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单词 suit

suitnoun(SET OF CLOTHES)

ajacketandtrousersor ajacketandskirtthat are made from the samematerial
All thebusinessmenwerewearingpinstripesuits.所有的商人都穿着细条纹的套装。
a set ofclothesor apieceofclothingto bewornin aparticularsituationor while doing aparticularactivity
adiving/protective/ski, etc. suit潜水衣/防护服/滑雪服(等等)
a suitofarmour甲胄,盔甲
More examples
  • Sheworeaclassicnavysuit.
  • Could youpickup my suit from the cleaner's for me,please?
  • He wasdressedin adarkgreysuit.
  • She alwayslooksveryprofessionalin hersmartsuits.
  • It'sregulationtowearsuits at theoffice.


aproblemtaken to alawcourtby anordinarypersonor anorganizationratherthan thepoliceinordertoobtainalegaldecision
Hebrought(USalsofiled) a $12 millionlibelsuit against thenewspaper,claiminghisreputationhad beendamaged.他对这家报纸提起了名誉侵权诉讼,称其报道损害了自己的声誉,要求索赔1200万美元。


any of the fourtypesofcardin a set ofplayingcards, each having a differentshapeprintedon it
The four suits in apackofcardsarehearts,spades,clubs, anddiamonds.一副纸牌中的4种花色为红桃、黑桃、梅花和方块。


[Coften plural]informaldisapproving
a man whoworksin anofficeandwearsa suit,especiallya man with a highpositionin acompanywho isconsiderednot to havehumanfeelingsand goodideas

suitverb[T](BE RIGHT)

to berightfor aparticularperson,situation, oroccasion
A lot ofcornisgrownin thisarea- thesoilseemsto suit it very well.这个地方种的玉米很多——看来这里的土壤非常适合玉米生长。
Thecitylifestyleseemsto suit her - shelooksgreat.城市的生活方式似乎很适合她——她看起来气色非常好。
(usually of acolourorstyleofclothes) to make someonelookmoreattractive
You shouldwearmorered- it suits you.你应该多穿红色的衣服——这个颜色很适合你。
Shortskirtsdon't really suit me - I don't have thelegsfor them.我不太适合穿短裙——我的腿不好看。
More examples
  • Thesoftwarecan bemodifiedto suit theparticularneedsof the enduser.
  • How doesfamilylifesuit you?
  • "Will aloanof $500 besufficient?" "That will suit mefine."
  • I don'tsupposeI have anybooksthat would suityoursophisticatedtastes.
  • Couldn't youcontriveameetingbetween them? Ithinkthey'd beideallysuited.

suitverb[T](BE CONVENIENT)

to beconvenientandcausethe leastdifficultyfor someone
We could go now or thisafternoon- whatevertimesuits youbest.我们可以现在去或者下午去——看你什么时候最方便。
"How about eight o'clock at thecinema?" "That suits mefine."“8点钟在电影院外面见怎么样?”“我没问题。”
More examples
  • Theoppositionleaderaccusedgovernmentministersofmanipulatingthestatisticsto suit themselves.
  • Whicheveningwould suit youbestfor theparty?
  • Part-timeworkwould suit merightdown to theground.
  • Whichtimesuits youbetter- 12.30 or one o'clock?
  • We can go to the seven o'clockperformanceor the eight - whichever suits youbest.


If something fits you or fits into a place, it is the right size or shape for you or for that place:


suitsb(right) down to the ground

Phrasal verb

suit up


With programmable control, the prosthetic team can create virtually any control scheme that suits a person's unique abilities.
From theCambridge English Corpus
A theoretical perspective that is well suited to guiding the empirical investigation of such pathways may be found in the field of developmental psychopathology.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Photonics forces, but they are low degree of freedom and not well suited to this scale of precision.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Second, the 1-ha method clearly suits many purposes reasonably well - as we discuss further below it is an important multi-purpose protocol.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The five codes discussed show large differences in the physics included and the mesh handling, which makes them suited to different problems.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Policy makers should neither ask for firm conclusions when they do not exist, nor interpret scientific results tosuitpreferred policy outcomes.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Such singing activities would be specifically designed tosuitpre-pubertal children.
From theCambridge English Corpus
A man dressed in a secondhand overcoat, in a used and worn outsuit, a man whose face no longer had any human characteristics.
From theCambridge English Corpus
As it would appear, nothing is better suited to prevent a revolutionary upheaval than the licensed revolt enacted in carnival.
From theCambridge English Corpus
This tailoring of approaches tosuithis intended audience depended upon a careful appreciation of the desires of each party and strict secrecy.
From theCambridge English Corpus
They completely lack any apparatus suited to confronting phenomena of this order.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The policeman arrested the supervisor of the bodyguards who was wearing a blacksuit.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Forms of human intervention include supplying information and energy, physically assisting the robot and modifying the environment tosuitthe robot.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Some research has begun to examine family experiences in dynamic ways which may be suited to future evaluations of welfare reform policy.
From theCambridge English Corpus
However, four mitigating factors make an explosion of suits unlikely, even were this more expansive form of liability officially recognized.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.



These are words often used in combination withsuit.

Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

black suit
A reporter interviewed the bodyguard with the prince who was wearing a smart black suit.
From theCambridge English Corpus
blue suit
He wanted not to get rid of the gentleman in the blue suit and white shirt but to put him on the jury.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
civil suit
If, however, the testimony was such that it would subject the witness to a debt action or a civil suit, the privilege was not available.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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