uk/streɪt/us/streɪt/straightadjective,adverb(NOT CURVING)
continuingin onedirectionwithoutbendingorcurving:
直的(地),笔直的(地)a straightline直线
She has straightblondehair.她有一头金色的直发。
Skirts thissummerarelongand straight.今夏的裙装流行长长的直筒裙。
Can't youseeit? - it's straightahead(of you)!难道你看不见吗?——就在(你)正前面!
Thedogseemedto be coming straightat/forme.那条狗似乎是径直朝我奔过来的。
Go straight along thisroadandturnleftat thetrafficlights.沿着这条路一直走,到了红绿灯那儿向左转。
- On aclear, straightroadyou canpickupspeed.
- How manytimesdo I have totellyouchildrentositup straight?
- Theskirtislongand straight with twosidevents.
- You havelovelystraightlegs.
- Yourhairhas anaturalwavewhereasmine's just straight andboring.
Geometry: describing angles, lines & orientations
- acute
- angle of incidence
- angularity
- antinode
- asymptote
- asymptotic
- bisector
- circuitous
- equilateral
- indirect
- non-planar
- noncollinear
- obliquely
- obtuse
- orthogonal
- osculate
- projection
- prominent
- rectilinear
- sine
坦诚的,直率的Just be straight with her andtellher how youfeel.对她坦诚一些,告诉她你的感觉。
informalTellme straight, would youratherwe didn't gotonight?请坦白告诉我,你是不是希望我们今天晚上不去?
telling the truth and able to be trusted
- honestThe new MP was refreshingly honest with her constituents.
- straightJust be straight with her and tell her how you feel.
- sincereHe's so sincere that you know exactly where you stand with him.
- truthfulAre you being truthful with me?
straight out
If youtellsomeone something straight out, you say itdirectlyandhonestly, withouttryingto make what you are saying morepleasant:
直截了当地;不拐弯抹角地I told her straight out that I didn'tloveher any more.我直截了当地告诉她我不再爱她了。
You just need totellher straight out that you're not going.
He just came straight out andaccusedthem oflying.
I'm going totellhim straight out that heneedstoleave.
He said straight out that he wasn'tinterestedinouropinion.
Honesty, openness & sincerity
- above board
- anti-corruption
- artless
- artlessly
- artlessness
- honestly
- honourable
- honourably
- in
- in all honesty/seriousness/truthfulnessidiom
- in good faithidiom
- joke
- nail
- skinny
- spotless
- squeaky-clean
- stainless
- straight arrowidiom
- the straight and narrowidiom
- transparency
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Blunt and direct in speech & behaviour
straight arrow
(as) straight as a die
straight up
I gothomeand went straight tobed.我回到家就径直上床睡了。
We'll go straight to thepartyafterdinner.晚饭后我们直接去参加聚会。
Time isshortso I'll get straightto thepoint(=explainthematterimmediately).时间不多,所以我就开门见山了。
See also
straight away/offB1mainlyUK(USusuallyright away/off)
立即,马上Iknewstraight away what you werethinking.我立刻就知道你在想什么了。
We don't need to go straight off - we canstayfor a little while.我们用不着马上就走——我们可以呆一会儿。
If anythinghappens,callme straight away.
If you give me thejob, I canstartstraight away.
Weknewstraight off that we would get on.
- Circulars and otherjunkmailgo straight in thebin.
- I've come straight from theairport.
- Turnleftat thetrafficlights, and you'llseethehospitalstraightahead.
- Hejoinedthepoliceforcestraight afterschool.
- There's nothingbetterthanfreshbread, straight from theoven.
