uk/skwɒʃ/us/skwɑːʃ/squashverb(MAKE FLAT)
tocrushsomething into aflatshape:
把…压扁;把…挤扁Heaccidentallysaton herhatand squashed it.他不小心坐在她的帽子上,把它坐扁了。
- Mysandwicheshad got squashed at thebottomof mybag.
- She'dsaton herorangeand squashed it.
- Thefruithad got squashed under theweightof all the otherfood.
- One of the otherkidshad squashed hermodeland she was veryupset.
Squeezing and grinding
- compression
- concertina
- constrict
- constriction
- crush
- gnashyourteethidiom
- mash
- mill
- nip
- noncompressible
- pinch
- pound
- presser
- pulp
- snap
- squeeze
- squinch
- squish
- tamp
- unmilled
B2[IorT,usually+ adv/prep]
topushyourself, aperson, or thing into asmallspace:
(使)挤进;(把…)塞进Theroomwas sofullyou couldn't squash anotherpersonin.房间里挤得满满的,再也挤不进一个人了。
If you all squashedup(=movedclosertogether), we couldfitanextrapersonin thecar.要是你们再挤挤,我们车里能多坐一个人。
Hetriedto squash hisrippedjeansintothesuitcasewhile hismotherwasn'tlooking.他想趁他母亲不注意,把他那条破洞牛仔裤塞进衣箱里。
Inserting and forcing things into other things
- bed
- cram
- dig
- dig(something)intosomeone/something
- embed
- embedded
- gouge
- gouging
- insertion
- inset
- interlace
- interpolation
- interposition
- lodge
- reinsert
- reinsertion
- rethread
- shoehorn
- stick
- stuck
tostopsomething fromcontinuingtoexistorhappen, byforcefulaction:
粉碎;强行制止Rumoursof apossibletakeoverof thecompanyweresoonsquashed by themanagement.管理层很快就消除了有关公司可能会被接管的谣言。
Causing something to end
- abandon
- abandonment
- all good things (must) come to an endidiom
- and have done with itidiom
- be over the humpidiom
- draw
- jacksomethingin
- killsomethingstone-deadidiom
- knock
- knock off (something)
- lay
- lay the ghost ofsomething(to rest)idiom
- lid
- lift
- raise
- stanch
- staunch
- stem
- stopper
- stranglesomethingat birthidiom
uk/skwɒʃ/us/skwɑːʃ/squashnoun(NO ROOM)
asituationwhen there is not muchroom:
拥挤There are over two hundredpeoplecoming to thepartyso it might be abitofasquash.有两百多人前来参加聚会,因此可能会有点儿拥挤。
- alive
- alive withsomethingidiom
- awash
- be a rich seam to mineidiom
- be riddled withsomethingidiom
- bristle
- burst
- congested
- cramped
- crowded
- flat chat
- heaping
- heaving
- replete
- ridden
- riddled
- rife
- sardine
- seam
- teem
agameplayedbetween two or fourpeopleon aspecialclosedplayingareathatinvolveshittingasmallrubberballagainst awall
Tennis & racket sports
- advantage
- backhand
- badminton
- ball boy
- ball girl
- baseline
- bird
- break
- break point
- code violation
- court
- double
- double fault
- groundstroke
- lob
- overhead
- sweet spot
- tramlines
- unseeded
- volley
adrinkmade byaddingwaterto a verystrongliquidmade fromfruitjuiceandsugarorsweetener, or thestrongliquiditself:
She won'tdrinkwater, only squash.
Mostfizzydrinks, squashes, andfruitjuicescontainvastamountsofsugar.
abottleof squash
Soft drinks
- apple juice
- Arnold Palmer
- barley water
- bitter lemon
- boba
- boba tea
- cream soda
- dalgona coffee
- egg cream
- energy drink
- frappé
- malt
- milkshake
- near beer
- non-alcoholic
- noncola
- slimline
- soda
- soda fountain
- soft drink
atypeoflargevegetablewith a hardskinand a lot ofseedsatitscentre
南瓜Types of vegetable
- alfalfa
- allium
- Anaheim
- artichoke
- arugula
- Chinese cabbage
- Chinese leaves
- collard
- corn on the cob
- corn salad
- Jerusalem artichoke
- jicama
- kabocha
- kale
- kohlrabi
- sag
- salsify
- savoy cabbage
- scallion
- Scotch bonnet