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subnoun[C](REPLACEMENT)short forsubstitute: asportsplayerwho is used forpartof agameinsteadof anotherplayer: One of theplayerswasinjuredduring thematch, so a sub wasbroughton.比赛中一个队员受了伤,于是一个替补队员顶上了。 USshort forsubstituteteacher: ateacherwhoreplacesteacherswho areabsentfromwork: Atrainedteacher, hefoundworkas a sub, whichfittedaround his othercommitments. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesReplacing and exchanging - alternate
- alternatively
- bargainsomethingaway
- behalf
- change over
- instead
- instead of
- lieu
- make up forsomething
- name
- rep
- shoe
- sing
- someone'sanswer tosomeone/somethingidiom
- spare
- step
- step intosomeone'sshoesidiom
- step into the breachidiom
- sub outsomething
- substitution
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Competitors & participants in sports & games Teachers subnoun[C](EDITOR)UKshort forsub-editor: apersonwhochecksand makeschangestotexts,especiallyfor anewspaper, inordertopreparethem to bepublished: Among thefunctionsof anewspapersub is to makesurethat thepagelooksgood. Briefperiodson the subsdesksof the London Evening Standard and the DailyMailfollowed. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesEditing & compiling - abridged
- anthologist
- blue pencil
- bowdlerization
- bowdlerize
- bowdlerized
- co-edit
- compile
- dub
- excerpt
- fact-checking
- lexicographer
- non-editorial
- over-edit
- post-editing
- proofreading
- revise
- subedit
- undubbed
- unfiltered
See more results » subnoun[C](SHIP)short forsubmarine: ashipthat cantravelunderwater:  Stocktrek Images/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe Navy - admiralty
- aircraft carrier
- armada
- broadside
- cruiser
- destroyer
- fleet
- frigate
- gunboat
- minesweeper
- naval
- RN
- seaborne
- submarine
- supercarrier
- the Navy Seals
- the USN
- transport ship
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Passenger, cargo & military ships subnoun[C](MONEY)UKshort forsubscription: anamountofmoneythat youpayregularlyto be amemberof anorganizationorclub: Have youpaidyourtennisclubsubyet?你付过网球俱乐部的会费了吗? SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAmounts of money - balance
- bank
- bounty
- buck
- capital
- circumstance
- coin
- fisc
- float
- have/getyoursnout in the troughidiom
- holdback
- living wage
- means
- money supply
- payout
- pool
- slush fund
- sum
- surplus
- trough
See more results » subnoun[C](SANDWICH)USshort forsubmarinesandwich: along,thinloafofbreadfilledwithmeatorcheese, and oftenlettuce,tomatoes, etc.:  LauriPatterson/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSandwiches & snacks - avocado toast
- banh mi
- Bombay mix
- breakfast bar
- Cubano
- Denver sandwich
- devils on horseback
- double-decker
- elephant ear
- Italian sandwich
- jam sandwich
- kettle chip
- mezze
- muffuletta
- prawn cracker
- sandwich
- sarnie
- shrimp chip
- slider
See more results » subverb(SUBSTITUTE)[I]short forsubstitute: toplayin asportsmatchin someone'splace: Travis subbedfortheinjureddefender.特拉维斯替换受伤的后卫上场。 [I]USshort forsubstitute: to do ajobtemporarilywhen someoneelsecannot do it: As ayoungplayer, he subbedforDuke Ellington'sdrummer.年轻时,他曾做过艾灵顿公爵的替补鼓手。 I subbedasateacherfor asemester.我当过一个学期的代课老师。 [T]UKshort forsubstitute: toreplaceoneplayerwith another during agame: He was subbed in thematchagainst Newcastle.他在对纽卡斯联队的比赛中被替换下场了。 [T]mainlyUS(alsosub out)short forsubstitute: to use one thinginsteadof another: I didn't have anysouredcreamso I subbedGreekyoghurt. Heboughtamopedlastyear, subbing thetwo-wheelerforthepickupshe used todrivetowork. [T]mainlyUS(alsosub out)short forsubstitute: to not use something and use somethingelseinstead: Therecipecalled forvanillaessenceandwholeblanchedalmonds, which I didn’t have. I subbed themforavanillapodandalmondflakes. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesReplacing and exchanging - alternate
- alternatively
- bargainsomethingaway
- behalf
- change over
- instead
- instead of
- lieu
- make up forsomething
- name
- rep
- shoe
- sing
