thefactof beingexpressed, or ofexpressingthings, inforcefullanguagethat does nottrytoavoidupsettingotherpeople:
尖着嗓子说话的方式,刺耳的说话方式;令人不快的说法方式The stridency of hisremarksshow howrattledhe is.他尖锐的语气表明他是多么地焦躁不安。
As thesituationbecomesmoredesperate, there is agrowingstridency in theappealsforaid.随着局势变得更加危急,呼吁援助的声音也越来越尖锐。
- Shearguesforeditingthe stridency out offeminism.
- There was no stridency in hismake-up.
- After the stridency andaggressionof theschool, she washappytofindherself in agentlehouseholdwherevoiceswere neverraised.
Power and intensity
- ascendant
- be (as) solid as a rockidiom
- beef
- brunt
- cast iron
- clout
- depth
- grunt
- high-impact
- intensity
- invincibility
- invulnerability
- juggernaut
- keenness
- richness
- robustness
- sturdiness
- superintensity
- superstrength
- virulence
thequalityof beingloud,unpleasant, androughinsound:
刺耳,尖厉Hesingswith a stridency which makes youwonderwhy heeverfeltheneededabackingband.他的歌声刺耳,这让你纳闷为什么他会觉得自己需要一个乐队伴奏。
Hisstudentsrespondto theshouting,yelling, and stridency of hisvoicewithcomplianceandcooperation.他的学生以顺从和合作的态度回应他刺耳的大喊大叫。
- Stridency and shard-likesoundsarecastasideinfavorof a morebenevolenttone.
- Despite the stridency of thesound, noindividualcould beidentifiedasitssource.
Noise & noisy
- bash
- bashsomethingout
- blast
- boisterous
- boisterously
- booming
- cacophonous
- clash
- deafening
- explosive
- hullabaloo
- resonant
- rumbustious
- rumbustiously
- rumbustiousness
- salvo
- stridently
- thundering
- thunderous
- tumult