uk/stæɡˈneɪ.ʃən/us/stæɡˈneɪ.ʃən/stagnationnoun[U](NO CHANGE)
asituationin which somethingstaysthe same and does notgrowanddevelop:
萧条Despite more than 10yearsofeconomicstagnation, theunemploymentrateremainslow.尽管经济萧条了10年,失业率仍然处于低位。
We areseeingstagnation in themarketforcowsandsheep.我们看到牛羊市场的萧条。
- ManyAmericanshaveexperiencedwagestagnation.
- The stagnation instudentnumbersbetween the twoworldwarswastrueof most Britishuniversities.
- This is not anunattainableideal, but agoalwhich you mustpursueinordertoavoidstagnation.
Failing and doing badly
- abjectly
- at-risk
- backbencher
- balls(something)up
- be on your beam endsidiom
- blow
- bomb
- collapse
- fall to piecesidiom
- fight a losing battleidiom
- flog
- flog a dead horseidiom
- flop
- founder
- rebound
- rot
- running on emptyidiom
- sclerotic
- smoke
- the rot sets inidiom
stagnationnoun[U](NO MOVEMENT)
asituationin which aliquidorairdoes notmoveorflow:
(液体、气体)不流动,停滞Theblackcolourof thewaterisdueto stagnation.水变成黑色是因为水流停滞造成的。
Phlegmcongestionin thelungsandchestwillcausecongestionand stagnation in thelymphaticsystem.肺部和胸部的痰塞会导致淋巴系统淤塞和停滞。
- High-techequipmentwillallowtechnicianstomonitor,clean, andcirculatethewatertopreventstagnation andmaintainquality.
- Water stagnationoccurswhenwaterstopsflowingand can be amajorenvironmentalhazard.
- Whendairyproductsareeateninexcess, theytendtocausestagnation in thebody.
Movement of liquids
- backsplash
- be dripping withsomethingidiom
- bleed
- decant
- drainage
- drip
- eddy
- leakage
- ripple
- run a bathphrase
- runsomeone/somethingover
- runnel
- seep
- seepage
- spit
- swirl
- topsomethingup
- trickle
- tub
- washsomethingaway