aroadin acityortownthat hasbuildingsthat are usuallyclosetogether along one or bothsides:
街,街道,大街The streets werestrewnwithrubbishafter theparade.狂欢节过后,街上到处是垃圾。
a streetmap街道图
Ourdaughterlivesjustacrossthe street from us.我们的女儿就住在我们家街对面。
Diane'shouseisin/onCherry Street.黛安的房子在切里街上。
Menwhistleat us when we're justwalkingdown thestreet.即便我们只是从街上走过,男人们也会向我们吹口哨。
Makesureyoulookbothwayswhen youcrossthe street.过马路时一定要看两边。
The town's streets weredesertedbydusk.夜幕降临时,镇子的街上便空无一人了。
At five in themorning, there were stillcrowdsofpeopleroamingthe streets.清晨5点,仍有人群在街头游荡。
Iboughtthesesunglassesfrom a streetvendorin Florence.我在佛罗伦萨从一个街头小贩那儿买了这副太阳镜。

take to the streets
Whenpeopletake to the streets, theyexpresstheiroppositionto something inpublicand oftenviolently:
上街游行示威,走上街头Thousands ofpeoplehave taken to the streets toprotestagainst themilitarycoup.数千人走上街头抗议军事政变。
- The street wasfamiliarto me.
- Theyliveat thebottomofourstreet .
- Iliveindreadofbumpinginto her in the street.
- I can't go down that street - there's a 'Noentry'sign.
- Herhandbagwassnatchedfrom her in the street.
Roads: urban & residential streets
- access road
- adopt
- adopted
- alley
- arterial
- boulevard
- crossing guard
- cul-de-sac
- high street
- lane
- lollipop lady
- parade
- plaza
- Rd
- row
- runnel
- square
- st
- the whole streetidiom
- unadopted
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Taking action against people in power
be streets ahead
be upyourstreet
the man/woman in the street
on the streets
the streets are paved with gold
the whole street