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单词 spread
to (causeto)cover,reach, or have aneffecton awiderorincreasingarea
Thefirespread veryrapidlybecause of thestrongwind.风很大,火势迅速蔓延开来。
Itstartedoff ascancerof theliverbut it spreadtootherareasof thebody.开始的时候是肝癌,后来扩散到了身体的其他部位。
Theredundanciesare spreadacrossthebankingandbuildingindustries.裁员之风席卷了银行业和建筑业。
We spread thepicnicrugouton thegroundandsatdown toeat.我们把野餐毯铺在地上,坐下来吃东西。
Thevirusis spread(= given to otherpeople)throughcontactwithbloodand otherbodyfluids.病毒通过血液及其他体液的接触而传染。
Are you spreading(=tellinga lot ofpeople)gossip/rumoursagain?你是不是又在四处散播谣言了?
If we spread(=divide)theworkbetween us, it won'tseemsobad.如果我们大家分担一下工作,情况可能就没那么糟糕了。
She spread hertoastwithathicklayerofbutter./She spread athicklayerofbutteronhertoast.她在吐司上涂了厚厚的一层黄油。
It's aspecialsortofbutterthat spreadseasilyevenwhencold.这是一种很特别的黄油,在凉的时候也很容易涂抹。
Thesuburbsspread(out)formilesto eithersideof thecity.郊区向城市两边都伸展出数英里。
Slowly asmilespreadacrossherface.她的脸上慢慢露出了微笑。
More examples
  • Evidencesuggestedthat theviruswas spreading veryquicklyamong theheterosexualcommunity.
  • Discontent amongjuniorrankswasrapidlyspreading.
  • Ifdiseaseisallowedto spread, it willcausewidespreaddevastation.
  • Theflamesgrewlargeras thefirespread.
  • Rats andfliesspreadgerms.


spread the word
spreadyourselftoo thin

Phrasal verbs

spread out

spreadnoun(AREA COVERED)

thedevelopmentorgrowthof something so that itcoversalargerareaoraffectsalargernumberofpeople
The spread of thediseasein the last fewyearshas beenalarming.近几年这种疾病的广泛传播着实令人担忧。
theareaorrangecoveredby something
Thesurveyfoundawidespread ofopinionover theproposednewbuilding.调查广泛征集了对于拟议中的新建筑的意见。
alargearticleoradvertisementcoveringone or morepagesin anewspaperormagazine
There's a double-page spread on thelatestfashions.有一篇横贯两版的文章介绍最新的时尚。
More examples
  • Thechiefproblemwe have in theareanow is the spread ofdisease.
  • Thegovernmentistryingtoallaypublicfearsabout the spread of thedisease.
  • Thetreatmenthas sofardone little toarrestthe spread of thecancer.
  • Themountainsactedas anaturalbarrierto the spread of thedisease.
  • The Swedes are notaloneinfindingtheirlanguageunderpressurefrom theubiquitousspread ofEnglish.

spreadnoun(SOFT FOOD)

asoftfoodfor putting onbreadandbiscuits
There'sbreadandvariousspreads fortea.茶点有面包和各种抹酱。


aranchor otherlargeareaoflandorwater


ameal,especiallyone for aspecialoccasionwith a lot of differentdishesarrangedon atable
Sheilalaidon(= made)amagnificentspread for us.希拉为我们准备了丰盛的饭菜。


thedifferencebetween twoamounts, such as twopricesorinterestrates
Theissuewaspricedat a spread of 115basispointsabove Treasurybonds.这一期的价格定在比财政部债券高115点的位置。


Second, non-mobilized items receive spreading activation during mobilization.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In addition, it was expected that experimental subjects would allocate less time to non-mobilized same-category items as a result of spreading activation during mobilization.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Are we to protect them from the social effects of spreading industry about the countryside?
From theCambridge English Corpus
Today there are other causes for a decline but when it happens unemployment spreads in the same way, from one industry to another.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In fact, this was a time that religion formalized new doctrines and rites, its dynamism spreading its influence far and wide.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Hence, there should be bi-directional activation spreading from concepts to lemmas (in production) and from lemmas to concepts (in perception), that is, full feedback.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The structure of their model is that of a network displaying the characteristics of both spreading activation and lateral inhibition.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Raised variants of / / are apparently spreading in a linguistically ordered way, with" long" environments affected first.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In adult plants the infection generally spreads slowly, but to such an extent that they can eventually die.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The group would visit each member's farm and do whatever work needed to be done: threshing, spreading manure and planting.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In their zeal to protect the city against the new outbreak, the authorities targeted the unsanitary subjects they suspected of spreading the disease.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The mesoderm spreads laterally and anteriorly between the epiblast and visceral endoderm to form a complete intermediate layer in the embryonic region.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Probably these two phenomena are not qualitatively different, but flooding is much more drastic than spreading and it is convenient to have separate terms.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The mathematical content of the two identities that we shall now derive is that spreading is the adjoint of interpolation.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In this model, maintenance of activated representations is achieved by two parameters of spreading activation, its strength and its duration.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.



These are words often used in combination withspread.

Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

chocolate spread
Pickles, and sweet toppings such as jam, banana, or chocolate spread are other examples.
Creatives commons iconThis example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
geographic spread
According to the dynamics of geographic spread, the main mechanism of transmission appeared to be through contamination of water and food.
From theCambridge English Corpus
geographical spread
These can be discounted to some degree through the stratigraphical and geographical spread of measurements from individual units.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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