpressureatwork? standverb(HAVE OPINION)[Ialways+ adv/prep]to have aparticularopinionabout something: Onforeignpolicy, thepresidentseemsto stand to theleftof hisparty. IdiomsI stand corrected it stands to reason (that) on standby stand a chance standyourground stand guard stand onyourown (two) feet Phrasal verbsstand around stand by stand by stand bysomeone/something stand forsomething stand forsomething stand out stand over stand up stand upsomeone stand up forsomeone/something stand up tosomeone/something standnoun[C](OPINION)anopinion,esp. onepubliclyexpressed: What’s his stand onhealthcarereform? She’ll nodoubttake astrongstand againstraisingtaxes. standnoun[C](COURT)short form ofwitnessstand standnoun[C](STRUCTURE)asmallstructurewherefood,newspapers,candy, and othersmallitemsaresold: Hotdogstands withcolorfulumbrellasalwaysattractacrowd. standnoun[C](GROUP)agroupoftreesortallplants: Stands ofsprucetreesdottedthehills. standnoun[C](FRAME)apoleorframedesignedtoholdsomething: acoatstand Hemountsthebaseballsonmarblestands. (Definition ofstandfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)[I]to be in aparticularstateorsituation: As things stand, theexistingrulesare notworkinginfavourofcompetition. Officeblocksall over thecityarestandingempty. Theystandaccusedofbackdatingstockoptionstocoincidewith thelowestpossibleshareprice. standdivided/united [I]to be at orreachaparticularlevel: stand at sthThe country'snationaldebtstands at $55billion. [I]POLITICSUKtocompetein aelectionfor anofficialposition: She'sdecidedtostand forre-election. He waspersuadedtostand againstthepartyleaderin theupcomingelection. [I]to have aparticularopinionon something: stand on sthWhere does thepartystand onimmigration? [I]if anoffer, adecision, or arecordstill stands, it stillexistsand has not beenchanged: They have not made a secondbidfor thecompanybuttheiroriginalofferstill stands. Thecommissiondeclaredthat theelectionresultsshould stand. stand a chance (of doing sth) Theseambitiousprojectsonly stand achanceofhappeningif they getgenerousfinancialbacking. I don'tthinkthey stand achanceofwinningtheelection. stand bail (for sb) LAWUKtopaymoneyto show that youpromisethat someoneaccusedof acrimewill come to acourtoflawto bejudged: Afriendaskedme to standbailfor hisson. stand or fall by/on sth todependcompletelyon something to beabletosucceed: Governments stand orfallbytheireconomicperformance. stand pat (on sth) UStorefusetochangeadecisionor the way you do something: Thepartyis standingpaton theissueofimmigrationreform. stand the test of time to bepopularorsuccessfulfor alongtime: We onlyinvestincompanieswithestablishedbrandsthat have stood thetestoftime. stand to do sth to be in asituationin which it ispossibleorlikelythat something willhappento you: stand to gain/lose/winOurfirmstands tolosea lot ofmoneyif thedealdoesn't go through. stand trial LAWto bejudgedin acourtoflawafter beingaccusedofillegalbehaviour: Roberts willstandtrialnextweekforinsidertrading. Phrasal verbsstand by stand down stand for sth stand in [C]COMMERCE,MARKETINGatableorstructurewhere someone canselloradvertisetheirproductsorservices: There werestreetvendorssellingicecreamandhotdogsfromtheirstands. Over 100charitieswill have stands at this year'sexhibition. [C,usually singular]someone'sopinion,especiallywhen they make itpublic: sb's stand on sthWhat'stheirstand onenvironmentalissues? a stand against/for sthMr Williams said his organization's stand against the newdevelopmentwould notchange. hisoutspokenstand forhumanrights take/make a standWedecidedto take a stand against theproposedchangesto thelaw. Both thechairmanandchiefexecutiveareexpectedtotake the standin thishigh-profilefraudcase. (Definition ofstandfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofstandstand The abolitionist was, constitutionally speaking, neither officer nor prisoner and as a consequence maystandfor the ordinary citizen - "society," the people at large.From theCambridge English Corpus The latter response is reinforced in us by our obligation tostandin solidarity with victims of wrongdoing against those who have wronged them.From theCambridge English Corpus Thus, the passive walker reported here canstandstill.From theCambridge English Corpus This former self, we learn, stood before two paths, one leading to a hill, the other to a meadow.From theCambridge English Corpus In the end, we have only neutered rhetorical forms tostandas theories, and random design novelties tostandas practice.From theCambridge English Corpus Flies were considered recovered when able tostandup.From theCambridge English Corpus The timber was necessarily burned where it stood or fell, since this then provided ash for fertilizing the subsequent crop.From theCambridge English Corpus But for both groups, might not these specific symptoms also be standing for something deeper?From theCambridge English Corpus These figures maystandout in a regional context, but have not been achieved through structural change.From theCambridge English Corpus Large-sized pioneer species dominating early successional stands suffered greater damage and mortality, but these same species were observed as seedlings in newly formed canopy gaps.From theCambridge English Corpus Each year the real number of trees per plot (stand) was recorded.From theCambridge English Corpus Most of these logic trees can be used asstand-alone tools, depending upon the nature of the questions under consideration.From theCambridge English Corpus Wallsstandto 700 mm, varying degrees of intactness.From theCambridge English Corpus Effects of climate andstandage on annual tree dynamics in tropical second-growth rain forests.From theCambridge English Corpus Second, the present analysis as it stands cannot predict another possible reading of (27).From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/stand## |