uk/ˈsʌk.ər/us/ˈsʌk.ɚ/suckernoun(STICKING DEVICE)
something thathelpsananimalorobjecttostickto asurface:
(动物或物体的)吸盘Theleechhas a sucker at each end ofitsbody.蚂蟥的头尾两端各有一个吸盘。

Henry Cook/Moment/GettyImages/GettyImages
informalforsuction cup
吸碗,吸盘(suction cup的非正式说法)
whitewish/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
The legs & feet of non-human animals
- bipedal
- claw
- clawed
- cloven
- foot
- forefoot
- foreleg
- hock
- hoof
- hooves
- leg
- limb
- member
- pad
- paw
- shank
- talon
- web
- web-footed
- zygodactyl
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
The head & neck of non-human animals
Tools in general
suckernoun(PLANT PART)
a newgrowthon anexistingplantthatdevelopsunder thegroundfrom therootor themainstem, or from thestembelow agraft(=partwhere a newplanthas beenjoinedon)
(从植物的根部、主茎等长出的)吸根,根出条New growth in plants
- bud
- coccygeus
- collateral
- colli
- colliculus
- collum
- commissure
- communis
- compartment
- complement system
- established
- eye
- nutrient cycling
- resprout
- shoot
- sprout
suckernoun(FOOLISH PERSON)
apersonwhobelieveseverything they are told and isthereforeeasytodeceive:
容易上当的人;轻信的人You didn'tactuallybelievehim when he said he had ayacht, did you? Oh, Annie, you sucker!他说他有个游艇时你不是真的相信了吧?噢,安妮,你这个傻瓜!
be a sucker forsomethinginformal
to like something so much that you cannotrefuseit orjudgeitsrealvalue:
对…无法抗拒;对…入迷I have toconfessI'm a suckerformusicals.我得承认我对音乐剧有点太入迷了。
Naive & trusting
- an easy touchidiom
- be easy game/meatidiom
- be easy preyidiom
- be wet behind the earsidiom
- butter
- butter wouldn't melt insomeone'smouthidiom
- gull
- idealistic
- impressionable
- ingenuous
- naively
- naivety
- prey
- pushover
- see things in black and whiteidiom
- trusting
- unsophisticated
- unsuspecting
- wet
- wide-eyed
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
used to refer to a thing orpersonthat isunpleasantordifficult:
(令人不快或困难的)东西,家伙I've beenworkingon thatpaperforweeksandalmosthave the suckerfinished.那篇讨厌的论文我已经写了几个星期了,就快写好了。
He's ameanlittle sucker, isn't he?他是个讨厌的小捣蛋鬼,不是吗?
Difficult things and people
- a (heavy) cross to bearidiom
- albatross
- bane
- be dead meatidiom
- be in the clearidiom
- be out of the woodsidiom
- bump
- equation
- hindrance
- hot potato
- impediment
- incubus
- marathon
- nut
- teaser
- teething troubles
- the tip of the icebergidiom
- thorn inyourflesh/sideidiom
- tiesomeoneup
- twist
Michael Burrell/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- almond paste
- baking chocolate
- barley sugar
- bitter chocolate
- bittersweet chocolate
- comfit
- confectioner
- confectionery
- cooking chocolate
- cotton candy
- jelly bean
- Jordan almond
- jujube
- Kendal mint cake
- licorice
- sea foam candy
- selection box
- semisweet chocolate
- sherbet
- spun sugar