- someone'sanswer tosomeone/somethingidiom
- spare
- step
- step intosomeone'sshoesidiom
- step into the breachidiom
- sub outsomething
- substitution
See more results » subverb(IN PUBLISHING)[T]UKshort forsub-edit: tocheckand makechangesto atext, inordertoprepareit for beingprinted: You mightthinkthat those who sub themagazineknowtheirlordsfromtheirladies- it shouldreadLordOlivier or Laurence Olivier, but neverLordLaurence Olivier. [I]UKshort forsub-edit: toworkas asub-editor(= someone whochecksand makeschangestotexts, inordertopreparethem for beingprinted): Weworkedtogether on the Guardian, where she subbed on theforeigndesk. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesEditing & compiling - abridged
- anthologist
- blue pencil
- bowdlerization
- bowdlerize
- bowdlerized
- co-edit
- compile
- dub
- excerpt
- fact-checking
- lexicographer
- non-editorial
- over-edit
- post-editing
- proofreading
- revise
- subedit
- undubbed
- unfiltered
See more results » subverb(LEND MONEY)[T]UKinformaltolendsomeonemoneyuntil they canpayit back to you, forexamplewhen they getpaid: If you can sub me thetrainfare, I'm in. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBorrowing & lending - amortizable
- amortization
- arrears
- bad debt
- bonded
- borrow
- borrowing
- credit rating
- leveraged buyout
- on the slateidiom
- over-borrowed
- overdraft
- overpayment
- pay downsomething
- pay off
- paysomeone/somethingback
- reschedule
- secure
- straight
See more results » Phrasal verbssub outsomething subsomeoneout sub-prefix(LESS THAN)less than anumberorlevel: 少于;低于Winterweatherbroughtsub-zero(= less than 0degrees)temperaturesto much of thecountry.冬天国内许多地方的气温降到了零度以下。 smartTVsin the sub-$1000pricerange价位在1000美元以下的智能电视 the first man toruna sub-4minutemile第一个花了不到4分钟时间跑完1英里的人 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesUnder & below - below
- beneath
- low
- lower
- neath
- nether
- ultra-low
- under
- underfoot
- underlying
- underneath
sub-prefix(LOWER)below or in alowerposition: 在…位置之下;在…下方的位置thesubarctic亚北极的 a sub-layer亚层 sub-prefix(NOT QUITE)SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAlmost - a hop, skip, and a jumpidiom
- about
- almost
- as good asidiom
- as much asidiom
- be on the way tosomethingidiom
- going on
- intent
- more
- more or lessidiom
- much
- part
- scant
- strike
- that was close!idiom
- to/for all intents and purposesidiom
- up to(doing) somethingidiom
- verge
- virtual
- way
See more results » sub-prefix(SMALLER)being asmallerpartof alargerwhole: 次;分支asubcontinent次大陆 asubcommitteemeeting小组委员会会议 tosubdivide再分 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWords meaning parts of things - back end
- bifurcation
- biomarker
- cartridge
- cell
- chunk
- element
- modularity
- modularized
- moiety
- multi-branched
- multi-component
- panel
- piece
- sub-sector
- subscale
- subscience
- subsection
- subsegment
- unit
See more results » sub-prefix(LESS GOOD)subhuman低于人类的 a sub-standardeffort不及格的努力 Thefilmis asortof sub-Godfathermafiafamilytale.这部电影算是一部不够《教父》水平的黑帮家族故事影片。 sub-prefix(LESS IMPORTANT)lessimportantorlowerinrank: 次要的;下级的;从属的a sub-deacon副主祭 asubordinate部属 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOf little or less importance - be in/undersomeone'sshadowidiom
- be neither here nor thereidiom
- be no big dealidiom
- biggie
- derisory
- lowly
- meaningless
- meaninglessly
- meaninglessness
- mere
- merely
- petty
- piddling
- piffling
- play second fiddleidiom
- poxy
- rinky-dink
- subordinate
- trifling
- valueless
See more results » (Definition ofsubfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)subnoun[C](REPLACEMENT)insports, aplayerwho is used forpartof agameinsteadof another (体育比赛中的)替补队员One of theplayerswasinjuredduring thematch, so a sub wasbroughton.比赛中一个队员受了伤,于是一个替补队员顶上了。 USateacherwhoreplacesteacherswho areabsentfromwork 代课教师Atrainedteacher, hefoundworkas a sub whichfitaround his othercommitments.他是一名受过培训的教师,他觉得做代课老师这样的工作便于他做其他事情。 subnoun[C](SHIP)ashipthat cantravelunderwater subnoun[C](MONEY)UKanamountofmoneythat youpayregularlyto be amemberof anorganizationorclub 订阅费,订购款;服务费;(俱乐部的)会费Have youpaidyourtennisclubsubyet?你付过网球俱乐部的会费了吗? subnoun[C](SANDWICH)USalong,thinloafofbreadfilledwithmeatorcheese, and oftenlettuce,tomatoes, etc 潜艇三明治(内夹色拉、冷切肉或奶酪的长条形面包)ameatballsub肉丸潜艇三明治 [I]insports, toplayin amatchin someone'splace (体育比赛中)作为替换队员上场Travis subbedfortheinjureddefender.特拉维斯替换受伤的后卫上场。
