todropa fewpiecesordropsof something over asurface:
洒;撒Sprinkle a fewherbsonthepizza./Sprinkle thepizzawitha fewherbs.在比萨饼上撒些香料调味。
figurativeThespeechwasliberallysprinkled with(=containedmany)jokesabout theincident.演讲中多次拿那件事开玩笑。
- I sprinkled somesugarontopof thecake.
- She'd sprinkledcolouredsugarstrandsall over thecakes.
- I like to sprinkle a littlecheeseover mypasta.
- Sprinkle thedishwithchoppedherbs.
- Corntortillascan becutintostrips,frieduntilgolden, and sprinkled withsalt- voila!tortillachips.
Spreading and scattering
- all over the placeidiom
- bedaub
- bell
- bestrew
- billow
- diffuse
- dispersion
- dusting
- encroach on/uponsomething
- fan out
- go around
- go/do the roundsidiom
- radial
- smear
- smudge
- smudging
- smudgy
- spatter
- spattered
- sweep
uk/ˈsprɪŋ.kəl/us/ˈsprɪŋ.kəl/(USalsosprinkling)sprinklenoun(LIGHT FALL)
[Cusually singular]
a verylightfallofrainorsnowthatlastsonly ashorttime
小雨;小雪Precipitation: rain
- bucket
- bucket down
- cloud seeder
- cloud seeding
- cloudburst
- deluge
- downpour
- drizzle
- heaven
- mizzle
- pelt
- piss
- rain gauge
- rainbow
- rainstorm
- seed
- shower
- sun shower
- wash
- wash(something)out
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Precipitation: snow & ice
verysmallpiecesofcolouredsugarorchocolateused as adecorationon thetopofcakes, etc.:
(撒在糕饼上用作装饰的细小)彩糖Scatter sprinkles over thetopof thecakeandpresson themgentlyso that theystickto thechocolate.在蛋糕面上撒些彩糖并轻轻按下,让它们粘在巧克力上。

Angela Bax/Moment/GettyImages
- angel food cake
- angelica
- bake sale
- baked goods
- Bakewell pudding
- cupcake
- devil's food cake
- donut
- donut hole
- doughnut
- kuchen
- ladyfinger
- lamington
- layer cake
- macaron
- rock cake
- sandwich
- savarin
- scone
- sheet cake