toagreeto take something:
接受;收受;领受Do you acceptcreditcards?你们接受信用卡支付吗?
She was in Mumbai to accept anawardfor herlatestnovel.她赴孟买领取最新一部小说所获奖项。
Iofferedher anapology, but she wouldn't accept it.我向她道歉,但是她不接受。
I acceptfullresponsibilityfor thefailureof theplan.我承担这项计划失败的全部责任。
The newcoffeemachineswill acceptcoinsof anydenomination.新型咖啡机接受任何面值的硬币。
to accept something that is offered
- acceptThey were charged with accepting illegal contributions.
- takeShe offered him the job and he took it.
- say yes (to)I asked him to marry me and he said yes.
- take someone up onThank you – I’d like to take you up on your offer.
to say yes to anofferorinvitation:
接受(提议或邀请);同意We'veofferedher thejob, but I don'tknowwhether she'll accept it.我们把这份工作给了她,但是我不知道她会不会接受。
I've just accepted aninvitationto the opening-nightparty.我刚刚接受了参加首映晚会的邀请。
I've beeninvitedtotheirweddingbut I haven'tdecidedwhether to accept.他们邀请我参加婚礼,但是我还没有决定去不去。
to say yes to a suggestion or idea
- agreeI suggested they seek legal counsel and they agreed.
- acceptI have no choice but to accept the ruling of the court.
- acquiesceThe police acquiesced to the rebels' demands.
- assentBy signing, you assent to the terms of the contract.
- consentI consent to a search of my vehicle.
- After a lot ofcarefulthought, shedecidedto accepttheiroffer.
- She is tooproudto accept anyhelp.
- Do youthinkthesellerwill accept £196,000 for thehouse?
- I don't usually acceptliftsfromstrangemen.
- UK A lot ofshopswon't acceptchequesunlessyou have achequecardwith you.
Accepting & agreeing
- acceptance
- accepting
- accommodation
- accreditation
- agree tosomething
- agree withsomething
- approved
- concur
- currency
- murmur
- reconcile
- root
- rule
- seeyourway (clear) todoing somethingidiom
- self-acceptance
- self-acknowledged
- self-admitted
- settle onsomething
- sign on the dotted lineidiom
- unanimous
toconsidersomething or someone assatisfactory:
(对…满意而)接受,接纳;欢迎Themanuscriptwas acceptedforpublicationlastweek.手稿于上周获得认可,准备出版。
She was acceptedasafullmemberof thesociety.她被接纳为该协会的正式成员。
Hisfellowworkersrefusedto accept him(= toincludehim as one oftheirgroup).他的同事不把他当作自己人。
- It isdifficultfor manypeopleto accept aliteralinterpretationof theBible.
- Thecommitteedecidedwith onevoiceto accept theproposal.
- While I accept that he's notperfectin manyways, I doactuallyquitelike the man.
- He was a verystubbornman whorefusedto acceptdefeat.
- We must accept theresultsof ademocraticelection.
Accepting & agreeing
- acceptance
- accepting
- accommodation
- accreditation
- agree tosomething
- agree withsomething
- approved
- concur
- currency
- murmur
- reconcile
- root
- rule
- seeyourway (clear) todoing somethingidiom
- self-acceptance
- self-acknowledged
- self-admitted
- settle onsomething
- sign on the dotted lineidiom
- unanimous
tobelievethat something istrue:
相信;(认为真实而)接受Thepolicerefusedto accept herversionof thestory.警方不相信她的说法。
He still hasn't accepted thesituation(=realizedthat he cannotchangeit).他仍无法接受现实。
[+ that]I can't acceptthatthere's nothing we can do.我不相信我们无能为力了。
to say that you are wrong
- confessRawlinson finally confessed to the robbery.
- own upCome on, own up - who's eaten the last sandwich?
- fess upFess up - you wanted to go to the cinema instead, didn't you?
- come cleanI decided to come clean about the broken vase.
- concedeShe did eventually concede that the instructions were not very clear.
- admitHe admitted that he had been wrong.
to accept that something is true
- acceptI fully accept that I was wrong.
- acknowledgeI acknowledge that the project has faced delays, but we will do all we can to make up time.
- recognizeI do recognize that mistakes were made.
- admitWhy don't you just admit you got it wrong?
to believe someone or something
- believeCan we believe a word of what this man says?
- acceptMost people accept what the newspapers say as being correct.
- creditUKIt’s hard to credit that she’s 87.
- swallowI personally find it hard to swallow the official narrative.
- buyWhen it comes to global warming, he doesn't buy it, and is out to discredit the whole theory.
to accept or continue in a situation that is difficult or unpleasant
- bearI will bear the responsibility for whatever happens.
- endureShe endured years of hip pain before seeing a surgeon.
- sufferShe suffers from severe asthma.
- acceptI have finally accepted that I can't change who he is.
- resign yourself toI have resigned myself to the fact that I'll never work again.
- become resigned toPeople have become resigned to the fact that increased security means much longer wait times at airports.
- She can't accept she made amistakeand now she'stryingtolaytheblameon herassistant.
- Rationally, heknowsthat she won'tevergo back to him, butemotionallyhe can't accept it.
- Sherefusedto accept that she waswrongandstalkedfuriouslyout of theroom.
- I had to accept that therelationshiphadrunitscourse.
- It was aterriblestrugglefor him to accept herdeath.
- allegedly
- article of faith
- ascribesomethingtosomething
- ascription
- belief
- credit
- deluded
- evidently
- feel it inyourbonesidiom
- givesomeonethe benefit of the doubtidiom
- gospel
- hold
- recognize
- room for doubtidiom
- seesomethinginsomeone/something
- seeing is believingidiom
- self-deceit
- self-deceiving
- stock
- word