apartof anactivityor aperiodofdevelopment:
阶段;发展时期Theprojectisinitsfinalstages and should becompletedbyAugust.这个项目已进入最后阶段,应于8月份完成。
They did the last stage oftheirjourneyonfoot.他们步行走完了旅途的最后一段路。
Ourmarriageis going through adifficultstage at themoment.目前我们的婚姻正处于一个困难阶段。
Theiryoungestchildisatthe stagewhereshe can sayindividualwords but notfullsentences.他们最小的孩子目前所处的阶段是会说单个的词,但还不会说整句话。
I'm nottiredat themomentbut I will need arestat somestage(= at sometime)during thewalk.我现在不累,但在步行过程中的某个时候需要休息一下。
Andrewspendsall hissparetimeplayingwith hiscomputerbut it'sprobablyjusta stage he'sgoing through(= aperiodofdevelopmentthat will endsoon).安德鲁的业余时间全花在了玩电脑上,不过这可能只是一个阶段罢了。
in stages
If you do something in stages, youdividetheactivityintopartsandcompleteeachpartseparately:
分步骤进行,逐步进行We'redecoratingthehousein stages so it won't bereadyfor anothercoupleofmonths.我们在逐步装修房子,所以还得几个月才能就绪。
one of theseparatepartsof arocket, eachparthavingitsownengine:
(火箭的)级Onceitsfuelsupplyrunsout, each stageseparatesfrom themainpartof therocketandfallsback toearth.每一级在燃料燃尽后,就会从火箭主体上脱落,落回到地球上。
- MySpanishnever reallyprogressedbeyond the stage of beingabletoorderdrinksat thebar.
- I do notproposetorevealdetailsat this stage.
- At some stage we need tocalculatewhen theprojectwill befinished.
- Confession is the first stage of coming totermswith what you've done.
- Thecorpsewas in anadvancedstage ofdecomposition.
Stages & phases
- beta
- early-stage
- early-term
- in phase/out of phaseidiom
- interstage
- landmark
- leg
- multi-phase
- multi-step
- multiphasic
- partway
- period
- phase
- point
- shovel-ready
- step
- stepping stone
- tertiary
- the home straight
- twilight
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Space travel
theareain atheatrethat is oftenraisedabovegroundleveland on whichactorsorentertainersperform:
舞台Hamlet isonstage for most of theact.这一幕的大部分时间哈姆雷特都出场。
Theorchestrawent on/offstage togreatapplause.管弦乐队在雷鸣般的掌声中登场/走下舞台。
Theplayis a stageadaptationof William Golding'snovel.这部戏是根据威廉‧戈尔丁的小说改编的舞台剧。
Thesingerreturnsto the Oslo stage(= willperformagain in Oslo)thissummer.那位歌手今夏将重返奥斯陆舞台。

Martin Barraud/Caiaimage/GettyImages
(公共生活的)领域,舞台Thepresidentwasextremelypopularon theworldstage but wasdislikedin his owncountry.总统在世界舞台上极受欢迎,但在本国却不受拥戴。
take the stage
to go onto the stage andstarttoperform
登台表演- The showclimaxedwith all theperformerssingingon stage together.
- She made herprofessionalstagedebutin Swan Lake.
- Thecastalllinedup on stage to taketheirbow.
- She made herexitfrom the stage torapturousapplause.
- He made his first stageappearanceat theageof six.
Theatres, cinemas & their parts
- art house
- arthouse
- backstage
- billboard
- bioscope
- fleapit
- footlights
- green room
- onstage
- orchestra pit
- scenery
- setting
- spotlight
- stage left
- stage right
- stagy
- theater
- theatre
- upstage
- wing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Topics & areas of interest
Cinema & theatre: acting, rehearsing & performing
be on the stage
go on the stage
take centre stage
toarrangeandperformaplayor show:
上演,演出Thelocaldramagroupis staging aproductionof themusical"Grease".当地剧团正在演出音乐剧《油脂》。
举办,组织London staged theOlympicGamesin 2012.伦敦于2012年举办了奥运会。
- We're staging arevivalof a 1950splay.
- Protesters staged ananti-wardemonstrationinfrontof the USembassy.
- Seniorunionworkersstaged awalkoutthisafternoonat theannualconferenceover theproposedchangesinfunding.
- Students staged asit-inin theuniversityofficesaspartoftheirprotestcampaign.
- Thecommandosstaged adaringraidon theenemy.
Cinema & theatre: production, direction & recording
- acquire
- acquisition
- armourer
- audition
- auteur
- canister
- computer-animated
- filmmaker
- filmmaking
- fog machine
- green screen
- helmer
- linear
- picturize
- produce
- recut
- reshoot
- restage
- run throughsomething
- special effect
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Managing and organizing