uk/ˈstjuː.əd/us/ˈstuː.ɚd/apersonwhosejobit is toorganizeaparticularevent, or toprovideservicestoparticularpeople, or to takecareof aparticularplace:
(特定活动的)组织者,操办者;服务员;管家;管理员Stewards will beinspectingtheracetrackat 9.00.组织者将在9点钟检查跑道。
If you needhelpat anytimeduring theconference, one of the stewards will bepleasedtohelpyou.会议期间您任何时候需要帮助,服务人员都会很乐意为您效劳。
apersonwhoservespassengerson ashiporaircraft
Barry Winiker/Photolibrary/GettyImages
apersonwhoorganizesthesupplyandservingoffoodat aclub:
(俱乐部的)餐饮经理,餐饮主管He's the stewardofthe City of Wakefield's Working Men's Club.他是韦克菲尔德市工人俱乐部的餐饮主管。
People who help or serve people professionally
- aid worker
- attendant
- au pair
- bagger
- buddy
- busboy
- caregiver
- concierge
- customer service
- demonstrator
- equerry
- family liaison officer
- non-librarian
- odd-job man
- right-hand man
- roadie
- social worker
- stylist
- valet
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Air travel: workers on/with aircraft & spacecraft
People who work on boats & ships
People who make & serve food