uk/ˈskwiː.mɪʃ/us/ˈskwiː.mɪʃ/easilyupsetorshockedby things that youfindunpleasantor that you do notapproveof:
易心烦意乱的;易受惊的;神经脆弱的She's really squeamish and can'tstandthesightofblood.她神经很脆弱,见不得血。
Manycooksare squeamish about puttingliveshellfishintoboilingwater.很多厨师把活的贝类放进滚水中时都于心不忍。
Becoming too excited and easily upset
- ado
- ant
- antsy
- at the end ofyourtetheridiom
- be in a whirlidiom
- demented
- febrile
- have ants inyourpantsidiom
- have thin/thick skinidiom
- high-strung
- highly strung
- hot under the collaridiom
- hysterical
- lather
- overeager
- overeagerness
- oversensitive
- overwrought
- shockable
- whirl
not for the squeamish