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standardnoun(QUALITY)B2[CorU]alevelofquality: 标准,水准,水平 Thisessayis notofanacceptablestandard - do it again.这篇文章未达标准——重新写。 Thispieceofworkisbelowstandard/is notup tostandard.这项工作做得不合要求。 We have very highsafetystandards in thislaboratory.我们这个实验室有很高的安全标准。 Not everyonejudgessuccessby the same standards - somepeoplethinkhappinessis moreimportantthanmoney.每个人衡量成功的标准不尽相同——有些人认为快乐比金钱更重要。 Hertechniquebecamea standard against which allfuturemethodswerecompared.她的技术成了后来所有方法的参照标准。 Comparecriterion measurenoun touchstone yardstick(STANDARD) C2[Cusually plural]amoralrulethat should beobeyed: 道德准则,行为标准 Mostpeopleagreethat there are standards(ofbehaviour)that need to beupheld.大多数人认同人们需要遵守一定的(行为)准则。 - The standard of thestudents'workisabysmal.
- Foryearsthey haveenjoyeda standard oflivingunmatchedby any othercountryinEurope.
- The standard ofcareatourlocalhospitalisexcellent.
- Certain of thecandidateswere well below theusualstandard, butotherswere very goodindeed.
- As hiscareerattests, he is acricketerofworld-classstandard.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesQuality and standard - bar
- benchmark
- cachet
- calibre
- conform
- conform to/withsomething
- ideal
- level
- mark
- multi-levelled
- multilevel
- notch
- prestige
- qualitative
- star
- starred
- status
- style
- take first/second placeidiom
- upscale
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Morality and rules of behaviour standardnoun(USUAL)[Cusually singular]apatternormodelthat isgenerallyaccepted: 通用模式 Thisprogramis anindustrystandard forcomputers.这一程序是计算机的一个行业标准。 [C]asongor otherpieceofmusicthat has beenpopularand oftenplayedover alongperiodoftime (经常演唱或演奏的)常规曲目,保留曲目 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSamples and examples - advertisement
- aliquot
- archetype
- benchmark
- benchmarking
- core
- cross-section
- exemplification
- flavour
- for instanceidiom
- forerunner
- illustration
- qua
- quintessence
- role model
- sample
- showpiece
- sort
- specimen
- taste
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: standardnoun(CAR)[C]USacarwithgearsthat arechangedbyhand 手动挡汽车 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCars - 4×4
- all-wheel drive
- artic
- automobile
- banger
- beetle
- black cab
- classic car
- crock
- hardtop
- Jeep
- marque
- Merc
- Mk
- sport utility vehicle
- station wagon
- supercar
- town car
- tuktuk
- turbo
See more results » standardnoun(FLAG)[C]aflag,especiallyalong,narrowoneendingwith twolongpoints: 旗;(尤指)末端有两个尖的窄长旗  Flavia Morlachetti/Moment Unreleased/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesFlags - colour
- crossbones
- ensign
- flag
- flag of convenience
- half-mast
- half-staff
- pennant
- red flag
- saltire
- skull and crossbones
- Star-Spangled Banner
- Stars and Stripes
- the Jolly Roger
- tifo
- tricolour
- Union Jack
- windsock
B2usualratherthanspecial,especiallywhenthoughtof as beingcorrectoracceptable: 标准的;规范的;通常的 Whiteis the standardcolourfor thismodelofrefrigerator.白色是这种型号的冰箱的标准色。 These are standardproceduresforhandlingradioactivewaste.这些是处理放射性废料的标准程序。 Themetreis the standardunitformeasuringlengthin the SIsystem.米是国际单位制中衡量长度的标准单位。 mainlyUKYournew TV comes with a twoyearguaranteeasstandard.你的新电视机按照行业规范带有两年的保修服务。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesnormal - normalTemperatures are well above normal today.
- usualI went to bed at my usual time.
- ordinaryThe magazine has stories about ordinary people rather than celebrities.
- standardIt's standard practice for surgeons to wear gloves.
- naturalIt's completely natural to feel anxious on your first day at a new school.
- typicalHe was a typical teenager - arguing with his parents and staying out late.
See more results » Languagedescribedas standard is theformof thatlanguagethat isconsideredacceptableandcorrectby mosteducatedusersof it: (语言)标准的,规范的Mostannouncerson the BBCspeakstandardEnglish.英国广播公司的大多数播音员说的都是标准英语。 In StandardAmerican, "gotten" is used as a pastparticipleof "get".在规范的美国英语中,get 的过去分词为 gotten。 [before noun]A standardbookorwriteris the one that is mostcommonlyreadforinformationon aparticularsubject: (书或作者)权威性的 Herbookis still a standardtextinarchaeology,eventhough it was written more than 20yearsago.虽然她的著作成书于20多年前,但时至今日仍被奉为考古学的权威读本。 - Powersteering,electricwindowsandcentrallockingare standardfeatureson allmodels.
- What is standardpracticein asituationlike this?
- It's a standardsurgicalprocedure.
- Her standardexcusefor being late wasbeginningtowearthin.
