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C1firmlyfixedor notlikelytomoveorchange: 稳定的;稳固的;牢固的 If thefoundationsof thehousearen't stable,collapseispossible.如果房子的地基不稳,就有可能倒塌。 After severalpart-timejobs, he's now got a stablejobin abank.干了几份兼职工作之后,他目前在银行找到了一份稳定的工作。 Thehospitalsaid she was in a stablecondition(= notlikelyto getworse)followingtheoperation.院方说她手术之后情况稳定。 C1A stablepersonismentallyhealthy: 精神健全的,精神状态稳定的 Sheseemsmore stable thesedays.她这些日子看来情绪稳定些了。 chemistryspecializedA stablesubstancekeepsthe samechemicaloratomicstate. (物质的化学状态或原子状态)稳定的 - Theeconomyisfairlystable.
- Housepriceshave beenreasonablystable these past fewyears.
- Mostchildrenneed thesecurityof a stablefamilylife.
- He's been taken tohospitalwhere hisconditionisdescribedasseriousbut stable.
- I'm justhappytoseehim in a stablerelationship.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesKeeping and staying the same - anti-progressive
- calcification
- calcify
- consistency
- consistent
- continuum
- insensitivity
- invariant
- inveteracy
- leave well aloneidiom
- left
- peg
- stability
- stabilization
- stabilize
- stably
- stay
- wallow
- wallow insomething
- wouldn't have it any other wayidiom
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Calm and relaxed Chemistry: types of chemical C2abuildingin whichhorsesarekept 马厩  Juan Silva/DigitalVision/GettyImages agroupofracehorsesthat areownedortrainedby oneperson (属同一马主或驯马师的)一群赛马agroupofpeoplewhoperformasimilaractivityand who aretrainedby the samepersonoremployedby the sameorganization: (受训于同一人或受雇于同一机构的)一批人During the 1950s, Sun Records' stableofsingersincludedJohnny Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis.20世纪50年代,太阳唱片公司旗下的歌手包括约翰尼•卡什和杰瑞•李•刘易斯。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAnimal dwellings - man-made - animal shelter
- apiary
- aviary
- beehive
- bird box
- birdcage
- crate
- doghouse
- dovecote
- fish tank
- fishbowl
- hive
- perch
- pigeon loft
- pigpen
- pigsty
- rabbit hutch
- rescue centre
- stall
- sty
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Animal groupings Horse racing Groups of people tokeepahorsein a stable 把(马)拴在马厩里SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAnimal farming - general words - animal husbandry
- aquaculture
- aquaponics
- bedding
- beekeeping
- dip
- draft
- drove
- grazing
- hand-rear
- hand-reared
- heeler
- herd
- pen
- raise
- shearing
- sheep shearing
- sheepdog
- shepherd
- subtherapeutic
See more results » (Definition ofstablefrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)stable| American Dictionarystableadjective(FIXED)firmlyfixedor notlikelytomoveorchange: Don’tclimbtheladderuntil you’resureit’s stable. She’s in thehospitalin stablecondition. Thecountryneedsa stablegovernmentthat isfreeofcorruption. stablenoun[C](BUILDING)abuildingin whichhorsesorcattlearekept: Thehorsesin the stable have plenty ofstraw. (Definition ofstablefrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)ECONOMICS,POLITICSa stableeconomy,country,system, etc. isabletocontinuein aregularandsuccessfulway withoutunexpectedchanges: astableeconomy/country/government financially/economically/politicallystable Thecompanymust nowfocusonoperatinga moreefficientand stablesupplychain. stable jobs/employmentAproposedmergerhasresultedinkeystaffquittinginordertofindmore stablejobs. ECONOMICS,FINANCEstablepricesorratesdo notchangemuch: stable prices/currencies/ratesThemortgageratecutcreatedmore stablehouseprices. Theroubleis stable andpublicfinancesarelookingremarkablyhealthy. remain/stay stableWe haveexperiencedhighgrowthrecently, with theunemploymentrateremainingextremelystable at 2.9%. (Definition ofstablefrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofstablestable The photograph looks south: through the gateway can be seen the second court which presumably held the stables.From theCambridge English Corpus Indeed, the numbers caught inside stables are correlated with the numbers caught outside, and we observed that both were highly suppressed after heavy rainfall.From theCambridge English Corpus Only after they were stabled, watered and fed were the light-traps set.From theCambridge English Corpus In two other stables, all 19 samples taken from 13 pens were negative in all tests.From theCambridge English Corpus The mean weights of the pairs were equally distributed over the five stables.From theCambridge English Corpus The herd did not graze in the open, since it is kept for teaching purposes in the faculty stables.From theCambridge English Corpus A third complex was under construction in 1225, and completed in 1260, consisting of common rooms, outbuildings, refectory, dormitory, cloister, kitchen, bakehouse and stables.From theCambridge English Corpus Mention should also be made of the service buildings, such as granaries, stables and various work-rooms.From theCambridge English Corpus Collecting treatments in the stables, in terms of fans, doors and gauzes, were randomly allocated each night.From theCambridge English Corpus While this seems hardly surprising, it is unclear how rainfall outside suppresses catches inside stables, but higher wind speeds do not.From theCambridge English Corpus In both stables no attempt was made to seal off the small apertures described.From theCambridge English Corpus In the shared area, the stables were of some importance, because it was necessary for clerics to travel around the diocese.From theCambridge English Corpus The latter comprises the living quarters proper and other elements such as cellars, ovens, graves, stables and other annexes.From theCambridge English Corpus He inspected the stables and checked whether the horses were healthy.From theCambridge English Corpus In the larger cities, fire stations, warehouses, and livery stables were commonly used.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/stable## |