uk/ˈstʌt.ər.ɪŋ/us/ˈstʌt̬.ɚ.ɪŋ/stutteringadjective(NOT REGULAR)
happeningin a way that is notregular, forexampleby being sometimes good and sometimesbad, or sometimesmovingorchangingand sometimes not :
Stuttering(= sometimes good and sometimesbad)productivityfiguresover the last twoyearshave made theindustryunattractivetoinvestors.
- The stutteringstartunderscoredtheshambolicstateofhockeyas thelockouttookeffect.
- Thebeatsare stuttering andrecalcitrantinsteadof hard andthrobbing.
- Theunidentifiedofficialwholeakedthepapersreportedlydecidedto gopublicwith theinformationout ofimpatiencewith the stutteringpaceofpoliticalreformhere.
- Hewalkedwith a stutteringlurch.
- It is aconfident, ifslightlystutteringstart.
Changing frequently
- capricious
- capriciously
- capriciousness
- changeable
- dipsy-doodle
- fickle
- fluidity
- inconsistently
- inconstant
- inflammable
- kaleidoscopic
- kaleidoscopically
- mercurial
- protean
- raggedly
- raggedness
- schizophrenically
- shifting
- yo-yoing
- zigzag
saying something,especiallythe firstpartof a word, withdifficulty, forexamplepausingbefore it orrepeatingit severaltimes:
杰森觉得自己说话结巴的声音太大,他通常忍着不在课堂上发言。Jason's stutteringvoicesoundedlouderthan heliked, and hegenerallyrefrainedfromspeakinginclass.口吃,结巴
- akindofslightlystuttering man, usually morereadytolistenthanspeak
- "S…sorry…sorrypet.” The stutteringvoiceandgentlenessof thehandsmade himrelax.
Speech impediments
- disfluency
- disfluent
- lisp
- non-verbal
- speech and language therapist
- speech and language therapy
- speech impediment
- stammer
- stammerer
- stammeringly
- stutter
- stutterer
- stutteringly
uk/ˈstʌt.ər.ɪŋ/us/ˈstʌt̬.ɚ.ɪŋ/theactof saying something,especiallythe firstpartof a word, withdifficulty, forexamplepausingorrepeatingasoundseveraltimes:
20世纪70和80年代,关于口吃原因的各种对立的理论开始流行起来。During the 1970s and 1980s,rivaltheoriesabout whatcausesstuttering came intovogue.
- True stuttering will mostlikelybeaccompaniedbyfrustration,anxiousmannerisms, orembarrassment.
- Heeventuallyovercamehis stuttering andturnedup his voice'svolumeto alegendarylevel.
- Researchers haveembarkedon amissiontoidentifypossiblegeneticcausesof stuttering.
- How stuttering should betreatedis thepointat whichspeechexpertsstopagreeing.
- I getworriedabout with my stuttering.
Speech impediments
- disfluency
- disfluent
- lisp
- non-verbal
- speech and language therapist
- speech and language therapy
- speech impediment
- stammer
- stammerer
- stammeringly
- stutter
- stutterer
- stutteringly