- There are threecategoriesofaccommodation- standard,executiveanddeluxe.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesStandard and routine - average
- average Joe
- bog-standard
- conformance
- conformity
- conventionalized
- default
- given
- institutionalize
- mainline
- orthodox
- quotidian
- regularity
- regularization
- regularize
- round
- std
- stock
- the/your average bearidiom
- unspectacular
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Forms of languages & specialist dialects Typifying, illustrating and exemplifying GrammarStandard and non-standard language A standard language is a variety of language that is used by governments, in the media, in schools and for international communication. There are different standard varieties of English in the world, such as North American English, Australian English and Indian English. Although these standard varieties differ in terms of their pronunciation, there are few differences in grammar between them. In contrast, there are non-standard forms of a language that are used, for example, in different regional dialects and these non-standard varieties are different from each other.… (Definition ofstandardfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)standard| American Dictionarystandardadjective(USUAL)usualorexpected; notinvolvingsomethingspecialorextra: a standardcontract I don’tworka standard, 35-hourweek. Thecarcame with anairconditionerandtapeplayeras standardequipment. This is a standardmedicaltext(= acommonlyusedmedicalbook). A standardunitofmeasurementis anacceptedmethodofmeasuringthings of asimilartype. standardnoun[C](LEVEL OF QUALITY)something thatothersof asimilartypearecomparedto ormeasuredby, or theexpectedlevelofquality: moral/ethical/communitystandards That’s nottheirusualstandard ofservice. The new standard willallowdatato besentovertelephonewiresathigherspeeds. standardnoun[C](SONG)asongorpieceofmusicthat has beenpopularfor manyyearsand thatmusiciansoftenperform standardnoun[C](FLAG)aflagused as thesymbolof aperson,group, ororganization: Petecarriedthe troop’s standard in theparade. (Definition ofstandardfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)standard| Business English[CorU]alevelofqualitythatpeopleexpectandgenerallyacceptasnormal: basic/high/low standardTheir Customer Services isgenerallyof a very high standard. Online form-completion isfastbecomingthe standard. achieve/meet/set a standardBanks in Hong Kong andChinaare setting the standard forcustomerserviceincallcentres. Customers havewitnessedthe standard ofservicesdeclinewhile theprofitabilityof thebankshasescalated. by sb's/sth's standardsAt $80,000, thehouseis abargainby American standards. The newprobeismodestbymodernspacetechnologystandards. below/up to standardTheelectricalequipmentwas not up to standard. falling/risingstandards improve/lower/raisestandards [C]MEASURES(written abbreviationstd.)anofficialrule,unitofmeasurement, or way ofoperatingthat is used in aparticularareaofmanufacturingorservices: a common/a global/an international standardMP3is arecognizedglobalstandard foraudioencodingandcompression. anaccountancy/industry/legalstandard Severalstateswere givennoticethat they do notmeetthe standardforozonelevels. safetystandards afederal/government/nationalstandard enforce/tightenstandards See alsoaccounting standard CAT standard the gold standard International Accounting Standards International Financial Reporting Standard international labour standards monetary standard open standard Trading Standards Thepricequotedis for the standardsize. standard practice/procedureTheboardhas beencarefultofollowstandardproceduresandemploymentlaw. Thecurrentmodelcomes withall theseextrafeaturesas standard. MEASURES(written abbreviationstd.)followingaparticularset ofrulesormeasurements, without anychangesoraddeddetails: standardcontract/letter/reply standard format/sizeCandidates need toentertheirexpenditurerecordsin a standardformaton a Web-basedform. [before noun]used by mostpeople: It hasbecomethestandardtextfor alltraineeaccountants. (Definition ofstandardfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofstandardstandard Where the salinity of the receiving water is $1 0, the choice of organisms depends on state water quality standards and/or permit requirements.From theCambridge English Corpus External standards were included to control for hybridization efficiency and sensitivity.From theCambridge English Corpus Accounting and auditing standards need to be reexamined to provide enhanced value to users of financial statements, related disclosures, and more comprehensive business reporting.From theCambridge English Corpus Parrinder does not, however, enumerate, far less describe, these standards.From theCambridge English Corpus Within each of the standards, minimum required and, in some cases, recommended reporting is described.From theCambridge English Corpus The final rule contains standardized test procedures and performance standards to ensure that detergent gasolines provide an effective level of protection against certain engine deposits.From theCambridge English Corpus The performance elements and standards include the following.From theCambridge English Corpus To date, no national standards to guide the type, quality, and duration of supported employment have been established.From theCambridge English Corpus Much will obviously depend upon how these standards are applied in practice.From theCambridge English Corpus Again this is a substantial number of cases by reconstitution standards.From theCambridge English Corpus The middle classes had experienced low unemployment and nascent affluence during the interwar years and their living standards deteriorated considerably during the 1940s.From theCambridge English Corpus The setting of particularly high standards for uniformity and internal consistency makes it impossible to speak of the existence of almost any" ism" in policy.From theCambridge English Corpus Secondly, social work is likely to become more professional as training standards improve.From theCambridge English Corpus Other older people might continue to judge present day experience by false standards.From theCambridge English Corpus Currently there are no universally accepted standards for environmental auditors to work toward, although they are beginning to be developed.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. CollocationswithstandardstandardThese are words often used in combination withstandard. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. absolute standard There were no losing groups by absolute standard. From theCambridge English Corpus academic standard Overall, the book is of a very highacademicstandard, as one would anticipate from this series. From theCambridge English Corpus acceptable standard What is clear is that, from a legal perspective, there is only oneacceptablestandardand that is the reasonable standard. From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/standard## |