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单词 stretch


B2[Tusually+ adv/prep]
tocausesomething toreach, often asfaraspossible, in aparticulardirection
Itrippedon apieceofwirethat someone had stretchedacrossthepath.我被不知是谁拉在路上的一根电线绊倒了。
She stretched out herhandandhelpedhim from hischair.她伸手将他从椅子上扶起来。
to makeyourbodyoryourarmsandlegsstraightso that they are aslongaspossible, inordertoexercisethejoints(=placewhere twobonesareconnected)after you have been in the sameplaceorpositionfor alongtime
"I'm sotired," she said,yawningand stretching.“我太累了,”她打着呵欠伸了个懒腰说。
It's a goodideato stretch before you dovigorousexercise.在进行剧烈运动前应该先伸展一下身体。
More examples
  • Theplasticcoverwas stretchedtightacrossthetank.
  • I stretched out andlistenedto thesoundof therushingstream.
  • Thecatwas stretching infrontof thefire.
  • Yoga is agreatway to stretchyourbody.
  • I get up andwalkaround everyhalfhourjust to stretch mylegs.


C2[Iusually+ adv/prep]
tospreadover alargeareaordistance
The Andes stretchfor7,250 km along thewestcoastofSouthAmerica.安第斯山脉沿南美洲西海岸绵延达7250公里。
Unsettledweatherwill stretchfromthemiddleMississippi ValleytothesouthernMiddle Atlantic States.自密西西比河流域中部至濒大西洋中部诸州的南部天气均不稳定。
Therefugeecampsstretchasfaras theeyecansee.难民营绵延不绝,一眼望不到头。
More examples
  • Theroadstretched into thedistanceasfaras theeyecouldsee.
  • Themountainrangestretched away intoinfinity.
  • Abroadsweepofflatcountrysidestretched to thehorizonin alldirections.
  • On theeasternhorizon, ahugecloudofsmokefromburningoiltanksstretchedacrossthesky.
  • Aribbonofroadstretchedaheadof usacrossthedesert.

stretchverb(GO PAST)

to go asfaras or past theusuallimitof something
Manyfamilies'budgetsare already stretchedtobreakingpoint.许多家庭的预算已经撑到了极限。
We can'tworkanyharder, Paul. We're alreadyfullystretched.我们无法再更卖力了,保罗。我们已经竭尽全力了。
Thismoviereally stretches thepatienceof theaudienceto thelimit.这部电影简直就是在考验观众的耐性。
Normally,peopleunder 18 aren'tallowed, but Iguesswe can stretch therulesfor you as it'syourbirthdaytomorrow.我们通常不接纳未满18岁的人,但考虑到明天是你的生日,我想我们可以稍稍变通一下。

stretchverb(MAKE LONGER)

to (causeamaterialto)becomelongerorwiderthanusualas aresultofpullingat theedges
anexerciseto stretch thelegmuscles拉伸腿部肌肉的锻炼
Thatelasticbandwillsnapif you stretch it toofar.那根橡皮筋拉得太长会断的。
If amaterialstretches, it canbecomelongerorwiderwhenpulledand thenreturntoitsoriginalsize.
to stretchfabrics弹力织物

stretchverb(LONG TIME)

[Iusually+ adv/prep]
tospreadover alongperiodoftime
Thedisputestretchesbackover manyyears.这场争论可追溯到许多年以前。
Although we weresupposedtofinishthismonth, itlookslike theworkwill stretch wellintonextyear.虽然我们应该在本月完工,但看来工作要拖到明年了。
(alsostretch out)
to make aprocessortaskcontinuefor alongerperiodoftimethan wasoriginallyplanned
I'd like to stretch mymortgagepaymentsoutover alongerperiodifpossible.如果可能的话,我想把按揭贷款的期限延长一些。

stretchverb(DO MORE)

