anelectronicdocumentin whichinformationisarrangedinrowsandcolumns, and can be used to dofinancialcalculationsandplans:
I havecreateda spreadsheetlistingthecallchargesforvarioustelephonecompanies.
Would it bepossibleto get anupdatedspreadsheet with thisextrainfo?

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- The spreadsheetautomaticallycalculatesthepercentchangeto thevalueof myportfolio.
- She said thefriendhaddownloadeda spreadsheet ofstudentinformationfrom anadministrationcomputer.
- Istartedkeepinga spreadsheet on mycomputerof everysinglemealIknowhow to make.
Computer programming & software
- abandonware
- ad-blocker
- ad-blocking
- adware
- analytics
- cheat
- facial recognition
- facial recognition software
- femtech
- file system
- garbage collector
- infection
- planner
- routine
- software package
- spellchecker
- splash screen
- story mode
- syntactic
- syntactically
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