stronglylimitingsomeone'sfreedomtobehaveas theywish, orlikelytoseverelypunishsomeone if they do notobey:
要求严格的,严厉的Myparentswere very strictwithme when I wasyoung.我小的时候父母对我要求非常严格。
A strictcurfewhas beenimposedfromdusktilldawn.从黄昏到黎明实行了严格的宵禁。
Wefollowvery strictguidelineson the use andstorageofpersonaldetailsoncomputers.对电脑上个人资料的使用和存储,我们遵循极为严格的规定。
Do youthinkstrictergunlawswouldreducethemurderratein theUnitedStates?你认为制定更为严格的枪械法律会降低美国谋杀案的发生率吗?
Thedrugshould only beadministeredunder strictmedicalsupervision.这种药只有在医生严格的指导下才能使用。
Thenegotiationstookplacein strict(=total)secrecy.谈判在高度保密的情况下进行。
- strictHer parents were very strict.
- firmI was always very firm with my children.
- take a hard line onThe school takes a hard line on bullying.
- authoritarianThe country was under the rule of an authoritarian leader.
- stringentStringent safety regulations were introduced after the accident.
精确的,完全正确的;严谨的a stricttranslationof thetext紧扣原文的翻译
He would befoundguiltyunder a strictinterpretationof thelaw.按照对法律的严谨阐释,他会被判有罪。
used to refer to someone whofollowstherulesandprinciplesof abeliefor way oflivingverycarefullyandexactly, or abelieforprinciplethat isfollowedverycarefullyandexactly:
恪守信条的,严格遵循(某种生活方式)的;不折不扣的;(信条或原则)必须恪守的Hisparentswere strictCatholics.他的父母是恪守教规的天主教徒。
She's a strictvegetarianandrefusestoeatanypoultryorfish.她是个不折不扣的素食主义者,任何禽类和鱼类都不吃。
in the/a strict sense
in the mostlimitedmeaningof a word, phrase, etc.:
从严格意义上来说These were notfuneralsin the strictsenseof the word; there were nocasketsorphysicalremains.严格意义上说这些不是葬礼,看不到棺材也没有遗体。
Thispeasanteconomyshould not beconsidered"subsistence" in a strictsense.小农经济严格来说算不上“自给自足”。
- Securitycheckshavebecomereally strict at theairport.
- Theclubhas a strictcodeofconduct.
- Thelawscontrollingdrugsare very strict in thiscountry.
- Hegrewup in a strict church-goingfamily.
- He had been a strictfatherbut wasindulgenttowards hisgrandchildren.
- an iron hand/fist in a velvet gloveidiom
- austere
- austerely
- authoritarian
- be heavy onsomeoneidiom
- brutally
- flaming
- harsh
- iron
- nonsense
- not stand any nonsenseidiom
- pitiless
- rigorously
- severity
- sharp
- sharpness
- stern
- sternly
- sternness
- stiffly
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Accurate and exact
in the strictest confidence