uk/ˈstiː.li/us/ˈstiː.li/pluralstelae(alsostela,uk/ˈstiː.lə/us/ˈstiː.lə/)averticalpieceofstonewith writingcutinto it, often used in the past as agravestone(= astonethatshowswhere adeadpersonisburied):
(尤指过去用作墓碑的)石碑At thebaseof Tikal'sNorthAcropolisstandsarowoftallcarvedstones, or stelae.在蒂卡尔北卫城的底部,矗立着一排高大的雕刻石,或者说石碑。
Afoundationgave themuseummoneyto put the stele back together.一个基金会为博物馆提供了资金,把石碑重新组装起来。

Kevin Schafer/The Image Bank/GettyImages
- Most stelaeincludethedateoftheircreation.
- Thestonetablets, or stelae,confirmthecityas Heraklieon.
- Acommemorativestele has beenerectedtohonorYu theGreat.
Ancient history: before 500 AD
- ancient
- ancients
- antiquity
- archaic
- Bactrian
- centurion
- Delphic
- dolmen
- Euphrates
- gladiator
- glyph
- Hellenic
- mummy
- necropolis
- Parthenon
- pharaoh
- procurator
- Qin dynasty
- Romano-
- sarcophagus