spot noun [C] (CIRCLE )
B1 asmall, usually roundareaofcolourthat isdifferentlycolouredorlighterordarkerthan thesurfacearound it:
点;斑点;圆点 He had a spot ofgreaseon histie. 他的领带上有一小块油渍。
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesa mark on something
markThe backs of the chairs have left marks on the wall. stainShe had grass stains on her white jeans. smearHe had smears of tomato ketchup on his shirt. smudgeNo matter how often I wash my hands, I leave smudges all over my phone's screen. blotchHe had blotches all over his face. speckShe looked through the old camera lens and saw specks of dust. See more results »
GlobalP/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
B1 one of many spots, thatformapattern:
(构成图案的)点,斑点 Iworethatskirtwith thegreenspots. 我穿着那条带绿点的裙子。
nimon_t/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
B2 UK araised,paleredcircleon theskinthat istemporary:
(皮肤上的)丘疹,疱疹,粉刺 Teenagers oftensuffera lot from spots. 青少年常常深受粉刺的困扰。
mainlyUK asmallamount:
少量;一点儿 Ifelta few spots ofrain. 我感觉到落了几点雨。
Let'sstopfor a spot oflunch. 我们停下来吃点午饭吧。
I'm having a spot ofbother (= sometrouble) with one of my backteeth. 我后面的一颗牙齿有点问题。
Heworeagreytiewithpinkspots. There was a spot offoodon hisshirt. Her backeruptedinsmallredspots. There are still a fewstrayspots ofpainton thewindowpane. Ifelta few spots ofrainso I put myumbrellaup. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDirt & untidiness
bloodstain blotch clutter contaminant contamination crud filthiness fleck grime grunge gunge muck omnishambles pollutant polluter recontamination scruff shambles slime slob See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Patterns and shapes
Skin complaints & blemishes
Words meaning small pieces and amounts
spot noun [C] (PLACE )
Thislookslike anicespot for apicnic. 看起来这儿是个野餐的好地方。
on the spot
at theplacewhere aneventishappeningor hasrecentlyhappened:
在现场 Thepolicewere called and they were on the spot within threeminutes. 警方接到报告,不到3分钟就赶到了现场。
You can besackedon the spot forstealing. 偷窃会被立即开除的。
(US in place ) (ofrunningorjumping) in oneplace, withoutmovingforwardorbackwardat all:
Do abitofrunningon the spot towarmupyourlegmuscles.
Ihoppedup and down on the spot, beside myself withexcitement.
Theseplantsneed asunnyspot with gooddrainage. Wefoundashelteredspot to haveourpicnic. Ifoundasequesteredspot at thebottomof thegardenandlaydown with mybook. Ifoundanicespot for abitof sun-bathing. Where shall wesettle? Thislookslike a good spot. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPlaces and locations
anatopism behind Cambrian capital coign of vantage direction drop-in far from the madding crowd idiom hill Mecca multi-location multi-site natal nestle position station subsite technology park venue World Heritage Site See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
General location and orientation
Staying and remaining
spot noun [C] (PART OF A SHOW )
ashortlengthoftimein a show that is given to aparticularperformer:
(演出中)某演员的固定节目 She's doing aregularfive-minute spot on his show. 她将在他的节目中表演一档5分钟的固定节目。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSpectacles & performances
aerobatic amateur theater balancing act bullfight bullfighting double-header minstrel show music hall non-musical one-night stand one-person rendering routine spectacle spectacular street theatre stripping striptease super-spectacle supershow See more results »
spot verb (SEE )
B2 [T ] toseeornoticesomeone or something, usually because you arelookinghard:
看见,看出;注意到 I've just spottedMark- he's over there, near theentrance. 我刚看到马克了——他在那边,靠近入口的地方。
If you spot anymistakesin thearticlejustmarkthem with apencil. 如果你发现文章中有错误,请用铅笔标出来。
[+ -ing verb ] Thepolicespotted him driving astolencar. 警察发现他开着一辆偷来的车。
[+ question word ] Isoonspottedwh at waswrongwith theprinter. 我很快就发现了打印机的毛病出在哪儿。
[+ that ] Thepolicewomanspottedthat I hadn't got myseatbelton andsignalledme tostop. 女警察发现我没有系安全带,便示意我停车。
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto see something
seeI can see for miles from up here. noticeI noticed a crack in the ceiling. perceiveBill perceived a tiny figure in the distance. observeA teacher observed her climbing over the gate. spotWe managed to spot a leopard. catch sight ofWe looked for the bird and caught sight of it just as it flew off. See more results »
well spotted UK
used topraisesomeone who hasnoticedsomething:
真是好眼力 "I've justseenyourglasses- they're under thetable." "Ah, well spotted!" “我刚才看到你的眼镜了——在桌子底下。”“啊,眼睛真尖呀!”
