greatworrycausedby adifficultsituation, or something thatcausesthiscondition:
紧张,压力;造成紧张的因素Peopleundera lot of stress mayexperienceheadaches,minorpains, andsleepingdifficulties.压力大的人可能会出现头痛、轻微疼痛和睡眠障碍。
Yoga is a veryeffectivetechniqueforcombatingstress.练瑜伽是舒缓压力的非常有效的方法。
the stressesandstrainsof thejob工作的紧张和压力
- All that stress atworkhadbeguntodraghim down.
- People oftenbehaveirrationallywhen they are under stress.
- She's been under a lot of stressrecentlyand it'sstartingtotell.
- Extreme stress haddrivenhim to thebrinkof anervousbreakdown.
- Sheseemstothriveon stress.
Anxiety and worry - general words
- agita
- agitation
- angst
- anti-stress
- apprehension
- cold sweat
- jitters
- nerve
- nervousness
- oppression
- overwork
- strain
- tenseness
- tension
- the collywobbles
- the heebie-jeebies
- tizzy
- trepidation
- uneasiness
- willie
the way that a word orsyllableispronouncedwithgreaterforcethan other words in the samesentenceor othersyllablesin the same word:
重读,用重音读Themeaningof asentenceoftendependson stress andintonation.句子的意思常常取决于重音和语调。
When "insert" is averb, the stress isonthe secondsyllable, but when it is anoun, the stress isonthe firstsyllable.Insert(插入)用作动词时重音在第二个音节上,但用作名词时重音在第一个音节上。
- In thisdictionary, stress incompoundsisindicatedby stressmarkers.
- I can neverrememberwhichsyllablethe stress is on.
Ways of speaking
- accented
- accentuation
- articulate
- bray
- cacoepy
- cut glass
- dialectal
- drawl
- elocution
- enunciate
- fluent
- jawbreaker
- plummy
- pragmatics
- pronunciation
- prosodic
- prosody
- signer
- sociolect
- toned
aforcethatactsin a way that oftenchangestheshapeof anobject:
压力;应力Computersworkout the stresses that such acraftwillencounterinflight.计算机计算出诸如此类的飞行器在飞行中承受的压力。
Joggingputsa lot of stressonyourkneejoints.慢跑使膝关节承受很大的压力。
Physics: energy, force & power
- anti-gravity
- atmospheric pressure
- attract
- attraction
- bar magnet
- barometric pressure
- frictionless
- fundamental force
- G-force
- gravitational
- high-impact
- meltdown
- propulsion
- stored energy
- strong force
- surface tension
- thermodynamic
- transduce
- transduction
- unexcited
强调During hisspeech, helaidparticularstress on thefreedomof thepress.他在讲话中特别强调了新闻自由。
Stressing & emphasizing
- accentuate
- accentuation
- all day longidiom
- ass
- believe
- driveyourmessage/point homeidiom
- drive/hammersomethinghomeidiom
- drop the micidiom
- exactly
- insistence
- intensely
- like blazesidiom
- misemphasis
- overemphasis
- overemphasize
- percent
- ram
- underscore
- work/laugh/freeze, etc.yourarse offidiom
- work/laugh/freeze, etc.yourass offidiom
to giveemphasisorspecialimportanceto something:
强调,着重[+ (that)]He iscarefulto stress(that)the laboratory'ssafetystandardsare thebestin thecountry.他谨慎地强调实验室的安全标准是全国最高的。
I'd just like to stresstheimportanceofneatnessandpolitenessin thisjob.我只想强调一下整洁和礼貌在这份工作中的重要性。
- Thebishopstressed theimportanceoffaithfulnessinmarriage.
- I must stress that these are onlypreliminaryfindings.
- I stressed that this wasourpolicy.
- He stressed theimportanceoffreshfruitandvegetablesin thediet.
- Thegovernmentrepeatedlystresseditssupportforparentalchoicein theselectionof a child'sschool.
Stressing & emphasizing
- accentuate
- accentuation
- all day longidiom
- ass
- believe
- driveyourmessage/point homeidiom
- drive/hammersomethinghomeidiom
- drop the micidiom
- exactly
- insistence
- intensely
- like blazesidiom
- misemphasis
- overemphasis
- overemphasize
- percent
- ram
- underscore
- work/laugh/freeze, etc.yourarse offidiom
- work/laugh/freeze, etc.yourass offidiom
topronouncea word orsyllablewithgreaterforcethan other words in the samesentenceor othersyllablesin the same word, or toplayamusicalnotewithgreaterforcethanothersin agroup:
重读,用重音读In the word "engine" you should stress the firstsyllable.在 engine 这个词中,应该重读第一个音节。
- In the word 'dessert' the secondsyllableis stressed.
- Stress the secondsyllablein the word 'bizarre'.
Ways of speaking
- accented
- accentuation
- articulate
- bray
- cacoepy
- cut glass
- dialectal
- drawl
- elocution
- enunciate
- fluent
- jawbreaker
- plummy
- pragmatics
- pronunciation
- prosodic
- prosody
- signer
- sociolect
- toned
紧张,焦虑,担心Don't stress over it - we'llsoonget itsortedout.不用担心——我们很快会解决的。
Anxious and worried
- (all) hot and botheredidiom
- -racked
- aflutter
- agitated
- angsty
- anxious
- fretfully
- frightened
- fuss
- get in a sweatidiom
- grim
- prey on sb's mindidiom
- queasily
- queasiness
- rattled
- strung out
- worriedly
- worrier
- worrywart
- wound up
Phrasal verb