storm door
mainlyUSuk/ˈstɔːm ˌdɔːr/us/ˈstɔːrm ˌdɔːr/anextradoorthat is put on theusualdoorforprotectioninbadweather:
(用来抵御恶劣天气的)外重门I went up herfrontsteps,openedthestormdoorandknocked.我走上她家门前的台阶,打开外重门,敲了敲房门。
Astormdoorwith abrokenlatchbangedagainst the backporch.坏了插销的外重门碰在后门廊的墙上呯呯作响。

Elizabeth Aldridge/Moment Open/GettyImages
- Thecompanyis amakerofsteelstormdoors.
- Homeowners couldpaintthehouseanycolourtheywant,addastormdoorandprobablyput up afence.
- Threeshotswerefiredthrough thestormdoorat him.
Parts of buildings: doors & parts of doors
- architrave
- back door
- bell push
- bi-fold
- cat flap
- doorstop
- doorway
- draught excluder
- entryway
- fire door
- knob
- knocker
- letterbox
- lintel
- purging
- revolving door
- screen door
- shoji
- up-and-over
- weatherboarding