anorganin thebodywherefoodisdigested, or thesoftfrontpartofyourbodyjust below thechest:
胃;肚子,腹部He waspunchedin the stomach.他肚子上挨了一拳。
Thedoctoraskedhim toliedownonhis stomach.医生让他俯卧。
Thesightofbloodalwayschurns/turnsmy stomach(= makes mefeelas if I am going tovomit).看见血总会让我反胃。
She has a verydelicatestomach and doesn'teatspicyfood.她肠胃不好,不能吃辛辣食物。
I washungryand my stomach hadstartedgrowling/rumbling(= makingnoises).我饿了,肚子开始咕咕叫了。
Hefeltaknotofnervousnessin thepit(=bottom)of his stomach.他感到心里一阵紧张。
Isuggestedthat someweakteamightsettle(=calm)her stomach.我建议她喝杯茶,也许可以缓解她胃部的不适。

- You shouldn't go toworkon anemptystomach.
- I do stomachexercisesmostdays.
- I've got thisstrangefeelingin my stomach.
- Theillnessfirstmanifesteditself asseverestomachpains.
- I had mydrivingtestthatmorningand my stomach waschurning.
Digestive disorders
- achalasia
- acid reflux
- anti-diarrhoea
- anti-diarrhoeal
- appendicitis
- Aztec two-step
- diarrhoea
- flatulence
- flatus
- gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
- gastroenteritis
- gastroparesis
- indigestion
- regurgitation
- sprue
- stomach flu
- ulcerative colitis
- unexplained gastrointestinal bleeding
have a strong stomach
have a weak stomach
not have the stomach forsomething
verb[Tusually in negatives]
uk/ˈstʌm.ək/us/ˈstʌm.ək/to beabletoacceptanunpleasantideaorwatchsomethingunpleasant:
能够容忍,承受得住(令人不快的想法或景象)He can't stomach theideathat Peter might be the nextchairman.他一想到彼得可能会出任下届主席就很不舒服。
Shefoundtheviolencein thefilmhard tostomach.她觉得这部电影中的暴力场面令人难以忍受。
Tolerating and enduring
- bear
- bear withsomeone
- bearable
- bide
- come to terms withsomethingidiom
- endurable
- philosophically
- resignyourselftosomething
- resignedly
- ridesomethingout
- rough
- sit
- sitsomethingout
- stand forsomething
- stick
- sweat it outidiom
- wait
- waitsomethingout
- weather the stormidiom
- withstand