- a stitch in time (saves nine)idiom
- ado
- at/in one fell swoopidiom
- bat
- cuff
- deferrable
- directly
- fell
- instantaneous
- instantaneously
- instantly
- no sooner said than doneidiom
- non-deferrable
- second
- soon
- spot
- swiftly
- swiftness
- then and thereidiom
- waste
清楚地Youknowyou've had too much todrinkwhen you can'tseestraight.如果你眼都花了,那你就知道自己喝得太多了。
I'm sotiredI can'tthinkstraight any more.我累坏了,头脑都不清楚了。
Easy to understand
- (as) clear as dayidiom
- accessible
- assimilable
- axiomatic
- brain surgery
- digestible
- explicitly
- explicitness
- expressly
- fathomable
- hang
- in words of one syllableidiom
- limpid
- lucid
- overexplicit
- pellucid
- perspicuity
- perspicuous
- pikestaff
- taut
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Apparent and obvious
C1[before noun]
clearor notcomplicated:
清楚的;简单明了的It's a straightchoice- either youleavehim or youstay.你的选择很简单——要么离开他,要么留下。
Let'sget thisstraight - you'retravellingto Frankfurt onMondayandBrusselsonTuesday, is thatcorrect?我们把这个弄清楚——你周一要去法兰克福,周二去布鲁塞尔,对吗?
See also
- Just so that IknowI've got this straight,tellme again whichdaysyou're in theoffice.
- We did a straightswap.
Easiness and simplicity
- (as) easy as pie/ABC/anything/falling off a logidiom
- a piece of cakeidiom
- accessibility
- at the push of a buttonidiom
- at the stroke of a penidiom
- be (all) downhillidiom
- doss
- friendly
- gift
- gimme
- give/handsomethingtosomeoneon a (silver) platteridiom
- handily
- painting by numbersidiom
- platter
- presto
- rarefied
- the path of least resistanceidiom
- walkaway
- walkover
- withyoureyes closed/shutidiom
leveland notslopingto eitherside:
平的,平直的;正的This picture's not straight.这幅画不正。
Theshelfisn't straight - itsagsin themiddle.架子不平——中间陷下去了。
Straight, even and level
- be (as) flat as a pancakeidiom
- clean
- clean-cut
- cleanly
- consistency
- even
- flat
- flatness
- glassy
- level
- peg
- rhythm
- seamless
- sleek
- sleekly
- sleekness
- square
- super-smooth
- true
- ultra-smooth
plainandbasic, or without anythingadded:
纯的,不掺其他东西的Notonicfor me,please, I like myvodkastraight.请不要给我加奎宁水,我喜欢喝纯伏特加。
Straightpastais verybland- you need somekindofsauceto make itinteresting.什么佐料也不加的意大利面条没什么味道——你需要加些酱汁儿才会有滋味。
Plain and ordinary
- as it comesidiom
- austere
- austerely
- austerity
- average Joe
- generalized
- homeliness
- homely
- homespun
- homey
- rife
- run-of-the-mill
- severe
- severely
- simple
- unmounted
- unoriginal
- unostentatiously
- unremarkable
- well trodden
straightadjective(FOLLOWING EACH OTHER)
[before noun]
followingone after another without aninterruption:
连续的,不间断的They're the onlyteamto havewonten straightgamesthisseason.他们是这个赛季唯一一支连赢10场比赛的球队。
Simultaneous and consecutive
- accompany
- all the whileidiom
- along
- along the wayidiom
- alternate
- even
- go along
- in rotationidiom
- in tandemidiom
- in the processidiom
- live stream
- process
- soon
- step
- successive
- successively
- sync
- through
- under
- while
[after verb]UK
tidy, orarrangedinorder:
整齐的,整洁的;井井有条的It only took anhourto get theflatstraight after theparty.聚会之后只用了一个钟头就把公寓收拾得整整齐齐。
Do you have amirror? - I'll just put myhairstraight.你有镜子吗?——我要把头发梳理整齐。
Clean & tidy
- (as) clean as a (new) pinidiom
- apple pie
- aseptic
- be in apple-pie orderidiom
- cleanliness
- clipped
- neatly
- neatness
- non-clogging
- non-polluting
- ordered
- orderly
- spotless
- spotlessly
- squeaky-clean
- stainless
- sterile
- super-clean
- tidy
- well kept
传统的,正统的;规矩的;严肃的disapprovingHe was aniceenoughguy, but he was so straight - I alwaysfeltI had to be on mybestbehaviourwith him.他是个不错的家伙,不过太严肃了——我总是觉得我和他在一起必须得规规矩矩的。
There's a lot of straighttheatreat thefestivalas well as thenewer, moreexperimentalstuff.戏剧节上有许多正统的戏剧作品,也有不少比较新、更有实验性的剧目。
Old or old-fashioned
- age-old
- ageing
- ancient
- antediluvian
- anti-progressive
- fossilization
- fossilize
- fossilized
- frumpy
- fusty
- have hadits/yourdayidiom
- neanderthal
- outdate
- outdated
- outmoded
- outworn
- passé
- used
- vintage
- went out with the arkidiom
sexuallyorromanticallyattractedto men if you are a woman, and to women if you are a man:
I was thirteen when I firstsuspectedthat I wasn't straight.
