theactofremovingsomething fromsomewhere:
Loggingcompanieswereguiltyof the strippingofjunglemountainsandplainsoftheirnaturalcover.
the stripping of thebarkfromcorkoaktrees
Aheatgunisusefulif you do a lot ofpaintstripping.
See also
theactofremovingeverything that is notpartof thestructureof aroomorbuilding:
The stripping of thekitchen, anddisposalof allunitsandappliances, wasincludedin thequotedprice.
theactof taking something away from someone, usually as aformofpunishment:
The newActproposedvarioussanctions,includingthe strippingofcitizenshipfromAmericans.
Positivedrugtestswouldleadtoretroactivedisqualifications,includingstripping of anymedals, and two-yearbans.
- There wereprotestsabout the stripping ofvegetationat theconstructionsite.
- Thearrivalof newinvestorsislikelytomeanthe stripping ofassets.
- Theconstructioncompanysaid thatairsamplesshowedthat noasbestosfibresbecameairborneduring the strippingoperation.
- Hecomplainedthat secularists wereaskingfor the stripping of allconceivableauthorityfromchurchinstitutions.
Removing and getting rid of things
- abandonment
- banish
- be scattered to the four windsidiom
- bin
- castsomeone/somethingaside/away/off
- dumping
- eradication
- erase
- erasure
- evacuate
- evacuation
- exorcism
- fling
- scrape
- shedding
- shoo
- shrug
- shrugsomethingoff
- shuck
- sling
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Taking things away from someone or somewhere
strippingnoun[U](REMOVING CLOTHES)
theactof taking off all ofyourclothes, or of taking off all of another person'sclothes:
Everyone has to go through theprocessof stripping andshoweringbefore they can have anycontactwith thetestanimals.
No strippingoffwasinvolved— everyoneremainedfullyclothedat alltimes.
Thereportlistedanumberofabusesincludingtherepeatedstrippingofprisonersas apunishment.
theactivityorjobof taking offyourclothesinpublicin asexuallyexcitingway, as aformofentertainment:
Shewroteanarticleabout heryearas astripper, anddescribedstripping as abranchof showbusiness.
Not everyone issuitedto acareerin stripping.
Not wearing or removing clothes
- altogether
- au naturel
- bare
- bare nakedidiom
- barefoot
- commando
- fling
- immodest
- immodesty
- in shirtsleevesidiom
- inyourbirthday suitidiom
- inyourstocking(ed) feetidiom
- revealing
- shirtsleeve
- shuck
- shucksomethingoff
- slip
- streaker
- undress
- undressed
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Spectacles & performances
materialin theformof astripthat isplacedaround something inordertoprotectit:
Ways todeterslugsincludecopperstripping aroundyoungshootsorcrushedeggshellson thenearbyground.
See also
Protection and protectors
- adopt
- adoptable
- aegis
- anti-shark
- anti-skid
- chaperone
- custodian
- cybersecurity
- defence mechanism
- den mother
- doorkeeper
- muzzle
- precaution
- preservationist
- rewilding
- ring-fence
- safe space
- safeguarding
- safekeeping
present participle ofstrip