statute of limitations
lawspecializeduk/ˌstætʃ.uːt əv lɪm.ɪˈteɪ.ʃənz/us/ˌstætʃ.uːt əv lɪm.əˈteɪ.ʃənz/pluralstatutes of limitationsalawthatstatesalegalactionmust bebroughtbefore aparticularperiodoftimehaspassed:
Thecourtruledthat thestatuteof limitations hadrunout.
Fiveyearsis thestatuteof limitations forracketeeringcharges.
- There would be nostatuteof limitations formurder.
- She wasbarredbystatutesof limitations fromfilingcivilorcriminalactions.
- A two-yearstatuteof limitationsblockedauthoritiesfrompursuingmost of theviolations.
Taking legal action
- abatement order
- accuse
- ambulance-chasing
- appear forsomeone
- bring
- cease
- court martial
- indictment
- instruct
- litigate
- litigation
- litigious
- litigiousness
- locus standi
- prosecution
- prosecutorial
- reindict
- reindictment
- retry
- summons