Agirlansweringthedescriptionof themissingteenagerwas spotted inHull. He wasdrivingat 120mphwhen thepolicespotted him. Thethieveswere spotted by apostmanout on hisrounds. Scott leapted to therescuewhen he spotted theyoungsterindifficulty. They were spottedcavortingbeside theswimmingpool. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesUsing the eyes
accommodate accommodation all eyes are onsomeone/something idiom astigmatic beholder butcher corner fix gaze glare glass lookout perceive saw scope seesomething withyour own eyes idiom seeing is believing idiom shoot a glance atsomeone idiom stand oversomeone tab See more results »
spot verb (RAIN )
[I ] UK If you say it's spotting (withrain), youmeanthat a fewdropsofrainarefalling.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPrecipitation: rain
bucket bucket down cloud seeder cloud seeding cloudburst deluge downpour drizzle heaven mizzle pelt piss piss down rain gauge rainbow rainstorm seed sun shower wash wash(something) out See more results »
(Definition ofspot from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
spot noun [C] (CIRCLE )
B1 asmall, usually roundareaofcolourthat isdifferentlycolouredorlighterordarkerthan thesurfacearound it
点;斑点;圆点 He had a spot ofgreaseon histie. 他的领带上有一小块油渍。
B1 one of many spots, thatformapattern
(构成图案的)点,斑点 Iworethatskirtwith thegreenspots. 我穿着那条带绿点的裙子。
B2 UK araised,paleredcircleon theskinthat istemporary
(皮肤上的)丘疹,疱疹,粉刺 Teenagers oftensuffera lot from spots. 青少年常常深受粉刺的困扰。
少量;一点儿 Ifelta few spots ofrain. 我感觉到落了几点雨。
Let'sstopfor a spot oflunch. 我们停下来吃点午饭吧。
I'm having a spot ofbother (= sometrouble) with one of my backteeth. 我后面的一颗牙齿有点问题。
Heworeagreytiewithpinkspots. There was a spot offoodon hisshirt. Her backeruptedinsmallredspots. There are still a fewstrayspots ofpainton thewindowpane. Ifelta few spots ofrainso I put myumbrellaup.
spot noun [C] (PLACE )
地点;场所 Thislookslike anicespot for apicnic. 看起来这儿是个野餐的好地方。
on the spot
at theplacewhere aneventishappeningor hasrecentlyhappened
在现场 Thepolicewere called and they were on the spot within threeminutes. 警方接到报告,不到3分钟就赶到了现场。
当场,立即 You can besackedon the spot forstealing. 偷窃会被立即开除的。
Theseplantsneed asunnyspot with gooddrainage. Wefoundashelteredspot to haveourpicnic. Ifoundasequesteredspot at thebottomof thegardenandlaydown with mybook. Ifoundanicespot for abitof sun-bathing. Where shall wesettle? Thislookslike a good spot.
spot noun [C] (PART OF A SHOW )
ashortlengthoftimein a show that is given to aparticularperformer
(演出中)某演员的固定节目 She's doing aregularfive-minute spot on his show. 她将在他的节目中表演一档5分钟的固定节目。
spot verb (SEE )
B2 [T ] toseeornoticesomeone or something, usually because you arelookinghard
看见,看出;注意到 I've just spottedMark- he's over there, near theentrance. 我刚看到马克了——他在那边,靠近入口的地方。
If you spot anymistakesin thearticlejustmarkthem with apencil. 如果你发现文章中有错误,请用铅笔标出来。
[+ -ing verb ] Thepolicespotted him driving astolencar. 警察发现他开着一辆偷来的车。
[+ question word ] Isoonspottedwh at waswrongwith theprinter. 我很快就发现了打印机的毛病出在哪儿。
[+ that ] Thepolicewomanspottedthat I hadn't got myseatbelton andsignalledme tostop. 女警察发现我没有系安全带,便示意我停车。
well spotted UK
used topraisesomeone who hasnoticedsomething
真是好眼力 "I've justseenyourglasses- they're under thetable." "Ah, well spotted!" “我刚才看到你的眼镜了——在桌子底下。”“啊,眼睛真尖呀!”
