uk/ˈsteə.lɪft/us/ˈster.lɪft/adevicethatpeoplewho havedifficultywalkingcansiton to go up and downstairsin ahouse:
(供不方便步行上下楼的人使用的)座椅式升降器,楼梯升降椅Heneedsanelectricstairlift and can'twalkfar.他需要一个楼梯升降椅,而且也走不了太远的路。
Thefamilycould not have a stairlift becausetheirstairswere toonarrow.这家人没有办法安装楼梯升降椅,因为他们的楼梯太窄了。

- Will a stairliftobstructthestairs?
- Thecashcan also be used forpermanenthomeimprovementssuch asbetterlighting,improvedaccessorevena stairlift.
- The man wasstrandedat thefootof thestaircasewithout a stairlift.
Parts of buildings: stairs & lifts
- chairlift
- chute
- drag lift
- dumb waiter
- elevator
- escalator
- fire escape
- flight
- ladder
- lift
- riser
- rope ladder
- rung
- stair
- staircase
- stairway
- stepladder
- stoep
- stoop