involvingorrelatingto women who aresexuallyorromanticallyattractedto men, or men who aresexuallyorromanticallyattractedto women:
Sheendedher straightmarriageand came out as alesbian.
straightadjective(NO DRUGS)
not usingillegaldrugsoralcohol:
不吸毒的;不酗酒的He's been straight for fivemonths.他戒毒已经有5个月了。
Drunkenness & sobriety
- alky
- battered
- beer goggles
- binge drinker
- binge drinking
- blasted
- drunk dial
- have a few (too many)idiom
- inebriate
- inebriated
- inebriating
- inebriation
- muzzy
- ripped
- roaring drunkidiom
- shit-faced
- slaughtered
- slewed
- smashed
- whacked
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Drugs - general words
straightadjective(NOT OWING MONEY)
[after verb]informal
不欠钱的;两清的Youboughtthetickets, so if Ipayfor thetaxi, we'll be straight.你买的票,因此如果我出打车的钱,我们就扯平了。
Borrowing & lending
- amortizable
- amortization
- arrears
- bad debt
- bonded
- borrow
- borrowing
- credit rating
- holiday
- leveraged buyout
- on the slateidiom
- over-borrowed
- overdraft
- overpayment
- pay downsomething
- pay off
- paysomeone/somethingback
- reschedule
- secure
put/set someone straight
uk/streɪt/us/streɪt/straightnoun[C](SPORTS TRACK)
the straightpartof aracetrack(= thetrackon whichcompetitorsrace):
直道,直线跑道And therunnersare just coming up to thefinishingstraight.选手们刚跑上最后一个直道。

Caiaimage/Chris Ryan/GettyImages
- athletic
- biathlon
- blade
- dash
- endurance
- faller
- finish line
- fun run
- high jumper
- hurdle
- javelin
- obstacle course
- pentathlon
- starter
- triple jump
- triple jumper
- ultra
- ultra-runner
- ultra-running
in straights
with aseriesofhits,throws, orkicksof theballor aseriesofactionsthatproduceaperfectscorein agameorcompetition:
Ibeathim in thefinalin straights.
Ithinktoday she willwinin straights.
Winning, losing & scoring in sport
- aet
- against the run of playidiom
- bag
- blowsomeoneaway
- clean
- close-run
- co-holder
- concede
- equalizer
- golden goal
- pull
- pull back
- reelsomethingoff
- relegation zone
- run away withsomeone
- score
- scorecard
- strike
- treble
- walk itidiom
straightnoun[C](IN CARDS)
in thecardgamepoker, fivecardswhichfolloweach other inorderbut are not of the samesuit(=colourandtype):
Youwantfivelowcards, nopairs, no straights, noflushes, and thelowesthandwins.
When thepocketcardswereshown, bothplayershadidenticalstraights.
Card games
- all in
- bidding
- blackjack
- bridge
- busted flush
- canasta
- card sharp
- deal
- diamond
- flush
- jack
- pass
- pool
- queen
- re-raise
- rebid
- recut
- rookie card
- solitaire
- spade
straightnoun[C](SEXUAL PREFERENCE)
apersonwho is notgay
the straight and narrow