Ifjobsortasksstretch you, they make youlearnnew things that useyourskillandexperiencemore than before.
Mypresentjobdoesn't stretch me, so I'mlookingfor something moredemanding.我目前的工作不能让我尽展所长,所以我在寻找更有挑战性的工作。


be stretching it
stretch a/the point
stretch the length ofsth
stretch the truth

Phrasal verbs

stretch tosth


C1[Cusually singular]
Traffic is at astandstillalonga five-milestretch of the ring-road.环城公路有5英里的路段交通陷入瘫痪。
Some veryrarebirdsinhabitourstretchoftheriver.一些非常珍稀的鸟类栖息在我们这个河段。
[Cusually singular]
astagein arace, or apartof aracetrack
Shelookedcertaintowinas sheenteredthefinalstretch.她进入最后一段跑道时似乎已经赢定了。
Hefellas hegallopeddown thehomestretch(= towards thefinish).他在冲向终点时跌倒了。
More examples
  • There has been acollisionon thesouthboundstretch of themotorway.
  • This stretch oflandwasoncecoveredwithluxuriantforest, but is nowbare.
  • This stretch ofwaterisheavilyused byshipping.
  • There have been manyshipwrecksalong thisdangerousstretch ofcoastline.
  • Thecarwasdumpedin a stretch ofwastelandin thesouthof thecity.


anactof stretching
I alwayshavea good stretch when I get up in themorning.我早上起床总会好好地伸展一下筋骨。
This is a really good stretch foryourhipflexors.这对你的髋部屈肌是很好的舒展活动。

stretchnoun(GO PAST)

[Cusually singular]
thefactthat something has gone pastitsusuallimits
Hisideamay be a stretch, but it's notoutsidetherealmofpossibility.他的主意可能有点儿夸大其词,但并不是完全没有可能。

stretchnoun(MAKE LONGER)

thedegreeto which amaterialcan be madelongerorwiderbypulling
Thisfabricdoesn't have much stretch in it, does it?这种织物没什么弹性,是吗?


[Cusually singular]
Theelderlygenerallyneedfarlessrestthan theyoung, andtendtosleepin severalshortstretches.年长者一般需要的休息时间比年轻人要少得多,而且往往会分成几个小段时间睡觉。
[Cusually singular]informal
aperiodoftimethat acriminalspendsinprison
Her brother's doing a ten-year stretch forarmedrobbery.她弟弟因持械抢劫正在服刑,刑期10年。
at a stretch
continuouslyor without anyinterruptions
There's no way I couldworkfortenhoursat a stretch.要我连续工作10个小时是不可能的。

stretchnoun(DIFFICULT JOB)

[Cusually singular]
ajob,task, orrolethat isdifficultfor someone because it is very different from what they usually do
Playing abuddingoperastarwas not much of a stretch for thisclassicallytrainedsinger.饰演一位崭露头角的歌剧明星对这个受过古典音乐训练的歌手而言不是什么难事。


by no stretch (of the imagination)


In a sense, our relationships with places are similar to those which we have with other people: dialogical, stretched across time, and constantly in motion.
From theCambridge English Corpus
An escalating brutality demonstrated by the 221st against local civilians derived from its increasingly stretched circumstances and the growing threat of the enemy.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The same perception differences apply with commonly used procedures in composition such as transposition, stretching or superposition of sounds.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The subtleties of balancing stretches of time in the alap further extend to the internal structuring of phrases.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The second is that the development of most systems of service provision entails the creation of platforms of activities stretching across sectors and industries.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Quartz-feldspar ribbons and aggregates define a mineral stretching lineation.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The stretching lineation is associated with the formation of early ductile, high-temperature-type folds.
From theCambridge English Corpus
On the other hand, the stretching process does not multiply all frequencies by the same value: the factor is an exponential function of frequency.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Like an aggressive carcinoma, realizability stretches out its tentacles to ever more remote fields: linear logic, complexity theory and rewrite theory have already been infected.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Modern society has witnessed increased longevity and this has raised expectations that the life-span will continue to be stretched.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In this she neither stretches too far in matching fundamentalism for fundamentalism, nor strains to import one location's mores into another's.
From theCambridge English Corpus
One refers to movement and social relations stretched across multiple borders, and the other to a sense of self and group identity that differentiates communities.
From theCambridge English Corpus
There is nothing gradual about a deep-sea migration, and boundaries are intrinsically sharp when speech communities are separated by large stretches of ocean.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Currently, the formation of non-enzymic intermolecular triplexes is limited to purine-rich stretches in the targeted duplex.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The stiff string no longer has a strictly harmonic overtone recipe, with intervals becoming increasingly stretched between higher modes.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.



These are words often used in combination withstretch.

Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

final stretch
Both the availability of information and voter attentiveness is likely to increase during thefinalstretch of the election, until it reaches its height on election day.
From theCambridge English Corpus
flat stretch
The end of theflatstretchwas of course the end of the utterance.
From theCambridge English Corpus
long stretch
Archaeologists, in fact, are unusually well positioned to see this dimension - patterns repeated over alongstretchof time.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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