Agirlansweringthedescriptionof themissingteenagerwas spotted in Hull. He wasdrivingat 120mphwhen thepolicespotted him. Thethieveswere spotted by apostmanout on hisrounds. Scott leapted to therescuewhen he spotted theyoungsterindifficulty. They were spottedcavortingbeside theswimmingpool.
spot verb (RAIN )
[I ] UK If you say it's spotting (withrain), youmeanthat a fewdropsofrainarefalling.
spot | American Dictionary
spot noun [C] (MARK )
amark, usually round, that is differentesp. incolorfrom theareaaround it:
You got a spot onyournewblouse.
esp.Cdn Br A spot is apimple.
spot noun [C] (PLACE )
Ourcathas afavoritespot where helovestosleep.
A spot is also ajobin aparticularorganizationor apositionwithin agroup,esp. insports:
When Sain wasinjured, theyaskedme tofillhis spot.
spot noun [C] (BROADCAST )
aperiodoftimeduring which abroadcasttakesplace:
NBCput the show on in the 7 p.m. spot.
A spot is also anadvertisement:
spot verb [T] (SEE )
toseeornoticesomeone or something:
Darryl spotted awoodpeckerhigh on thetree.
(Definition ofspot from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
MARKETING atelevisionorradioadvertisement:
a radio/television spot We areplanningaseriesofradiospots during theafternooncommute.
MARKETING aperiodoftimeduring which aradioortelevisionadvertisementisbroadcast:
Thefirmboughta 30-second spot duringprimetimeeveryevening.
FINANCE ,STOCK MARKET to bedeliveredimmediately,ratherthan in thefuture:
Spottrades areexecutedimmediatelyat theprevailingexchangerate.
(Definition ofspot from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof spot spot
The optimal position of the focalspot was found to be at the distance of 6 mm before the laser-produced plume. From theCambridge English Corpus
The joint width of zones 2, 3, and 4 is approximately 20% of thespot radius. From theCambridge English Corpus
The measured focalspot radius was 13 mm. From theCambridge English Corpus
The width at halfmaximum focalspot radius measured in vacuum was about 10 mm. From theCambridge English Corpus
Increasing the size of aspot within the receptive-field center of the relay cell will thus result both in enhanced excitatory and inhibitory input. From theCambridge English Corpus
Prior to all contrast 0 response experiments, the center of the receptive field was first determined with a 100-mmspot . From theCambridge English Corpus
The centerspot was presented to the receptive center. From theCambridge English Corpus
Unlike spotted alfalfa aphid, vein chlorosis was not observed after spotted clover aphid feeding in this experiment. From theCambridge English Corpus
The deformable mirror is placed before the final focusing optic (the experimental optic) and the wavefront sensor is placed after the focalspot . From theCambridge English Corpus
When the testspot was moved in nonpreferred directions, the selectivity for opposing motion disappeared. From theCambridge English Corpus
The interaction conditions are significantly changing with the laser focusspot position. From theCambridge English Corpus
Some pupils spotted wrong notes that had not been edited out. From theCambridge English Corpus
From the enlarged phase space area it becomes clear that the transmission must become worse when enlarging the beamspot . From theCambridge English Corpus
Most of the hairs arise from little creamy white dots, some of which are enclosed in small round black or bluish grey spots. From theCambridge English Corpus
For these pest groups, climatic conditions and geographical distribution of pests (downy mildews, corn borers, etc.) restrict the importance to some hot spots. From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith spot spot These are words often used in combination withspot .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
bright spot
Eachbright spot represents an interface within the body.
From theCambridge English Corpus
brown spot
Thorax white, shoulders with abrown spot .
This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
dark spot
One wing lacked the apicaldark spot and the preapical pale plus apical pale was 0.52 mm.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.