straw man
UKuk/ˌstrɔː ˈmæn/us/ˌstrɑː ˈmæn/(alsoman of straw)straw mannoun[C](ARGUMENT)
anargument,claim, oropponentthat isinventedinordertowinorcreateanargument:
(用以驳倒或引起争论的)假想论点,假想主张,假想敌Theideathatnationalidentitywill belostas aresultofEuropeanintegrationis just astrawman which he iswastinghistimefighting.欧洲一体化会导致民族身份的丧失,这只是他浪费时间进行驳斥的一个假想论点。
Ideas, concepts and theories
- abstract
- afterthought
- anthropocentrism
- anti-Darwinian
- anti-Darwinism
- brainwave
- foundation stone
- great minds think alikeidiom
- hunch
- hypothesis
- idea
- ideologue
- non-practical
- nonconceptual
- nostrum
- opinion
- panspermia
- theory
- thinking
- trope
straw mannoun[C](CRIME)
someone, often animaginaryperson, who is used tohideanillegalorsecretactivity:
(在非法交易等中)用以作掩护的(虚构)人物,被用作挡箭牌的人Thefrauddependedon hundreds ofbankaccountsbeingopenedonbehalfofstrawmen.这个骗子赖以活动的数百张银行帐户都是开在一个虚构的人的名下。
Miscellaneous criminals
- arsonist
- artifice burglar
- bigamist
- bioterrorist
- black hat
- distraction burglar
- distraction thief
- drug dealer
- embezzler
- expropriator
- launderer
- looter
- lowlife
- lynch mob
- man of straw
- scofflaw
- shicer
- shoplifter
- small-timer
- smuggler