(UKalsosub-let)uk/ˌsʌbˈlet/us/ˌsʌbˈlet/present participlesubletting|past tense and past participlesublettoallowsomeone torentall orpartof ahouseor otherbuildingthat you arerentingfrom someoneelse:
分租,转租Ourrentalcontractstatesthat we are notallowedto sublet thehouse.我们的租房合同写明我们不得将房屋转租。
Thetenantcannot sublet without the owner'spermissionand cannotchargemore than theregulatedrent.
We have toinformthehousingassociationif we sub-let aroom.
- Families often sublet aroomtohelppaytherent.
- Thepartymaymovetocheaperofficesand subletitsspaciousheadquarters.
- If you can'taffordtherentonyourflat, why don't you sub-letpartof it?
Renting property
- absentee landlord
- co-tenant
- fiefdom
- flatshare
- freehold
- key money
- landlord
- lease
- leasehold
- leaseholder
- lessee
- letting
- rent
- rent strike
- rental
- renter
- subtenant
- tenancy
- tenanted
(UKalsosub-let)uk/ˈsʌb.let/us/ˈsʌb.let/aroomor otherpartof abuilding, or all of abuilding, that is beingrentedby someone and that they inturnrentto anotherperson:
It was aworking-classdistrictofimmigrants, many of themlivinginillegalsublets.
We have ahouse, a sub-let for thesummer, up in the Berkeleyhills.
- He used theinternettofinda sublet where hisdogwould bewelcome.
- Heoncelivedon the UpperWestSide in anillegalsublet beforemovingto Brooklyn.
- She isbasedin Los Angeles butlivesin sub-lets andcartsher possessions around inboxes.
Renting property
- absentee landlord
- co-tenant
- fiefdom
- flatshare
- freehold
- key money
- landlord
- lease
- leasehold
- leaseholder
- lessee
- letting
- rent
- rent strike
- rental
- renter
- subtenant
- tenancy
- tenanted