[I]USto do ajobtemporarilywhen someoneelsecannot do it 临时代替他人做…As ayoungplayer, he subbedforDuke Ellington'sdrummer.年轻时,他曾做过艾灵顿公爵的替补鼓手。 I subbedasateacherfor asemester.我当过一个学期的代课老师。 [T]UKtoreplaceoneplayerwith another during agame (体育比赛中)替换…上场He was subbed in thematchagainst Newcastle.他在对纽卡斯联队的比赛中被替换下场了。 sub-prefix(LESS THAN)少于;低于Winterweatherbroughtsub-zero(= less than 0degrees)temperaturesto much of thecountry.冬天国内许多地方的气温降到了零度以下。 smartTVs in the sub-$1000pricerange价位在1000美元以下的智能电视 the first man toruna sub-4minutemile第一个花了不到4分钟时间跑完1英里的人 sub-prefix(LOWER)below or in alowerposition 在…位置之下;在…下方的位置thesubarctic亚北极的 a sub-layer亚层 sub-prefix(SMALLER)being asmallerpartof alargerwhole 次;分支asubcontinent次大陆 asubcommitteemeeting小组委员会会议 tosubdivide再分 sub-prefix(LESS GOOD)不如…那么好的subhuman低于人类的 a sub-standardeffort不及格的努力 Thefilmis asortof sub-Godfathermafiafamilytale.这部电影算是一部不够《教父》水平的黑帮家族故事影片。 sub-prefix(LESS IMPORTANT)lessimportantorlowerinrank 次要的;下级的;从属的a sub-deacon副主祭 asubordinate部属 subnoun[C](REPLACEMENT)short form ofsubstituteteacher subnoun[C](FOOD)short form ofsubmarine(sandwich) toworkas asubstituteteacher: She subs at threeschools. (Definition ofsubfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)You cansaveup to £20 if youpayyoursubs bydirectdebit. There is agreatneed both forpermanentteachersand subs. paymentthatyouremployergives youearlierthanusualbecause you needmoney: Iranout ofmoneyonThursdayand had toaskmybossfor a sub. topayanemployeeearlierthanusualbecause they needmoney: He subbed him hiswagesbecause he had tobuyaplaneticket. (Definition ofsubfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofsubsub These threesub-specialities are important for the theory, practice, and teaching in academic medicine.From theCambridge English Corpus Prevalent themes were identified and broad categories formed which were then subjected to more detailed data investigation ofsub-categories nested within the broad categories.From theCambridge English Corpus Optimal conditions were studied to select the dosage of each class orsub-class.From theCambridge English Corpus The placing of samplingsub-plots took into account the planting pattern of the trees and/or the spatial variation of the plot.From theCambridge English Corpus The basic idea is to implement the six different types of processes assub-classes of the process object.From theCambridge English Corpus Sub-analyses were also conducted on disyllabic utterances for comparisons with previous literature.From theCambridge English Corpus A significant impact of the factor ' month ' was only observed during control in the adultsub-population in the area of initially low endemic exposure.From theCambridge English Corpus Agreements or outcomes aresub-game perfect when no nation wants to take a different action at some later point in the game.From theCambridge English Corpus Immediately prior to harvest, a 3 m2 area was dug from eachsub-plot and the plants counted and topped by hand.From theCambridge English Corpus The fresh weight of crops in eachsub-plot was recorded.From theCambridge English Corpus Similarly, we did not performsub-analyses of the e2 allele due to its relatively small frequency across age groups in the population.From theCambridge English Corpus Most responses in thissub-category referred to beginnings and ends of the tunes.From theCambridge English Corpus In the transportsub-sector, tourism is responsible for 90 per cent of the spending.From theCambridge English Corpus It would simply provide easy solutions to simplesub-problems.From theCambridge English Corpus Furdiermore, although the eleven chapters are divided intosub-sections with topicheadings, none of the latter find mention on the contents page.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/sub## |